fuzeman / Spotify2.bundle

Spotify music streaming for Plex (all platforms)
76 stars 45 forks source link

Is This Project abandoned? #69

Open haxcop opened 7 years ago

nambrosch commented 6 years ago

i would assume so. it's unfortunate, i'm currently looking for a way to stream spotify on openpht.

fuzeman commented 6 years ago

No solution could be found for the long delay between tracks (30s+) on some clients, and changes at Spotify eventually broke authentication in the plugin. (there might be solutions to these issues now)

I'm too busy to continue work on this now, sorry.

jcilley97 commented 6 years ago

It is really a shame that you don't have much time to work on the code. I've been waiting for a spotify plugin for a while. can you please try to research into other developers that might be interested to take your place? anything would help. I would do it but I don't know how to code. I just created this account to tell you how much of a shame it was that the spotify2 plugin doesn't work anymore. So please, Try to find other developers that might be able to fix those problems if you don't have time to do it yourself. That would be greatly appreciated.