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FVWM version 3 -- the successor to fvwm2
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the F8-menu is not shown for tigervnc-viewer #519

Closed harridu closed 3 years ago

harridu commented 3 years ago

Upfront Information

Using tigervnc-viewer the F8 Menu ("context menu") doesn't work. The mouse pointer is changed, but the popup appears anywhere on the window, Sometimes its not shown at all. I would suspect its off screen in this case. And if I move the mouse close to the popup, then it moves away.

No such problem for fvwm2.

Enabling logging

[1623243451.028658]  log opened (because of SIGUSR2)
[1623243614.572414] setup_window_placement: Expanding screen from 'null' -> ''
[1623243626.476876] ewmh_ComputeAndSetWorkArea: monitor 'DP-0': {l: 0, r: 0, t: 0, b: 0} {x: 0, y: 0, w: 3440, h: 1440}
[1623243638.065040] ewmh_ComputeAndSetWorkArea: monitor 'DP-0': {l: 0, r: 0, t: 0, b: 0} {x: 0, y: 0, w: 3440, h: 1440}
[1623243640.590581] ewmh_ComputeAndSetWorkArea: monitor 'DP-0': {l: 0, r: 0, t: 0, b: 0} {x: 0, y: 0, w: 3440, h: 1440}
[1623243640.590620] EWMH_GetWorkAreaIntersection: mon: DP-0 {ax: 0, ay: 0, aw: 3440, ah: 1440
[1623243640.590630] EWMH_GetWorkAreaIntersection: mon: DP-0 {x: 0, y: 0, w: 3440, h: 1440
[1623243640.590638] EWMH_GetWorkAreaIntersection: mon: DP-0 finalising: {x: 0, y: 0, w: 3440, h: 1440}

I just ran vncviewer, pressed F8 and tried to move the mouse pointer close to the popup.

ThomasAdam commented 3 years ago

Hey @harridu

Weird. Works for me. I'm also using fvwm3-1.0.3:


harridu commented 3 years ago


Maybe you can reproduce this using a large virtual (or physical) screen? I've got 3440x1440 real and in vnc.

ThomasAdam commented 3 years ago

That's not likely. Unless you can get me access to a VNC server at that resolution?

harridu commented 3 years ago

Just a sec. I am trying a small screen on my side.

harridu commented 3 years ago

Using a standard resolution (1920x1200, 24bit) for the VNC session the context menu seems to work reliable. Using a higher resolution (e.g. 2047x1200, 24bit) it works sometimes, but usually it doesn't. If it works, then it might be broken if I reconnect to the same VNC session.

I don't have a smaller monitor, but maybe you could try a vnc session with "-geometry 2048x1200 -depth 24" on your side, even if it doesn't fit on the physical screen?

ThomasAdam commented 3 years ago

Sure. I tried 3440x1440 as the resolution. Works for me:


ThomasAdam commented 3 years ago


Can you add your fvwm config here, so I can check it?

harridu commented 3 years ago

I had moved my regular .fvwm2rc out of the way. AFAICT I am using /usr/share/fvwm3/default-config/config.

ThomasAdam commented 3 years ago

OK. Still works fine for me.

ThomasAdam commented 3 years ago


Can you also record what you're seeing?

harridu commented 3 years ago

Which tool would you suggest to record the screen session?

I tright another vncviewer (xtightvncviewer). That showed something unexpected: The context menu showed up with its own window decorations. No problem in this case (of course).

harridu commented 3 years ago

I have uploaded a video. But there is not very much to see. You just see how the mouse pointer is changed when I press F8. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/832164/121393603-cc794b80-c950-11eb-9c12-5e8928694b7a.mp4

harridu commented 3 years ago

I could not reproduce this problem using a dual-head display in the office (2*1920x1200), connected to the same vnc session as yesterday (still using /usr/share/fvwm3/default-config/config).

ThomasAdam commented 3 years ago

Historically, VNC has never played nicely with fvwm, due to how VNC works. So I'm not sure what to suggest here, other than I'm unlikely to be able to fix this.

Have you tried another VNC client/server other than tightvnc to see if you get a similar issue?

harridu commented 3 years ago

Its tigervnc. Yes, I tried tightvnc as well, see above. For tightvncviewer the F8 popup was shown with its own window decorations, but it was stable, AFAICT.

ThomasAdam commented 3 years ago

OK. At this point, unless there's something else which comes to light which allows me to reproduce it, I don't think this is necessarily fvwm's fault.

I'm going to close this bug for now, but if you get any more information, do please reopen it.

harridu commented 2 years ago

Please check rhe attached video. It shows how the F8 menu of xtigervncviewer appears to run away from the mouse. Even if you consider this as "not fvwm3's fault", it is still funny.


After 30 secs into the video there is no more action.

harridu commented 2 years ago


xtightvncviewer -fullscreen -passwd ~/.vnc/passwd somehost:42

the F8 menu is not shown, either. xtightvncviewer is version 1.3.10-5, as included with Debian Sid.

But since the F8 popup of xtightvncviewer gets regular window decorations this might be a different problem.

harridu commented 9 months ago

I am back to fvwm2 due to this problem.

harridu commented 2 months ago

@ThomasAdam , this problem is still bugging me. Sometimes the F8 menu works as expected, sometimes it doesn't show up or runs away, as shown in the video. Creating a third window seems to toggle between "works" and "doesn't work" pretty reliably. The "Identify" from fvwm3's window context menu is very helpful here.

I wasn't able to reproduce it with other programs but tigervnc-viewer and xtightvncviewer, yet. xtightvncviewer only in full screen mode. When not in full screen mode, xtightvncviewer shows the F8 menu with window decorations.