Depositing a Max grinded weapon in the bank such as a Visk +15 ends up increasing it's value +1 (beyond bounds) if you withdraw and deposit it several times (check sequence below)
To reproduce
$item VISK-235W
Grind it to +14
Deposit it in the bank
Withdraw from the bank
Use a trigrinder for the final grind and grind it to +15
Deposit in the bank again
Withdraw it from the bank
It's in your inventory as +0 grind
Deposit it in your bank again
Check the Bank Item Box
Should appear as +17 or +0
Repeat till you have it in your inventory
Use a grinder
Get Error 100
Game version(s) (choose one or more of the following):
BB & GC (Maybe...)
Describe the bug
Depositing a Max grinded weapon in the bank such as a Visk +15 ends up increasing it's value +1 (beyond bounds) if you withdraw and deposit it several times (check sequence below)
To reproduce
Game version(s) (choose one or more of the following): BB & GC (Maybe...)
Server log output OvergrinderError100.txt