fuxiao0719 / GeoWizard

[ECCV'24] GeoWizard: Unleashing the Diffusion Priors for 3D Geometry Estimation from a Single Image
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Depthmap generation? #23

Open eyeEmotion opened 2 weeks ago

eyeEmotion commented 2 weeks ago


I'm currently in the process of trying different depthmap generators, as I use them to convert 2D movies into 3D stereoscopy. I went from Midas v3.1 to Depth Anything v1 to now trying out Depth Anything v2. Didn't use Zoedepth, as it takes too long. A movie is generally around 130.000 to 190.000 images to process.

How does Geowizard compare to these? As I only see heatmaps in the examples, can it generate depthmaps (which are basically grayscaled heatmaps, but slighly less gradations) As it is for movies, it needs to be able to handle different scenarios. From indoor, outdoor, small and large objects/people. And special effects (like explosions, electricity, fantasy-projectils, ... ), as this is where I notice most depthmap generators fall short.

Looking at the installation, it obviously also installs things like python and such, like the other ones. But as I've already installed these things, will it overwrite them, or get in conflict with it?


fuxiao0719 commented 3 days ago

Hi, if you want to generate video depth from video sequence, I recommend you use my friend’s video depth work which may be more suitable for your current target.