fverdugo / PartitionedArrays.jl

Large-scale, distributed, sparse linear algebra in Julia.
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Rosenbrock/TRBDF2 with Preconditioned Newton-Krylov Distributed Demo: PArray Construction #52

Open ChrisRackauckas opened 2 years ago

ChrisRackauckas commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to make a version of the DifferentialEquations.jl Solving Large Stiff Equations PDE time stepping tutorial that is distributed, and am running into some issues figuring out how to construct PArrays. MWE with the method errors are below:

using OrdinaryDiffEq, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays, BenchmarkTools, LinearSolve

const N = 32
const xyd_brusselator = range(0,stop=1,length=N)
brusselator_f(x, y, t) = (((x-0.3)^2 + (y-0.6)^2) <= 0.1^2) * (t >= 1.1) * 5.
limit(a, N) = a == N+1 ? 1 : a == 0 ? N : a
kernel_u! = let N=N, xyd=xyd_brusselator, dx=step(xyd_brusselator)
  @inline function (du, u, A, B, α, II, I, t)
    i, j = Tuple(I)
    x = xyd[I[1]]
    y = xyd[I[2]]
    ip1 = limit(i+1, N); im1 = limit(i-1, N)
    jp1 = limit(j+1, N); jm1 = limit(j-1, N)
    du[II[i,j,1]] = α*(u[II[im1,j,1]] + u[II[ip1,j,1]] + u[II[i,jp1,1]] + u[II[i,jm1,1]] - 4u[II[i,j,1]]) +
    B + u[II[i,j,1]]^2*u[II[i,j,2]] - (A + 1)*u[II[i,j,1]] + brusselator_f(x, y, t)
kernel_v! = let N=N, xyd=xyd_brusselator, dx=step(xyd_brusselator)
  @inline function (du, u, A, B, α, II, I, t)
    i, j = Tuple(I)
    ip1 = limit(i+1, N)
    im1 = limit(i-1, N)
    jp1 = limit(j+1, N)
    jm1 = limit(j-1, N)
    du[II[i,j,2]] = α*(u[II[im1,j,2]] + u[II[ip1,j,2]] + u[II[i,jp1,2]] + u[II[i,jm1,2]] - 4u[II[i,j,2]]) +
    A*u[II[i,j,1]] - u[II[i,j,1]]^2*u[II[i,j,2]]
brusselator_2d = let N=N, xyd=xyd_brusselator, dx=step(xyd_brusselator)
  function (du, u, p, t)
    @inbounds begin
      ii1 = N^2
      ii2 = ii1+N^2
      ii3 = ii2+2(N^2)
      A = p[1]
      B = p[2]
      α = p[3]/dx^2
      II = LinearIndices((N, N, 2))
      kernel_u!.(Ref(du), Ref(u), A, B, α, Ref(II), CartesianIndices((N, N)), t)
      kernel_v!.(Ref(du), Ref(u), A, B, α, Ref(II), CartesianIndices((N, N)), t)
      return nothing
p = (3.4, 1., 10., step(xyd_brusselator))

function init_brusselator_2d(xyd)
  N = length(xyd)
  u = zeros(N, N, 2)
  for I in CartesianIndices((N, N))
    x = xyd[I[1]]
    y = xyd[I[2]]
    u[I,1] = 22*(y*(1-y))^(3/2)
    u[I,2] = 27*(x*(1-x))^(3/2)
u0 = init_brusselator_2d(xyd_brusselator)
prob_ode_brusselator_2d = ODEProblem(brusselator_2d,u0,(0.,11.5),p)

du = similar(u0)
brusselator_2d(du, u0, p, 0.0)
du[34] # 802.9807693762164
du[1058] # 985.3120721709204
du[2000] # -403.5817880634729
du[end] # 1431.1460373522068
du[521] # -323.1677459142322

du2 = similar(u0)
brusselator_2d(du2, u0, p, 1.3)
du2[34] # 802.9807693762164
du2[1058] # 985.3120721709204
du2[2000] # -403.5817880634729
du2[end] # 1431.1460373522068
du2[521] # -318.1677459142322

using Symbolics, PartitionedArrays, SparseDiffTools
du0 = copy(u0)
jac_sparsity = float.(Symbolics.jacobian_sparsity((du,u)->brusselator_2d(du,u,p,0.0),du0,u0))
colorvec = matrix_colors(jac_sparsity)

# From https://github.com/fverdugo/PartitionedArrays.jl/blob/v0.2.8/test/test_fdm.jl#L93
# A = PSparseMatrix(I,J,V,rows,cols;ids=:local)

II,J,V = findnz(jac_sparsity)
jac_sparsity_distributed = PartitionedArrays.PSparseMatrix(II,J,V,jac_sparsity.rowval,jac_sparsity.colptr)
# MethodError: no method matching PSparseMatrix(::Vector{Int64}, ::Vector{Int64}, ::Vector{Float64}, ::Vector{Int64}, ::Vector{Int64})

f = ODEFunction(brusselator_2d;jac_prototype=jac_sparsity,colorvec = colorvec)
parf = ODEFunction(brusselator_2d;jac_prototype=jac_sparsity_distributed,colorvec = colorvec)

prob_ode_brusselator_2d = ODEProblem(brusselator_2d,u0,(0.0,11.5),p,tstops=[1.1])
prob_ode_brusselator_2d_sparse = ODEProblem(f,u0,(0.0,11.5),p,tstops=[1.1])

nparts = 4
pu0 = PartitionedArrays.PVector(u0,nparts) # MethodError: no method matching PVector(::Array{Float64, 3}, ::Int64)

prob_ode_brusselator_2d_parallel = ODEProblem(brusselator_2d,pu0,(0.0,11.5),p,tstops=[1.1])
prob_ode_brusselator_2d_parallelsparse = ODEProblem(parf,pu0,(0.0,11.5),p,tstops=[1.1])

Then the solving code is:

@time solve(prob_ode_brusselator_2d_parallel,Rosenbrock23(),save_everystep=false);
@time solve(prob_ode_brusselator_2d_parallelsparse,Rosenbrock23(),save_everystep=false);

using AlgebraicMultigrid
function algebraicmultigrid(W,du,u,p,t,newW,Plprev,Prprev,solverdata)
  if newW === nothing || newW
    Pl = aspreconditioner(ruge_stuben(convert(AbstractMatrix,W)))
    Pl = Plprev

# Required due to a bug in Krylov.jl: https://github.com/JuliaSmoothOptimizers/Krylov.jl/pull/477
Base.eltype(::AlgebraicMultigrid.Preconditioner) = Float64

@time solve(prob_ode_brusselator_2d_parallelsparse,Rosenbrock23(linsolve=KrylovJL_GMRES()),save_everystep=false);
@time solve(prob_ode_brusselator_2d_parallelsparse,Rosenbrock23(linsolve=KrylovJL_GMRES(),precs=algebraicmultigrid,concrete_jac=true),save_everystep=false);

But since the construction doesn't run right now those will all fail of course.

fverdugo commented 2 years ago

Hi @ChrisRackauckas,

PSparseMatrix(::Vector{Int64}, ::Vector{Int64}, ::Vector{Float64}, ::Vector{Int64}, ::Vector{Int64})

This method error is working as expected (idem for the one with PVector). The construciton of theese objects needs a bit more work. E.g., define how the rows are partitioned over the parts.

Here you have a quick example for PVector.

# mycode.jl
using PartitionedArrays
using LinearAlgebra

np = 4
parts = get_part_ids(sequential,np) 
 # Once everything works on a standard julia repl,
#  change sequential->mpi and launch your code as
 # $ mpiexecjl --project=. -n 4 julia mycode.jl

n = 10
# This range knows that we are partitioning 10 rows in 4 parts
rows = PRange(parts,n)

# Generate some values at each part
values = map_parts(rows.partition) do lids

# Now, we have the values
# and we know how the rows are partitioned.
# We can construct a PVector
v = PVector(values,rows)

# Work with it

# Note that scalar indexing is not implemented (it would be VERY ineficient anyway)
ChrisRackauckas commented 2 years ago

lids.lid_to_gid gets the global i

fverdugo commented 2 years ago

A more detailed example, including the creation of a matrix and solvers

using PartitionedArrays
using SparseArrays
using LinearAlgebra

# Create the "parallel" environment
np = 3
parts = get_part_ids(sequential,np)

a = map_parts(i->2*i,parts)

# Create a vector

n = 10
rows = PRange(parts,n)

values = map_parts(rows.partition) do lids

v = PVector(values,rows)

# Use the vector

w = 2 .* v

z = w .+ v

t = similar(w,Int)

# Create a sparse matrix
# (a diagonal one for demo purposes)

Avalues = map_parts(rows.partition) do lids
  n = length(lids.lid_to_gid)
  I = collect(1:n)
  J = collect(1:n)
  V = ones(n)

cols = rows

A = PSparseMatrix(Avalues,rows,cols)

# Solvers

x = A\w

factors = lu(A)

y = similar(w,Float64,cols)



fverdugo commented 2 years ago

In order to launch previous example with MPI, just replace the top lines with:

using PartitionedArrays
using SparseArrays
using LinearAlgebra
using MPI


# Create the "parallel" environment
np = 3
parts = get_part_ids(mpi,np)

and run it with $ ~/.julia/bin/mpiexecjl --project=. -n 3 julia demo.jl