fvasco / pinpoi

Import and manage point of interest
GNU General Public License v3.0
27 stars 5 forks source link

Logo Contribution #19

Closed mayowadavid closed 6 years ago

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

Hello i find your application very lovely, as it help to Imports thousand points of interest a user GPS navigator in their respective Android mobile device. Then i intend to make a logo which will help communicate the purpose of the application. pinpoi-compound-sample~2.png Below is the link to all the files, if you like the logo you can use it. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1Qck8XuG0Yhsq4Ls24VqwVDYNxvHTpCc2 Cheers!

fvasco commented 6 years ago

Hi @mayowadavid I really appreciate your interest. changing the launcher icon is a delicate action, so I wish to be sure of final outcome.

Please take some time to reconsider your proposal, if you wish apply you style on PinPoi app then resume this issue the May 14th.

Any other considerations is welcome.

Thank you

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

Hmmm..as you said, changing the logo icon is a delicate action and you will need some time to check how the finish look will look like. I have decided to add an extra file containing the logo alone.

pinpoi-main-logo11.png If you want any other action to be carry out, i will make them available as soon as possible. Cheers!

fvasco commented 6 years ago

Hi @mayowadavid any news?

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

Hello @fvasco

Below is the finished design of the logo i made for your application, hope you like it.



Below is the link to all the original files https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1Qck8XuG0Yhsq4Ls24VqwVDYNxvHTpCc2

fvasco commented 6 years ago

Well done @mayowadavid Please perform a color blindness check on your final result and ensure a sufficient contrast for each issue, you can use http://www.color-blindness.com/coblis-color-blindness-simulator/ (launcher must be easy to remember and recognize for everyone - with or without glasses)

When you are ready, please submit a pull request changing resources in pinpoi/app/src/main/res/mipmap-... folders Then please put source image file in a newly create doc/launcher.ai folder

Warning: your pull request will be subject to PinPoi GPL licence.

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

@fvasco I have made all necessary changes and i have also submit a pull request.

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

@fvasco Is there anything else you think need to be adjusted?

fvasco commented 6 years ago

Hi @mayowadavid the pull request was wrong, so I worked to merge your idea. Your proposal is fine, I am testing the blue one on my phone to prove your work. However I have some concern about it, the compass is pretty small, it is blue on blue background and the red part looks like a spot.

Your first proposal was fine and your enhancement is interesting. Wish you try to use a thin darker border, a lighter background, a bigger compass and remove the shadow?

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

Ok i will get that done as soon as possible

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

@fvasco This is what i came up with after considering everything you said


mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

And concerning the merge i will check it out and make every necessary correction

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

@fvasco i have corrected everything

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

@fvasco hope there is no longer problem with the merge request, if there is i guess it will be due to not having write access

fvasco commented 6 years ago

@mayowadavid I will test it, thanks.

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

@fvasco Here is a preview of 48*48 px view of the icon.


72*72 view pinpoi-main-mdpi-72sharp

Is the compass small at this size or should i increase it?

fvasco commented 6 years ago

Fine @mayowadavid, can you provide an example of increased one?

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

96*96 pinpoi-main96

144*144 pinpoi-main-144

300*300 pinpoi-main300 @fvasco this are are increased size

fvasco commented 6 years ago

Oops, sorry @mayowadavid Can you increase the compass size in 48x48 preview?

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

I will do that now

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

pinpoi-mdpi-48 @fvasco here is it

fvasco commented 6 years ago

Congratulations @mayowadavid I like it! You should update your pull request following my previous instructions.

Change the resurse in pinpoi/app/src/main/res/mipmap-..., replace old files respecting the original image size. Add the doc/launcher.ai file Don't change README.md or other files, don't add app/src/main/res/Source file changing resources or anything else.

Your pull request have to contain only one commit with all these changes, please review your own branch history.

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

Ok i will do that now

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

@fvasco I have created the pull request

fvasco commented 6 years ago

Hi @mayowadavid your pull request contains 23 commits, you have to squash all into a single one you should delete the app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/Source file file and put the launcher.ai in a doc folder (create the doc/launcher.ai file)

Finally the images should not have any margin, see https://github.com/mayowadavid/pinpoi/blob/fa18d9c0b3df2c6e817545b75075267afdafd331/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/pipoi-xhdpi.png for example

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

@fvasco a friend of mine have help me make the pull request all the file have also been amended

fvasco commented 6 years ago

Ok @mayowadavid I will check the PR this week, there are many commits, I will squash those.

fvasco commented 6 years ago

I checked your pull request yesterday. I noticed that the logo is not symmetric, the left line is sloping.

Moreover what is the app/src/main/res/minmap folder? All launcher icons are stored in pinpoi/app/src/main/res/mipmap-... folders. You have to replace the files

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

I did not know how to squash all the commit as a single commit all the files you need are Here. There is no longer slope.

fvasco commented 6 years ago

Why the compass is no more centered in the circle?

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

I have check and add guide to all the files they are all centerally align. Check to view with guide i included in all the files

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

@fvasco Hope there is no longer problem with the logo

fvasco commented 6 years ago

Me too, I will check it

fvasco commented 6 years ago

Ok, do you wish to update your pull request?

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

Yea but i don't know how to squash all the commit as a single commit

fvasco commented 6 years ago

I will squash it using GitHub

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

Ok i will submit them now

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago


fvasco commented 6 years ago

The commit was wrong, again. The mipmap-mdpi/pinpoi-mdpi.png is 1000 x 1000, not 48 x 48, moreover you have to replace the mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png file.

Finally an user noted a mistake in the icon, if you draw a big X on it then you will see its asymmetry.

mayowadavid commented 6 years ago

Oops my bad, i was trying to avoid a slope that was why it turn out that way

fvasco commented 6 years ago

Merged and fixed