fuzzitdev / pythonfuzz

coverage guided fuzz testing for python
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Add find_packages() to setup.py #2

Closed ksamuel closed 5 years ago

ksamuel commented 5 years ago

In the current state of the package, pip install pythonfuzz results in an empty install: the package and its dependencies are indeed downloaded and there are no error, but no "pythonfuzz" package is created anywhere in the PYTHONPATH. As a consequence, import pythonfuzz results in an ImportError.

You can easily miss that if you tried to import it in your project directory, as the current dir is always part of the PYTHONPATH and so it would seem it works for you.

However, nobody else can pip install then use PythonFuzz.

I just added a line in the setup.py that tells it to recursively find all importable packages except "examples" in the main directory. You'll need to upload this new version on pypi.org.

yevgenypats commented 5 years ago

@ksamuel Thanks you!! good catch.