fuzziness / kabeja

NO LONGER MANTAINED! Kabeja is a Java library for parsing, processing and converting Autodesk's DXF format. You can use Kabeja from the CommandLine or embed into your application. All parsed data are accessible with the DOM-like API. The processing system allows you to process, filter (e.g. XSLT) and convert DXF drafts to different output formats (SVG, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, PDF, XML).
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Static lastLayer is shared among threads #6

Open muxob opened 3 years ago

muxob commented 3 years ago


The static lastLayer here causes problems in multi-threading environment. It leads to ConcurrentModificationExceptions and probably unwanted behavior.

fuzziness commented 3 years ago

Hi @muxob I appreciate your interest; you're probably right. Unluckly I'm no longer interested in DXF files + I've no time to actively maintain this repository.