fvwmorg / fvwm3

FVWM version 3 -- the successor to fvwm2
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Multiple Pages (3x3) and RandR is confusing and broken #17

Closed ThomasAdam closed 4 years ago

ThomasAdam commented 4 years ago

If FVWM3 is configured with >1 monitor and the following configuration:

DesktopName 0 0
DesktopName 1 1
DesktopName 2 2
DesktopName 3 3
DesktopSize 3x3
DesktopConfiguration per-monitor

... and FvwmPager is started with the following, to match the number of configured desktops above:

FvwmPager 0 3

Opening some terminals (xterms) will correctly assign those to the relevant screen and page. However, FvwmPager has the ability to move windows around within the pager using Alt + mouse button 3 to other pages/desks.

Because tracking windows on monitors uses their x/y position on screen, with DesktopSize 1x1 the bounding page is within the configured monitor's coordinates as given by RandR. But with DesktopSize 3x3 the x/y positions of windows as changed through FvwmPager will be far greater than the physical dimensions of the given monitor, because pages are additions to the configured screen.

So the question becomes, how can we ensure when a window is on a given page, that the correct monitor is assigned, given that the x/y dimensions aren't going to match?

Indeed, because FvwmPager when it draws windows, doesn't limit itself to one monitor (but rather, all monitors), it's perfectly possible to drag a window from within FvwmPager and have it move to a different page and monitor. How are we going to ensure the correct monitor is picked up?

Part of the problem is that because DesktopSize is the same for all outputs, trying to use $[desk.width] and $[desk.height] won't work, as these dimensions will be the same across monitors.

For instance, when dragging a window in FvwmPager to a different page, you'll see in the logs:

FindScreenOfXY: couldn't find screen at 0 x 2162 returning first monitor.  This is a bug.
FindScreenOfXY: couldn't find screen at 9462 x 2162 returning first monitor.  This is a bug.

The geometry of the window is valid, but in this case, the window has not only changed page, but also desk to what it was on originally. This is because 9462 x 2162 are on the page that represents a different monitor, but there's no way of mapping that back to the physical dimensions of the monitor itself.

Suggestions welcomed on how we can solve this!

NsCDE commented 4 years ago

Hello Thomas,

I have put DesktopConfiguration per-monitor, avoided bug #19 and tried to figure out how is this even meant to work. In short, please provide some explanation or documentation draft. I have read doc/commands/DesktopConfiguration.xml, and it has one sentence, and my experience things are very confusing in the present clone of the ta/desktops.

Observation: when pointer is on one screen and I change desk, windows from the other screen are still visible - that's ok, like, it is still on the old desk.n/page.nx/page.ny combination. But if I put "sleep 5 && FvwmCommand 'Echo $[desk.n] $[page.nx] $[page.ny]" on the terminal in left screen, and change desk/page on the right screen (BTW, copied FvwmCommandS from 2.6.9, I'm lost without FvwmCommand), this Echo will show on stderr that desk and page also changed for left screen. Additionally, FvwmBacker is likely agnostic about screens presently, and $[screen] parameter is not expanded anymore.

In desk 0, pages 0 0, I have x terminal and gvim. If I bring "FvwmPager 0 3" and navigate around, then move pager with pointer to other screen and back, x terminal and gvim will somehow end up from page 0 0 to page 0 1 (from top left to bottom left), and Echo confirms this. After navigating around, some windows are lost - visible in pager, but can be accessed only via WindowList again.

Maybe it will be better if I make screen(s) capture of two screens with ffmpeg and upload someware mp4 video for visual inspection. I can do it later.

About this problem itself, from my currently limited view of this problem:

Can some page "tagging" be introduced once desks+pages configuration is known? From physical screen geometry, it is known where every page is, so in addition to "0 0", "0 1", "1 1" etc, "0 0 @1", "0 1 @1", "1 1 @2" can be introduced? Where @X is a monitor number as optional 3rd parameter, and something which is attached to every window, and orientation for FvwmPager to which screen window belongs? This tag should then be changed if window changes the screen, and for halved windows, active screen is where more than 50% of it resides, etc ...

Some URI scheme for proper adresing is really needed. Like fvwm://desk/page/screen ...

ThomasAdam commented 4 years ago

I think I've managed to fix this with commit: d1f2678b226c24b08b71cadfdf9e0e335a83a96c

Please give this a try. This is still on the ta/fix-gh-16 branch -- I'll keep using that branch, and if this works correctly, will make this issue in the commit message so we can track it better.

In terms of the expanded variables, I'll consider it. But see also: https://github.com/fvwmorg/fvwm3/blob/master/dev-docs/NEW-COMMANDS.md -- which are just some thoughts.

NsCDE commented 4 years ago


Looks like you got it. Cannot make it to break. Sorry, no gdb backtrace nor video for you this time. Congrats! :)

I have read it. I know this is draft with throughts and ideas. This is exactly some URL scheme for addressing windows with full "path", plus pages which are in my opinion too useful powerful concept of sub-desks to die. Now it looks like there is a way to get it to work.

Ok, not all is 100% ok after Restart. I have found windows from Virtual-0 on Virtual-1 (When 1 0 is selected on Virtual-0, 1 1 from Virtual-0 was visible on Virtual-1). But if it worked before Restart FVWM command, the path (and math) is probably already here, and this are glitches.

It has become a bit hard to open 4 x 2x2 on Virtual-0 and the same amount of windows on Virtual-1 manually. In the evening when I catch a time, will make some Func to "walk" all this, then open some window (xterm) with screen,desk,pagex,pagey indicator file in less, make a control with stderr debug output, then I will repeat Restart and will send you a results.

P. S. Looks like #15 is also obsolete now.

ThomasAdam commented 4 years ago

@NsCDE - Thanks!

The reason why strange things happen on Restart, is because we recapture the windows, and write their state into a temporary file which FVWM then reads in. But at that point, FVWM doesn't understand anything about monitors.

Would you mind opening a separate issue with regards to the Restart bug?


NsCDE commented 4 years ago

Ok, we will open separate one. But at the evening when I make detailed tests. Now there is too much noise at work around me and human error or wrongly transferred observation risk is high. :)

ThomasAdam commented 4 years ago

Closing this per: d1f2678b226c24b08b71cadfdf9e0e335a83a96c which fixes this issue. Will reword the commit message later on.