fvanderwielen / linkdump

mah useful links :)
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Open fvanderwielen opened 8 years ago

fvanderwielen commented 8 years ago

node and docker http://jdlm.info/articles/2016/03/06/lessons-building-node-app-docker.html?r=0 valve varoufakis http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/economics/why-valve-or-what-do-we-need-corporations-for-and-how-does-valves-management-structure-fit-into-todays-corporate-world/#more-252

fvanderwielen commented 8 years ago


fvanderwielen commented 8 years ago




fvanderwielen commented 8 years ago

jargon file http://jargon.js.org/

fvanderwielen commented 8 years ago


fvanderwielen commented 8 years ago

CSS https://hacks.mozilla.org/2016/05/css-coding-techniques/

fvanderwielen commented 8 years ago

more CSS http://maintainablecss.com/

fvanderwielen commented 8 years ago

Linux fu https://linuxjourney.com/

fvanderwielen commented 8 years ago

turbolinks: SPA any site https://github.com/turbolinks/turbolinks

fvanderwielen commented 8 years ago

tools for reviewing code http://jsmanners.com/ http://jscritic.com/ YSlow w3c xml checker

fvanderwielen commented 8 years ago

golang talk and links on getting started https://talks.golang.org/2016/applicative.slide

fvanderwielen commented 8 years ago

logical fallacies / drogredenen: https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/

fvanderwielen commented 8 years ago

useful though patterns / principles https://medium.com/@yegg/mental-models-i-find-repeatedly-useful-936f1cc405d#.2n083qerz

fvanderwielen commented 8 years ago

empathy in engineering https://github.com/KimberlyMunoz/empathy-in-engineering

fvanderwielen commented 8 years ago

book on software development http://mixmastamyk.bitbucket.org/pro_soft_dev/intro.html

fvanderwielen commented 8 years ago

gitlab team handbook https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/

fvanderwielen commented 7 years ago

blameless post mortems: http://eng.localytics.com/when-things-go-wrong/ and etsy

fvanderwielen commented 7 years ago

music theory for nerds https://eev.ee/blog/2016/09/15/music-theory-for-nerds/

fvanderwielen commented 7 years ago

http://www.kalzumeus.com/2011/10/28/dont-call-yourself-a-programmer/ Career advice US

fvanderwielen commented 7 years ago

maker schedule manager schedule http://paulgraham.com/makersschedule.html