fuzeman / Spotify2.bundle

Spotify music streaming for Plex (all platforms)
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Invalid captcha value supplied (fallback) #68

Open rz0rblade opened 7 years ago

rz0rblade commented 7 years ago

I am unable to sign in to the Spotify channel. After entering the correct credentials, I get the errormessage: ERROR: Invalid captcha value supplied (fallback)

The log file says the following: 2016-08-04 17:28:31,318 (29b0) : DEBUG (logkit:13) - [spotify.components.authentication] Authenticate - success, code: 200, content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 2016-08-04 17:28:31,318 (29b0) : DEBUG (logkit:13) - [pyemitter] [spotify.components.authentication.Authentication]:emit(event: 'error', args: (u'Invalid captcha value supplied (fallback)',), kwargs: {}) 2016-08-04 17:28:31,318 (29b0) : DEBUG (logkit:13) - [pyemitter] [spotify.client.Spotify ]:emit(event: 'error', args: (u'Invalid captcha value supplied (fallback)',), kwargs: {}) 2016-08-04 17:28:31,319 (29b0) : ERROR (logkit:22) - Invalid captcha value supplied (fallback)

You can see the captcha-challange when accessing https://play.spotify.com/, which I suspect that Spotify2 is using.

thecarlhall commented 7 years ago

Getting around the captcha is usually something not easily done if at all. I don't see a way through their public API to play music either.

There are other projects having the same issue - https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-spotify-web/issues/130

doczong commented 7 years ago

I've been trying to figure this out, unfortunately I am at a loss. I don't know if it will be possible to get the captcha through the plex api.

canoncola commented 7 years ago

I'm sure you've already see this but thought I'd post just in-case and let you know your API is much appreciated https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/authorization-guide/

I'm not a dev but I really appreciate what you guys do. Thanks for your ongoing efforts.

mix3d commented 7 years ago

Last commit was in 2014...