fverdugo / PartitionedArrays.jl

Large-scale, distributed, sparse linear algebra in Julia.
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GSoC Task #2: Implement aggregation method for vector-valued problems #153

Open GeliezaK opened 2 months ago

GeliezaK commented 2 months ago

Meeting notes 2024-06-13: @oriolcg Attendees: @fverdugo @amartinhuertas @GeliezaK Notes:

Action Points:

fverdugo commented 2 months ago

In this file there are different ways of computing the "strength" graph of a sparse matrix, also for vector-valued problems:


GeliezaK commented 2 months ago

@fverdugo @oriolcg @amartinhuertas When I add a new function matrix_graph to the amg.jl file, and try to call it from amg_tests.jl, I get "UndefVarError: matrix_graph not defined". Is there anything else I need to do to make the function available from the test file?

amartinhuertas commented 2 months ago

you can either export it from the package or to use package_name.matrix_graph directly

GeliezaK commented 2 months ago

Meeting notes from 2024-06-20: @oriolcg @amartinhuertas

Attendees: @fverdugo @GeliezaK

Action Points:

GeliezaK commented 2 months ago

Meeting notes from 2024-06-27:

Attendees: @fverdugo @GeliezaK @oriolcg @amartinhuertas

Action Points:

fverdugo commented 2 months ago

Hi @GeliezaK

I realize that function constant_prolongator_with_block_size is not the easiest way of achieving our goal. An alternative is to transform the node_to_aggregate to dof_to_aggregate (with function below) and pass the result to the existing constant_prolongator.

function add_block_size_to_aggregates(node_to_aggregate,aggregates,block_size)
   naggregates = length(aggregates)
   nnodes = length(node_to_aggregate)
   ndofs = nnodes*block_size
   dof_to_aggregate = zeros(Int32,ndofs)
   for node in 1:nnodes
        aggregate = node_to_aggregate[node]
        for i in 1:block_size
            dof = (node-1)*block_size + i
            dof_to_aggregate[dof] = (aggregate-1)*block_size + i
  dof_to_aggregates, 1:(naggregates*block_size)
fverdugo commented 2 months ago

Hi @GeliezaK ,

yet another edit. I don't think we need a "constant prolongator" with block size > 1. I ralized this after looking at Algorithm 7, page 46, here:


We need to build the "node based" constant prolongator just like now, and implement a tentative prolongater that takes into account the block size and the near null space (Algorithm 7). Somehting like this:

    function coarsen(A,B)
        G = strength_graph(A,block_size)
        diagG = dense_diag(G)
        node_to_aggregate, aggregates = aggregate(G,diagG;epsilon)
        PC = constant_prolongator(node_to_aggregate, aggregates,1)
        P0,Bc = tentative_prolongator_with_block_size(PC,B,block_size) # Algorithm 7
fverdugo commented 2 months ago

NB. When qr is mentioned in Algorithm 7, it is really a "thin" QR decomposition. See section for rectangular matrices here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_decomposition

This discussion is relevant on how to compute the thin qr in Julia


GeliezaK commented 2 months ago

Hi @fverdugo , Thank you for your comments! From Algorithm 7 I understand that the information in node_to_aggregate would be sufficient to compute the tentative prolongator. Why is the constant prolongator needed? Besides, do you have an idea how to circumvent the QR decomposition if the number of rows of the near null space B is smaller than its number of columns (see Remarks 3.4.2 and 6.3.2 in https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/download/1229321/1229321.pdf) ?

fverdugo commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your comments! From Algorithm 7 I understand that the information in node_to_aggregate would be sufficient to compute the tentative prolongator.

You are correct, but note that you cannot use node_to_aggregate directly. This vector gives you for each node the corresponding aggregate. You need the inverse map: for an aggregate you want the list of nodes in this aggregate. This info is encoded in the CSC storage of the constant_prolongator. In any case, What we actually want is this other function than returns a JaggedArray (a vector of vectors) instead of the constant_prolongator: Note that the code is almost identical than for the constant_prolongator

function collect_nodes_in_aggregate(node_to_aggregate,aggregates)
    typeof_aggregate = eltype(node_to_aggregate)
    nnodes = length(node_to_aggregate)
    pending = typeof_aggregate(0)
    isolated = typeof_aggregate(-1)
    nnodes = length(node_to_aggregate)
    naggregates = length(aggregates)
    aggregate_to_nodes_ptrs = zeros(Int,naggregates+1)
    for node in 1:nnodes
        agg = node_to_aggregate[node]
        if agg == pending
        aggregate_to_nodes_ptrs[agg+1] += 1
    ndata = aggregate_to_nodes_ptrs[end]-1
    aggregate_to_nodes_data = zeros(Int,ndata)
    for node in 1:nnodes
        agg = node_to_aggregate[node]
        if agg == pending
        p = aggregate_to_nodes_ptrs[agg]
        aggregate_to_nodes_data[p] = node
        aggregate_to_nodes_ptrs[agg] += 1
    aggregate_to_nodes = jagged_array(aggregate_to_nodes_data,aggregate_to_nodes_ptrs)

nodes_in_agg = aggregate_to_nodes[agg] is the list of node ids (stored in a vector) corresponding to aggregate with id agg.

fverdugo commented 2 months ago

Besides, do you have an idea how to circumvent the QR decomposition if the number of rows of the near null space B is smaller than its number of columns (see Remarks 3.4.2 and 6.3.2 in https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/download/1229321/1229321.pdf) ?

I don't have an answer for this at this moment. We can always merge singleton aggregates with a neighboring one until there are no singleton aggregates left. This will work if the mesh has at least 2 nodes.

GeliezaK commented 2 months ago

Meeting notes from 2024-07-04: @fverdugo Attendees: @GeliezaK @oriolcg @amartinhuertas


Action Points:

GeliezaK commented 1 month ago

Meeting notes from 2024-07-11:

Attendees: @GeliezaK @oriolcg @amartinhuertas @fverdugo

Action Points:

  1. allocate output Pc as sparsematrix with correct sparsity pattern,
  2. fill Pc with values of B,
  3. loop over aggregates to build Bi and compute QR decomposition,
  4. Move values from Q to P0,
  5. Move values from R to Bc. Represent B and Bc as vector of vectors (compare default_nullspace)
GeliezaK commented 1 month ago

Meeting notes from 2024-07-18: @oriolcg Attendees: @GeliezaK @amartinhuertas @fverdugo

Action Points:

GeliezaK commented 1 month ago

Meeting notes from 2024-07-25: @oriolcg @amartinhuertas Attendees: @GeliezaK @fverdugo


Action Points:

fverdugo commented 3 weeks ago

@GeliezaK @amartinhuertas Regarding the bug discussed on the meeting on 2024-08-15.

This works for me with PartitionedArrays v0.5.2:

using PartitionedArrays
nodes_per_dir = (4,4,4)
parts_per_dir = (2,2,2)
p = prod(parts_per_dir)
ranks = DebugArray(LinearIndices((p,)))
args = linear_elasticity_fem(nodes_per_dir,parts_per_dir,ranks)
A = psparse(args...) |> fetch
x = pones(partition(axes(A,2)))
b = A*x
@assert collect(b) ≈ centralize(A)*collect(x)

In fact the sparse matrix-vector product was already been used in the tests https://github.com/fverdugo/PartitionedArrays.jl/blob/b39eac090db1aa7f2ffeac19c010baaa29410a79/test/gallery_tests.jl#L41

My guess is that you are modifying some of the data in partition(axes(A,2)) by mistake in your code.

fverdugo commented 3 weeks ago

@GeliezaK Can you please send your minimal reproducer?

GeliezaK commented 3 weeks ago

This is the minimal reproducer that we discussed yesterday:

parts_per_dir = (2,1)
p = prod(parts_per_dir)
ranks = DebugArray(LinearIndices((p,)))
nodes_per_dir = (4,1) 
args = PartitionedArrays.linear_elasticity_fem(nodes_per_dir,parts_per_dir,ranks)
A = psparse(args...) |> fetch
x = node_coordinates_unit_cube(nodes_per_dir,parts_per_dir, ranks)
B = near_nullspace_linear_elasticity(x, partition(axes(A,2)))
x_exact = pones(partition(axes(A,2)))
b = A*x_exact # error

EDIT: The error does not happen if A is multiplied with x_exact before constructing the nullspace.

fverdugo commented 3 weeks ago

I can reproduce the error. I know hot to fix it.

fverdugo commented 3 weeks ago

Fixed in #166

GeliezaK commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you very much @fverdugo ! It's working now.

GeliezaK commented 2 weeks ago

I would like to implement a kind of allreduce with PartitionedArrays to get in each process an Array global_to_owner like this: [1,1,1,2,2]. Each process can initialize global_to_owner_local with local values: [1,1,1,0,0], [0,0,0,2,2]. Then I would like to use something like this but instead of one destination, I want to send to all processes:

global_to_owner = reduction(.+, global_to_owner_local, init=zeros(Int,n_global_coarse_dofs), destination=rank)

How can I achieve this with PartitionedArrays?

I need to pass global_to_owner to OwnAndGhostIndices in the parallel tentative prolongator. I discovered that passing global_to_owner = nothing results in an error when multiplying with P0 in smoothed_prolongator in the parallel version.

fverdugo commented 2 weeks ago

Take a look how the dof partition is build from a node partition here: https://github.com/fverdugo/PartitionedArrays.jl/blob/11ded45c2a486dee20f63ca69c0b4b767038a7b0/src/gallery.jl#L389

Maybe you can even use the same code, or just calling the node_to_dof_partition function.

GeliezaK commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you! It works now, I did not realize there was a global_to_owner implementation.

GeliezaK commented 2 weeks ago

There seems to be some kind of bug in the code when calling amg_level_params_linear_elasticity.

This code

level_params = amg_level_params_linear_elasticity(block_size;
    coarsening = PartitionedSolvers.smoothed_aggregation_with_block_size(;)
fine_params = amg_fine_params(;level_params)
solver_le = amg(;fine_params)

produces these results when compared with a scalar preconditioner:


Whereas this code

level_params = amg_level_params_linear_elasticity(block_size;
    #coarsening = PartitionedSolvers.smoothed_aggregation_with_block_size(;)
fine_params = amg_fine_params(;level_params)
solver_le = amg(;fine_params)

leads to calling the coarsen() function only once, but the setup runtimes are much longer and the convergence looks like this


My debugger unfortunately crashes on VSCode and I can't figure out what is the problem.

fverdugo commented 2 weeks ago

Can you share the entire code? Also how you set up the preconditioner.

The blue line of the first figure looks really good. This is what we want to report.


GeliezaK commented 2 weeks ago

This is the entire code @fverdugo : performance_test_sequential.txt

fverdugo commented 2 weeks ago

It seems that you are using block_size == 1 internally in the first case and block_size == 3 in the second case. Thus, I would say that there is some issue in the new code for block_size !=1.

I would check

GeliezaK commented 2 weeks ago

I believe the problem might be that for epsilon=0, the strength graph has 1 in each cell by definition, and consequently the aggregate() function groups all nodes in one aggregate. If epsilon is set to 0.02 for instance, the results resemble the first plot. For block_size == 1, the strength graph computation is skipped.

EDIT: I changed the default epsilon to 0.01 in the strength_graph, because 0 does not make sense. I added a check that epsilon > 0. convergence_seq_eps=0 01_69984

GeliezaK commented 2 weeks ago

Update: it is not necessary to change epsilon>0, it also works with epsilon==0 if in strength_graph, the blocks with norm==0 are ignored (i.e. set to 0). I pushed the code and updated the images in the final PR.