Hot Reload not working either on popup, tabs or panel. No changes are displayed until reloaded manually.
It should load page changes via Hot Reload
Steps to Reproduce
Just clone the project and run it locally
yarn dev (or yarn dev:mon)
modify and save a page tax file
Nodemon rebuilds but HMR does not work on any of the Pages. Changes are only applied when reopening the popup, reloading the options or the new tab, or reopening devtools.
What is the problem
Hot Reload not working either on popup, tabs or panel. No changes are displayed until reloaded manually.
It should load page changes via Hot Reload
Steps to Reproduce
Just clone the project and run it locally
yarn dev
(or yarn dev:mon)Nodemon rebuilds but HMR does not work on any of the Pages. Changes are only applied when reopening the popup, reloading the options or the new tab, or reopening devtools.