fuzeman / Spotify2.bundle

Spotify music streaming for Plex (all platforms)
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Does not play the requested song when streaming to PHT #23

Open martenjacobs opened 10 years ago

martenjacobs commented 10 years ago

When streaming songs to PHT on my Intel NUC (running XBMCbuntu with PHT the first song in a playlist is always started instead of the one I choose. This happens when starting a song from the Spotify channel in PHT itself, the web or iOS app. Selecting a different song from the play queue does work and streaming to my Chromecast or PHT on my mac works as well. This is true for both the beta version and the version in UnSupported AppStore. Often (but not always) when attempting to start a song from the iOS app, I get a "Couldn't Refresh Play Queue" error.

fuzeman commented 10 years ago

I'm able to reproduce the same issue in PHT The plugin doesn't handle the selection of songs though, so this would be a bug in PHT.

I'll leave this issue open for now, just to avoid it being reported again.