fvilmos / power_meter_mqtt

esp32 power meter for sensors with pulse output. Implements MQTT for status reporting. Accurate and easily can be integrated with Home Automation systems.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Schrack mgrzk465 #6

Open iLLiac4 opened 1 year ago

iLLiac4 commented 1 year ago

Hi. I need some help. Want to add this meter to HomeAssistant and am having problems. Those are impulse specs: Pulsfrequenz: 1000 imp/kWh Impulsdauer: 32 ms ±2 ms Bemessungsspannung DC: 27 V max Schaltstrom: 27 mA max

I was able to program the microcontroller and i am able to ping it. Have changed in .ino file:

define IN_PIN_PEM 18 / input pin for pulse sensor /

define IN_PIN_TMP 2 / input pin for DS18d20 temperature sensor /

define ISR_TYPE FALLING / isr triggering mode /

define HOUR 3600.0 / hour as constant /

define PULSES_KWH_RES 1 / 1 KW = 1000W, power meter has 2000 (0.5) inpulses resolution /

define SECOUND_ISR_PERIOD 0.032 / pulse period is ~90 ms (32ms), used to ignore secound interrupt arrival bug/

define MAX_POWER 7040 / for a peek of 32A => 7040W, ignor higher measurements /

And I get nothing. Also have problems with HomeAssitant I can not get this MQTT working. _Have mosquito installed also devices from Tasmota are working ok. Have paste the config into .yaml and nothing. I am using ESP32 WeMos LOLIN32 Lite. But it is the same as yours basically.

fvilmos commented 1 year ago

Hello, did you tried to connect trough Arduino studio and enable the debug function (add to the .ino file: #define DEBUG)? If this enabled, you will get in serial terminal the debug messages...


  1. wifi connected
  2. mosquito connected, Does your mosquito needs a password on connection?
  3. use an mqtt web client to inspect the communication.