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geoserver - native libs #3

Closed fvanderbiest closed 9 years ago

fvanderbiest commented 9 years ago

geoserver_1 | Jan 13, 2015 10:51:08 AM it.geosolutions.imageio.gdalframework.GDALUtilities loadGDAL geoserver_1 | WARNING: Failed to load the GDAL native libs. This is not a problem unless you need to use the GDAL plugins: they won't be enabled. geoserver_1 | java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no gdaljni in java.library.path

fvanderbiest commented 9 years ago

@landryb recommends hardlinking gdal.jar from geoserver's WEB-INF/lib

@pmauduit: I do not understand if I need to remove/exclude other jars from this folder

fvanderbiest commented 9 years ago

I guess at least imageio-ext-gdal-bindings-1.9.2.jar as suggested by https://github.com/georchestra/georchestra/blob/master/geoserver/NATIVE_LIBS.md#last-manual-checks

pmauduit commented 9 years ago

Basically, we need to provide a version of jars that won't call System.loadLibrary, i.e. exclude the jars containing the following classes:


These should be provided by the gdal/ogr project via gdal.jar provided by the gdal library (on debian typically located into /usr/share/java/gdal.jar, but is also provided by geosolutions as a dependency named imageio-ext-gdal-bindings-1.9.2.jar - name can vary).

These two following classes are provided by geotools and imageioext-project and should be patched to be used in georchestra (not currently the case):


These 2 classes are contained into the following jars (version numbers may vary):


But for now we cannot remove them from the webapps nor exclude them at compile-level because it also contains necessary code.

pmauduit commented 9 years ago

As discussed, a quick win could be to:

fvanderbiest commented 9 years ago

exclude imageio-ext-gdal-bindings-1.9.2.jar from geoserver webapp

Using https://github.com/georchestra/georchestra/blob/master/doc/build.md#geoserverwarexcludes for instance ...

fvanderbiest commented 9 years ago

Tried with

./mvn -Dserver=template '-Dgeoserver.war.excludes=WEB-INF/lib/imageio-ext-gdal-bindings-*.jar' -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Papp-schema,authkey,charts,control-flow,css,csw,dds,dxf,feature-aggregate,feature-pregeneralized,geosearch,gdal,imagemap,inspire,istyler,kml,libjpeg-turbo,mysql,ogr,pyramid,script,spatialite,xslt,wps,w3ds clean install

... but the imageio-ext-gdal-bindings-1.9.2.jar is still there.

pmauduit commented 9 years ago

I guess it should be done at pom.xml level, but there are some weird things with the current build system for geoserver, being investigated ...

landryb commented 8 years ago

Re hardlinking gdal.jar, i had a hard time remembering why it was needed, but thanks to my irc logs...

LifecycleException:  start: :  java.io.IOException: Failed to access resource /WEB-INF/lib/gdal.jar

This happens when geoserver wants to access gdal.jar for some reason if it's a symlink. Using a hardlink works...