futzu / SCTE-35_HLS_x9k3

HLS and SCTE-35 x9k3 is a HLS Segmenter with SCTE 35, and Live Streaming from Non-Live Soures and Looping.
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replay stops after last segment created #5

Closed josepowera closed 1 year ago

josepowera commented 1 year ago

When running x9k3 with "replay" x9k3 stops on last segment and does not anymore update index file, or write new segment .ts files.

If I fully understand --replay it should keep "faking" continous live stream with updated index.m3u8 and (?maybe) new created .ts files. Everything seems OK until last segment.

x9k3 started with: x9k3 -i longb.ts --replay No sidecar / scte35 injection or anything similar was used.

Used version:

x9k3 --version

After some time (approxy 150 seconds) last index.m3u8 was created:


This fill remained static after that - no further changes occured to index.m3u8.

This are last moments of x9k3 (I waited until index.m3u8 stopped changing, then after a few seconds I pressed CTRL-C)

deleting ./seg22.ts
./seg28.ts  start: 140.238000   duration: 5.339000  stream diff: 3.712951
deleting ./seg23.ts
./seg29.ts  start: 145.577000   duration: 5.339000  stream diff: 3.65278
deleting ./seg24.ts
./seg30.ts  start: 150.916000   duration: 5.338000  stream diff: 3.595596
deleting ./seg25.ts
./seg31.ts  start: 156.254000   duration: 5.339000  stream diff: 3.549967
deleting ./seg26.ts
^CTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uporabnik/.local/bin/x9k3", line 5, in <module>
  File "/home/uporabnik/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/x9k3.py", line 811, in cli
  File "/home/uporabnik/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/x9k3.py", line 795, in run
  File "/home/uporabnik/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/x9k3.py", line 778, in loop
    if not self._find_start():
  File "/home/uporabnik/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/threefive/stream.py", line 154, in _find_start
    one = self._tsdata.read(1)

input stream file used was taken from slo.me....

wget https://so.slo.me/longb.ts
ls -l longb.ts
-rw-rw-r-- 1 uporabnik uporabnik 59287492 Oct  4  2021 longb.ts
futzu commented 1 year ago

I think I know what is causing that... give me a minute.

futzu commented 1 year ago

This should fix it.

python3 -mpip install --upgrade x9k3

josepowera commented 1 year ago

This fix solved issue above (replay stops after last segment created). THX!

However there must be another thing, since the play on segments with EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY does not continue smooth. Same source file as above. Same config, just updated x9k3 version to new. Problem detected with ~seg32.ts, ...seg134.ts, seg187.ts ...

When testing in browser using VideoJS 7 in Chrome on windows 10, I see some report in console of browser around segment with EXT-X_DISCONTINUITY (this is I believe where stream is restarted from beggining): Segment with index 3 from playlist 0-https://edited.com/variant0/index.m3u8 has a duration of 10.431999999999988 when the reported duration is 5.339 and the target duration is 3. For HLS content, a duration in excess of the target duration may result in playback issues. See the HLS specification section on EXT-X-TARGETDURATION for more details

and video player stops and browser is re-fetching same segments a few time (in should normally just move on) then stops.

futzu commented 1 year ago

Is that with the longb.ts video?

josepowera commented 1 year ago

yes, longb.ts

futzu commented 1 year ago

Dude, that's just some random on my server, I would not use that for any kind of testing. At least re-encode it, I don't even know what codec it uses to be honest with you.

When I get some time I will look at the discontinuity issue.

futzu commented 1 year ago

I double reset the stream when I fixed the loop, wait 10 mins and run pip again.

If you are using something with a big GOP like that , you can adjust the seconds with the -t switch and that will up the target duration.

target duration is hard to predict, You cannot change the target duration on a playlist, and the you cant just make it a big number because target duration *3 cannot exceed the total seconds of the playlist.

longb is a kick ass video though, I ride longboards.