NOTE: This happens both when using internal commands (look,
examine) and also in the MUF interpreter's "match" primitive.
The MUCK sometimes matches objects which do not contain the
match string. This happens when the match string is incomplete
(i.e. not a perfect full match) but contains a space.
For example. . . I have an object in the room with me named "p
thang". I try "ex p than" and it matches our global "page;p" action,
effectively looking only at the first word of the match string and
ignoring the rest.
NOTE: This happens both when using internal commands (look, examine) and also in the MUF interpreter's "match" primitive.
The MUCK sometimes matches objects which do not contain the match string. This happens when the match string is incomplete (i.e. not a perfect full match) but contains a space.
For example. . . I have an object in the room with me named "p thang". I try "ex p than" and it matches our global "page;p" action, effectively looking only at the first word of the match string and ignoring the rest.