futzu / SCTE-35_HLS_x9k3

HLS and SCTE-35 x9k3 is a HLS Segmenter with SCTE 35, and Live Streaming from Non-Live Soures and Looping.
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How to create SCTE messages? #7

Closed ashiskumarsahu closed 1 year ago

ashiskumarsahu commented 1 year ago

I am new to SCTE and need help on creating SCTE messages like below. I need to understand what does these string means and how I can create and use with this package.

Note: I have copied these messages from your examples.

I am able to insert them my livestream output using this package piping with ffmpeg.

Any help is highly appriciated.

Thank You

futzu commented 1 year ago

You would think it would be straight forward, but like many things in computing, making SCTE-35 Cues is ten times harder than it needs to be, and makes very little sense.

Complex cue messages


Simple Splice Insert

threefive.encode has some new encoding functions that I haven't announced yet, but I use them a lot in my work.

a@debian:~/build/clean/scte35-threefive$ pypy3
Python 3.8.13 (7.3.9+dfsg-5, Oct 30 2022, 09:55:31)
[PyPy 7.3.9 with GCC 12.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>> from threefive import encode
>>>> help(encode)

Help on module threefive.encode in threefive:

    threefive.encode - encode.py

    threefive.encode has helper functions for Cue encoding.

    mk_splice_insert(event_id, pts, duration=None)
        mk_cue returns a Cue
        with a Splice Insert.

        splice_event_id = event_id

        If duration is NOT set,
            out_of_network_indicator   False
            time_specified_flag        False
            duration_flag              False
            splice_immediate_flag      True

        if duration IS set:
            out_of_network_indicator   True
            time_specified_flag        True
            duration_flag              True
            splice_immediate_flag      False
            break_auto_return          True
            break_duration             duration
            pts_time                   pts

        mk_splice_null returns a Cue
        with a Splice Null

         mk_time_signal returns a Cue
         with a Time Signal

         if pts is NOT set:
             time_specified_flag   False

        if pts IS set:
             time_specified_flag   True
             pts_time              pts


Let's try one real quick.

a@debian:~/cuei$ pypy3
Python 3.8.13 (7.3.9+dfsg-5, Oct 30 2022, 09:55:31)
[PyPy 7.3.9 with GCC 12.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> from threefive.encode import mk_splice_insert

>>> evnt_id= 9

>>> pts = 29053.123456

>>> duration = 300

>>> cue =mk_splice_insert(evnt_id,pts,duration)

mk_splice_insert returns an instance of threefive.Cue which has the following methods

|  encode(self)
|      Cue.encode() converts SCTE35 data
|      to a base64 encoded string.
|  encode_as_hex(self)
|      encode_as_hex returns self.bites as
|      a hex string
|  encode_as_int(self)
|      encode_as_int returns self.bites as an int.

Use threefive.Cue's encoding methods to generate the cue messages

>>> cue.encode()




cue.encode_as_int() 2104181392760166021170929920497819646350710275162000838308971042240028739408705486837725464851352

ashiskumarsahu commented 1 year ago

Hi @futzu , Thanks for sharing this. It helped me a lot.