fuzeman / Spotify2.bundle

Spotify music streaming for Plex (all platforms)
76 stars 45 forks source link

We're still trying to open a Spotify session... #33

Open holsz opened 10 years ago

holsz commented 10 years ago

When I try to access Spotify2 on Plex (running on Synology NAS) i.e. clicking on the Playlist or Starred options, I continually get a 'We're still trying to open a Spotify session...' error message displaying.

I set up my Spotify account without a Facebook login so I don't have the abitlity to create specific device usernames and passwords.

Initially I didn't have node.js installed but I have done that now and Spotify worked briefly but then started having the problem I've described above. I've tried rebooting the whole NAS server and disconnecting any other clients using the same spotify account but this hasn't made any difference. I'm not sure how to go about getting the logs but if someone can give me a run down on where they are located I"ll attach them.

Thanks very much,


Update - found the plex server log: 29.0 Jun 22, 2014 00:41:01 [0xf0f47b70] DEBUG - * X-Plex-Version => 2.1.12 Jun 22, 2014 00:41:01 [0xf0f47b70] DEBUG - * X-Plex-Device-Name => Plex Web (Firefox) Jun 22, 2014 00:41:01 [0xf0f47b70] DEBUG - * X-Plex-Username => hools Jun 22, 2014 00:41:05 [0xef047b70] DEBUG - Request: GET /music/spotify [::ffff:xxxx:58936](5 live) Jun 22, 2014 00:41:05 [0xef047b70] DEBUG - We found auth token (KUQ1zMSqFYzZbePWdSyA), enabling token-based authentication. Jun 22, 2014 00:41:05 [0xef047b70] DEBUG - Came in with a super-token, authorization succeeded. Jun 22, 2014 00:41:05 [0xef047b70] DEBUG - Plug-in com.plexapp.plugins.spotify2 has been used 12 times. Jun 22, 2014 00:41:05 [0xef047b70] DEBUG - [com.plexapp.plugins.spotify2] Sending command over HTTP (GET): /music/spotify Jun 22, 2014 00:41:05 [0xef047b70] DEBUG - HTTP requesting to: Jun 22, 2014 00:41:05 [0xee48fb70] DEBUG - Request: GET /:/plugins/com.plexapp.system/messaging/function/X1N0b3JlU2VydmljZTpJc0NoYW5uZWxCcm9rZW4/Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmxpc3QKMApyMAo/Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMQpzMjgKY29tLnBsZXhhcHAucGx1Z2lucy5zcG90aWZ5MnMxMAppZGVudGlmaWVycjAK [::ffff:](5 live) Jun 22, 2014 00:41:05 [0xee48fb70] DEBUG - [com.plexapp.system] Sending command over HTTP (GET): /:/plugins/com.plexapp.system/messaging/function/X1N0b3JlU2VydmljZTpJc0NoYW5uZWxCcm9rZW4/Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmxpc3QKMApyMAo/Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMQpzMjgKY29tLnBsZXhhcHAucGx1Z2lucy5zcG90aWZ5MnMxMAppZGVudGlmaWVycjAK Jun 22, 2014 00:41:05 [0xee48fb70] DEBUG - HTTP requesting to: Jun 22, 2014 00:41:05 [0xee48fb70] DEBUG - [com.plexapp.system] HTTP reply status 200, with 32 bytes of content. Jun 22, 2014 00:41:05 [0xef047b70] DEBUG - [com.plexapp.plugins.spotify2] HTTP reply status 304, with 0 bytes of content. Jun 22, 2014 00:41:11 [0xf0f47b70] DEBUG - Request: GET /music/spotify [::ffff:xxxxxx:58940](5 live) Jun 22, 2014 00:41:11 [0xf0f47b70] DEBUG - We found auth token (KUQ1zMSqFYzZbePWdSyA), enabling token-based authentication. Jun 22, 2014 00:41:11 [0xf0f47b70] DEBUG - Came in with a super-token, authorization succeeded. Jun 22, 2014 00:41:11 [0xf0f47b70] DEBUG - Plug-in com.plexapp.plugins.spotify2 has been used 13 times. Jun 22, 2014 00:41:11 [0xf0f47b70] DEBUG - [com.plexapp.plugins.spotify2] Sending command over HTTP (GET): /music/spotify Jun 22, 2014 00:41:11 [0xf0f47b70] DEBUG - HTTP requesting to: http://xxxxx/music/spotify (edited) Jun 22, 2014 00:41:11 [0xee48fb70] DEBUG - Request: GET /:/plugins/com.plexapp.system/messaging/function/X1N0b3JlU2VydmljZTpJc0NoYW5uZWxCcm9rZW4/Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmxpc3QKMApyMAo/Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMQpzMjgKY29tLnBsZXhhcHAucGx1Z2lucy5zcG90aWZ5MnMxMAppZGVudGlmaWVycjAK [::ffff:](5 live) Jun 22, 2014 00:41:11 [0xee48fb70] DEBUG - [com.plexapp.system] Sending command over HTTP (GET): /:/plugins/com.plexapp.system/messaging/function/X1N0b3JlU2VydmljZTpJc0NoYW5uZWxCcm9rZW4/Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmxpc3QKMApyMAo/Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMQpzMjgKY29tLnBsZXhhcHAucGx1Z2lucy5zcG90aWZ5MnMxMAppZGVudGlmaWVycjAK Jun 22, 2014 00:41:11 [0xee48fb70] DEBUG - HTTP requesting to: Jun 22, 2014 00:41:11 [0xee48fb70] DEBUG - [com.plexapp.system] HTTP reply status 200, with 32 bytes of content. Jun 22, 2014 00:41:11 [0xf0f47b70] DEBUG - [com.plexapp.plugins.spotify2] HTTP reply status 304, with 0 bytes of content. Jun 22, 2014 00:41:14 [0xef047b70] DEBUG - Request: OPTIONS /music/spotify/starred [::ffff:xxx](5 live) Jun 22, 2014 00:41:15 [0xee48fb70] DEBUG - Request: GET /music/spotify/starred [::ffff:xxx](5 live) Jun 22, 2014 00:41:15 [0xee48fb70] DEBUG - We found auth token (KUQ1zMSqFYzZbePWdSyA), enabling token-based authentication. Jun 22, 2014 00:41:15 [0xee48fb70] DEBUG - Came in with a super-token, authorization succeeded. Jun 22, 2014 00:41:15 [0xee48fb70] DEBUG - Plug-in com.plexapp.plugins.spotify2 has been used 14 times. Jun 22, 2014 00:41:15 [0xee48fb70] DEBUG - [com.plexapp.plugins.spotify2] Sending command over HTTP (GET): /music/spotify/starred Jun 22, 2014 00:41:15 [0xee48fb70] DEBUG - HTTP requesting to: Jun 22, 2014 00:41:15 [0xee48fb70] DEBUG - [com.plexapp.plugins.spotify2] HTTP reply status 200, with 154 bytes of content. Jun 22, 2014 00:41:20 [0xf0f47b70] DEBUG - Request: GET /library/sections [::ffff:xxx](5 live) Jun 22, 2014 00:41:20 [0xf0f47b70] DEBUG - We found auth token (KUQ1zMSqFYzZbePWdSyA), enabling token-based authentication. Jun 22, 2014 00:41:20 [0xf0f47b70] DEBUG - Came in with a super-token, authorization succeeded. Jun 22, 2014 00:41:20 [0xf0f47b70] DEBUG - It took 0.010000 sec to serialize a list with 4 elements.