fvwmorg / fvwm3

FVWM version 3 -- the successor to fvwm2
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"ThisWindow (Screen XY) Sticky" broken? in DesktopConfiguration global #64

Closed MasterP-theGu closed 4 years ago

MasterP-theGu commented 4 years ago

In DesktopConfiguration per-monitor, I have this in my config:

DestroyFunc MoveWin
AddToFunc MoveWin | PipeRead 'echo Move'
+ I ThisWindow (Screen 2) Sticky

and it makes all windows on Screen 2 Sticky (albeit without the horizontal bars in the title).

When I change to DesktopConfiguration global, the same windows are not sticky anymore, and the above part of my config file doesn't seem to do anything.

Windows that were made sticky in per-monitor Configuration will disappear from all pages apart from the one on which they originated when I switch from per-monitor to global using FvwmConsole.

build: gh-28 config: basically default

ThomasAdam commented 4 years ago

This is working fine for me.

danespen commented 4 years ago

MasterP-theGu notifications@github.com writes:

In DesktopConfiguration per-monitor, I have this in my config:

DestroyFunc MoveWin AddToFunc MoveWin | PipeRead 'echo Move' ^ I

Not sure why that wouldn't be:

AddToFunc MoveWin I Move

  • I ThisWindow (Screen 2) Sticky

and it makes all windows on Screen 2 Sticky (albeit without the horizontal bars in the title).

When I change to DesktopConfiguration global, the same windows are not sticky anymore, and the above part of my config file doesn't seem to do anything.

Windows that were made sticky in per-monitor Configuration will disappear from all pages apart from the one on which they originated when I switch from per-monitor to global using FvwmConsole.

build: gh-28 config: basically default

-- Dan Espen

MasterP-theGu commented 4 years ago

@danespen typography, typography.... Let's also wonder why the pipe symbol hasnt broken it. :D

But I digress, here's my config

#  ____________________________
# (   _________________________)
#  ) (__  _  _  _    _
# (   __)( \/ )( \/\/ )/\/\
#  ) (    \  /  \    //    \
# (___)    \/    \/\/(_/\/\_) 2.6
#  This is the default configuration file shipped with fvwm.
#  This config file is organized as follows:
#    1: Functions
#    2: Styles
#    3: Colorsets
#    4: Menus
#    5: Bindings
#    6: Decor
#    7: Modules
DesktopConfiguration global
#DesktoPConfiguration per-monitor

# InfoStoreAdd can be used to store variable data internal to fvwm.
# The variable can then be used in the configuration as $[infostore.name].
# You can also use environment variables but for data internal to fvwm
# use InfoStore variables instead.
# The following is used in various menus and also sets the terminal
# that FvwmConsole uses. Change this to your terminal of choice
InfoStoreAdd terminal xterm

# 1: Functions
# Fvwm can use custom functions for various tasks.
# The syntax for defining a function named FunctionName is:
#   DestroyFunc FunctionName
#   AddToFunc FunctionName
#   + I [Action to do Immediately]
#   + C [Action to do on a Mouse Click]
#   + D [Action to do on a Mouse Double Click]
#   + H [Action to do on a Mouse Hold]
#   + M [Action to do on a Mouse Motion]

# Start Function
# The start function is run right after fvwm is done reading
# the config file. This function run after each restart
# so using Test (Init) or Test (Restart) can further control
# actions that are run during the first time run (Init) or
# actions that are run after a restart.
DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc   StartFunction
+ I Test (Init, f $[FVWM_USERDIR]/.BGdefault) \
    Exec exec fvwm-root $[FVWM_USERDIR]/.BGdefault
+ I TestRc (NoMatch) Exec exec fvwm-root \
+ I Module FvwmButtons RightPanel
+ I Module FvwmEvent EventNewDesk
+ I Test (Init) exec gxkb
+ I Exec exec dunst
+ I Exec exec clipmenud
+ I Exec exec volumeicon
+ I Exec exec mpd
+ I Exec exec pulseaudio --kill ; pulseaudio 
+ I Test (Init) exec conky

# Mouse Bindings Functions
DestroyFunc RaiseMoveX
AddToFunc RaiseMoveX
+ I Raise
+ M $0
+ D $1

DestroyFunc RaiseMove
AddToFunc RaiseMove
+ I Raise
+ M $0

DestroyFunc MoveToCurrent
AddToFunc MoveToCurrent
+ I ThisWindow MoveToPage
+ I ThisWindow MoveToDesk

# Function: MoveWin
# This function sticks windows moved to screen 2.
DestroyFunc MoveWin
AddToFunc MoveWin I PipeRead 'echo Move'
+ I ThisWindow (Screen 2) Stick

# Function: ViewManPage $0
# This function loads the man page $0 in an terminal
# and is used with the help menu.
DestroyFunc ViewManPage
AddToFunc   ViewManPage
+ I Exec exec $[infostore.terminal] -g 80x40 \
  -n "Manual Page - $0" -T "Manual Page - $0" -e man "$0"

# Function: SetBG $0
# SetBG is used with the background menu to set the background
# image and configure it to be loaded the next time fvwm is run.
# Note, fvwm-root can't use .jpeg or resize images. Use something
# like display, feh, etc.
DestroyFunc SetBG
AddToFunc   SetBG
+ I Test (f $[FVWM_USERDIR]/images/background/$0) \
    Exec exec fvwm-root $[FVWM_USERDIR]/images/background/$0
+ I TestRc (Match) Exec exec ln -fs images/background/$0 \
+ I TestRc (Match) Break
+ I Test (!f $[FVWM_DATADIR]/default-config/images/background/$0) Break
+ I Exec exec fvwm-root $[FVWM_DATADIR]/default-config/images/background/$0
+ I Exec exec ln -fs $[FVWM_DATADIR]/default-config/images/background/$0 \

# Function: IconManClick
# This function is run from FvwmIconMan when the button is clicked.
DestroyFunc IconManClick
AddToFunc   IconManClick
+ I ThisWindow (Raised, !Shaded, !Iconic, CurrentPage) Iconify
+ I TestRc (Match) Break
+ I ThisWindow WindowShade off
+ I ThisWindow Iconify off
+ I ThisWindow Raise
+ I ThisWindow (AcceptsFocus) FlipFocus

# Function: ToggleTitle
# This function will toggle if fvwm shows the TitleBar.
DestroyFunc ToggleTitle
AddToFunc   ToggleTitle
+ I ThisWindow (State 1) WindowStyle Title
+ I TestRc (Match) State 1 False
+ I TestRc (Match) Break
+ I WindowStyle !Title
+ I State 1 True

# Function: ChangeDesk
# This function is called by FvwmEvent every time the Desk is changed.
DestroyFunc ChangeDesk
AddToFunc   ChangeDesk
+ I SendToModule FvwmButtons ChangeButton desk0 Colorset 10
+ I SendToModule FvwmButtons ChangeButton desk1 Colorset 10
+ I SendToModule FvwmButtons ChangeButton desk2 Colorset 10
+ I SendToModule FvwmButtons ChangeButton desk3 Colorset 10
+ I SendToModule FvwmButtons ChangeButton desk$0 Colorset 11

# 2: Styles #

# Desktops and Pages
# Fvwm has both Virtual Desktops and Pages. Each Desktop is built from
# a grid of Pages. The following sets the name of four Desktops and then
# divides each Desktop into a 2x2 grid of Pages that are positioned as
#   +---+---+
#   |   |   |
#   +---+---+
#   |   |   |
#   +---+---+
DesktopName 0 Main
DesktopName 1 Desk1
DesktopName 2 Desk2
DesktopName 3 Desk3
DesktopSize 2x2

# EdgeScroll will move the view port between the Pages when the mouse
# moves to the edge of the screen. This set the amount of distance to
# scroll at 100% (full page) and the EdgeResistance which is a timer
# for how long the mouse as at the edge before it scrolls.
# Set EdgeScroll 0 0 and/or EdgeResistance -1 to disable.
EdgeScroll 100 100
EdgeResistance 450
EdgeThickness 1
Style * EdgeMoveDelay 350, EdgeMoveResistance 350

# EwmhBaseStruts [left] [right] [top] [bottom]
# Reserves space along the edge(s) of the Screen that will not
# be covered when maximizing or placing windows.
EwmhBaseStruts 0 120 0 0

# This sets the ClickTime and MoveThreshold used to determine
# Double Clicks, Hold and Move for the mouse.
ClickTime 250
MoveThreshold 3

# Sets the focus style to SloppyFocus and a mouse click
# in a window will Raise it.
Style * SloppyFocus, MouseFocusClickRaises

# Default Font
DefaultFont "xft:Sans:Bold:size=8:antialias=True"

# Window Placement
Style * MinOverlapPlacement, GrabFocusOff, !UsePPosition

# Sets all windows to OpaqueMove (vs a wired frame) and  windows will
# snap to each other and the edge of the screen.
# WAS: unlimited und ResizeOutline
XORValue 0
OpaqueMoveSize 0 
Style * ResizeOutline, SnapAttraction 15 SameType ScreenAll, SnapGrid

# Transient Windows (such as open file windows)
Style * DecorateTransient, StackTransientParent
Style * !FPGrabFocusTransient, FPReleaseFocusTransient

# WindowShade
Style * WindowShadeScrolls, WindowShadeSteps 10

# Ignore Numlock and other modifiers for bindings
# See http://fvwm.org/documentation/faq/#why-do-numlock-capslock-and-scrolllock-interfere-with-clicktofocus-andor-my-mouse-bindings
IgnoreModifiers L25

# Decor Styles
Style * BorderWidth 5, HandleWidth 5, MWMButtons, FvwmBorder, FirmBorder
Style * Colorset 1, HilightColorset 2
Style * BorderColorset 3, HilightBorderColorset 4

# Disable Icons from appearing on desktop.
# Comment this out or use Style * Icon to get the icons back.
# Style * !Icon

# Window Specific Styles
Style RightPanel !Title, !Borders, !Handles, Sticky, \
                 WindowListSkip, NeverFocus
Style ConfirmQuit !Title, PositionPlacement Center, WindowListSkip, Layer 6
Style FvwmIdent WindowListSkip
Style Vivaldi-stable !Title,!Borders,!Handles
Style vivaldi-stable !Title,!Borders,!Handles
Style chromium !Title,!Borders, !Handles
Style Conky !Title,!Borders,!Handles,Sticky, WindowListSkip, NeverFocus

# 3: Colorsets
# Colorsets can be used to configure the color of the various
# parts of fvwm such as window decor, menus, modules, etc.
# Colorset Convention
#   0 - Default
#   1 - Inactive Windows
#   2 - Active Window
#   3 - Inactive Windows Borders
#   4 - Active Windows Borders
#   5 - Menu - Inactive Item
#   6 - Menu - Active Item
#   7 - Menu - Grayed Item
#   8 - Menu - Title
#   9 - Reserved
#  10+ Modules
#      10 - Module Default
#      11 - Module Hilight
#      12 - Module ActiveButton (Mouse Hover)
#      13 - FvwmPager Active Page
#      14 - FvwmIconMan Iconified Button
Colorset 0  fg #ffffff, bg #003c3c, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 1  fg #000000, bg #8f9f8f, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 2  fg #ffffff, bg #003c3c, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 3  fg black, bg #4d4d4d, hi #676767, sh #303030, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 4  fg black, bg #2d2d2d, hi #474747, sh #101010, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 5  fg #000000, bg #ffffff, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 6  fg #ffffff, bg #2d2d2d, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 7  fg grey30, bg #ffffff, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 8  fg #ffffff, bg #003c3c, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 10 fg #ffffff, bg #003c3c, hi #aaaaaa, sh #999999, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 11 fg #ffffff, bg #1a6e99, hi #ffffff, sh #ffffff, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 12 fg #2d2d2d, bg #ffffff, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 13 fg #ffffff, bg #006c6c, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 14 fg #555555, bg #003c3c, hi #aaaaaa, sh #999999, Plain, NoShape

Colorset 20 fg Black, Transparent
# 4: Menus
MenuStyle * MenuColorset 10, ActiveColorset 6, GreyedColorset 7, TitleColorset 8
MenuStyle * Hilight3DOff, HilightBack, HilightTitleBack, SeparatorsLong
MenuStyle * TrianglesSolid, TrianglesUseFore
MenuStyle * ItemFormat "%|%3.1i%5.3l%5.3>%|"
MenuStyle * Font "xft:Sans:Bold:size=8:antialias=True"

# Root Menu
# The root menu will PopUp with a click in the root
# window or using alt-f1 (or menu).
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmRoot
AddToMenu   MenuFvwmRoot "Fvwm" Title
+ "&Programs%icons/programs.png%" Popup MenuPrograms
+ "XDG &Menu%icons/apps.png%" Popup XDGMenu
+ "&File Management" Popup FvwmMenuFilePopup
+ "&XTerm%icons/terminal.png%" Exec exec $[infostore.terminal]
+ "&Termite%icons/terminal.png%" Exec exec termite
+ "" Nop
+ "Fvwm&Console%icons/terminal.png%" Module FvwmConsole -terminal $[infostore.terminal]
+ "&Wallpapers%icons/wallpaper.png%" Popup BGMenu
+ "M&an Pages%icons/help.png%" Popup MenuFvwmManPages
+ "Copy Config%icons/conf.png%" FvwmScript FvwmScript-ConfirmCopyConfig
+ "" Nop
+ "Re&fresh%icons/refresh.png%" Refresh
+ "&Restart%icons/restart.png%" Restart
+ "&Quit%icons/quit.png%" Module FvwmScript FvwmScript-ConfirmQuit

DestroyMenu "FvwmMenuFilePopup"
AddTomenu  "FvwmMenuFilePopup"
+ MissingSubMenuFunction FuncFvwmMenuDirectory
+ "/" Popup /
+ "2T" Popup /2T
+ "home" Popup ~

DestroyFunc FuncFvwmMenuDirectory
AddToFunc FuncFvwmMenuDirectory
+ I PipeRead 'fvwm-menu-directory -d "$0" -exec-file ^xdg-open --exec-title ^xdg-open --check-subdir --links'

# Generate XDGMenu
PipeRead "fvwm-menu-desktop -e"

# Programs Menu
# This test for some common programs and adds them to the menu.
# When adding programs you don't need to use the Test (x foo)
# lines as this is only to help make this menu portable.
DestroyMenu MenuPrograms
AddToMenu   MenuPrograms "Programs" Title
Test (x chromium) + "Chromium" Exec exec chromium
Test (x firefox) + "Firefox" Exec exec firefox
Test (x google-chrome) + "Google-Chrome" Exec exec google-chrome
Test (x gvim) + "gVim" Exec exec gvim
Test (x xemacs) + "XEmacs" Exec exec xemacs
Test (x gimp) + "Gimp" Exec exec gimp
Test (x vlc) + "VLC" Exec exec vlc

# Background Menu
# Backgrounds are located in ~/.fvwm/images/background/
# Menu icons are located in ~/.fvwm/images/bgicons/
DestroyMenu BGMenu
AddToMenu   BGMenu "Wallpapers" Title
+ "Floral%bgicons/bg1.png%" SetBG bg1.png
+ "Circles%bgicons/bg2.png%" SetBG bg2.png
+ "Space%bgicons/bg3.png%" SetBG bg3.png

# Window Operations Menus
DestroyMenu MenuWindowOps
AddToMenu   MenuWindowOps
+ "Move"      Move 
+ "Resize"    Resize
+ "Iconify"   Iconify
+ "Maximize"  Maximize
+ "Shade"     WindowShade
+ "Stick"     Stick
+ "" Nop
+ "Close"     Close
+ "More..."   Menu MenuWindowOpsLong This 0 0

DestroyMenu MenuWindowOpsLong
AddToMenu   MenuWindowOpsLong
+ "Move"                Move
+ "Resize"              Resize
+ "(De)Iconify"         Iconify
+ "(Un)Maximize"        Maximize
+ "(Un)Shade"           WindowShade
+ "(Un)Sticky"      Stick
+ "(No)TitleBar"    Pick (CirculateHit) ToggleTitle
+ "Send To"             Popup MenuSendTo
+ "" Nop
+ "Close"               Close
+ "Destroy"             Destroy
+ "" Nop
+ "Raise"       Raise
+ "Lower"       Lower
+ "" Nop
+ "StaysOnTop"          Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 6
+ "StaysPut"            Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 4
+ "StaysOnBottom"       Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 2
+ "" Nop
+ "Identify"            Module FvwmIdent

DestroyMenu MenuIconOps
AddToMenu   MenuIconOps
+ "(De)Iconify"         Iconify
+ "(Un)Maximize"        Maximize
+ "(Un)Shade"           WindowShade
+ "(Un)Sticky"      Stick
+ "(No)TitleBar"    Pick (CirculateHit) ToggleTitle
+ "Send To"             Popup MenuSendTo
+ "" Nop
+ "Close"               Close
+ "Destroy"             Destroy
+ "" Nop
+ "Raise"       Raise
+ "Lower"       Lower
+ "" Nop
+ "StaysOnTop"          Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 6
+ "StaysPut"            Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 4
+ "StaysOnBottom"       Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 2
+ "" Nop
+ "Identify"            Module FvwmIdent

DestroyMenu MenuSendTo
AddToMenu MenuSendTo
+ "Current" MoveToCurrent
+ "Page" PopUp MenuSendToPage
+ "Desk" PopUp MenuSendToDesk

DestroyMenu MenuSendToDesk
AddToMenu   MenuSendToDesk
+ "Desk 0"  MoveToDesk 0 0
+ "Desk 1"  MoveToDesk 0 1
+ "Desk 2"  MoveToDesk 0 2
+ "Desk 3"  MoveToDesk 0 3

DestroyMenu MenuSendToPage
AddToMenu   MenuSendToPage
+ "Page (0,0)"  MoveToPage 0 0
+ "Page (0,1)"  MoveToPage 0 1
+ "Page (1,0)"  MoveToPage 1 0
+ "Page (1,1)"  MoveToPage 1 1

# Fvwm Man Pages (Help) Menu
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmManPages
AddToMenu   MenuFvwmManPages "Help" Title
+ "fvwm"                ViewManPage fvwm
+ "FvwmAnimate"         ViewManPage FvwmAnimate
+ "FvwmAuto"            ViewManPage FvwmAuto
+ "FvwmBacker"          ViewManPage FvwmBacker
+ "FvwmBanner"          ViewManPage FvwmBanner
+ "FvwmButtons"         ViewManPage FvwmButtons
+ "FvwmCommand"         ViewManPage FvwmCommand
+ "FvwmConsole"         ViewManPage FvwmConsole
+ "FvwmEvent"           ViewManPage FvwmEvent
+ "FvwmForm"            ViewManPage FvwmForm
+ "FvwmIconMan"         ViewManPage FvwmIconMan
+ "FvwmIdent"           ViewManPage FvwmIdent
+ "FvwmPager"           ViewManPage FvwmPager
+ "FvwmPerl"            ViewManPage FvwmPerl
+ "FvwmProxy"           ViewManPage FvwmProxy
+ "FvwmRearrange"       ViewManPage FvwmRearrange
+ "FvwmScript"          ViewManPage FvwmScript
+ "" Nop
+ "fvwm-root"           ViewManPage fvwm-root
+ "fvwm-menu-desktop"   ViewManPage fvwm-menu-desktop
+ "fvwm-menu-directory" ViewManPage fvwm-menu-directory
+ "fvwm-menu-headlines" ViewManPage fvwm-menu-headlines
+ "fvwm-menu-xlock"     ViewManPage fvwm-menu-xlock
+ "fvwm-config"         ViewManPage fvwm-config

# 5: Mouse and Key bindings
# Contexts:
#     R = Root Window                 rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
#     W = Application Window          rIrrrr<---------^rrrrr
#     F = Frame Corners               rrrrrr[13TTTT642]rrrrr
#     S = Frame Sides                 rIrrrr[wwwwwwwww]rrrrr
#     T = Title Bar                   rrrrrr[wwwwwwwww]rrrrr
#     I = Icon                        rIrrrrv_________>rrrrr
#                                     rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
#     Numbers are buttons: [1 3 5 7 9  TTTTT  0 8 6 4 2]
# Modifiers: (A)ny, (C)ontrol, (S)hift, (M)eta, (N)othing
# Format: Key <X>  <Context> <Modifier> <Action>
#         Mouse <X> <Context> <Modifier> <Action>

# Alt-F1 or Menu to load the root menu and Alt-Tab for a WindowList.
# Ctrl-F1/F2/F3/F4 will switch between the Virtual Desktops.
# Super_R (windows key) will launch a terminal.
# Silent supresses any errors (such as keyboards with no Menu key).
Silent Key F1 A M Menu MenuFvwmRoot
Silent Key Menu A A Menu MenuFvwmRoot
Silent Key Tab A M WindowList Root c c NoDeskSort, SelectOnRelease Meta_L
Silent Key F1 A C GotoDesk 0 0
Silent Key F2 A C GotoDesk 0 1
Silent Key F3 A C GotoDesk 0 2
Silent Key F4 A C GotoDesk 0 3
Silent Key Super_R A A Exec exec $[infostore.terminal]
Silent Key Super_L A A Exec exec dmenu_run 
Silent Key XF86AudioPlay A N Exec exec mpc toggle
Silent Key XF86AudioPrev A N Exec exec mpc prev
Silent Key XF86AudioNext A N Exec exec mpc next
Silent Key space A C Exec exec mpc toggle
Silent Key M A C Exec exec ~/bin/termux_mail.sh
Silent Key XF86Mail A N Exec exec ~/bin/termux_mail.sh

Mouse 1 W M Move
Mouse 3 W M Resize

# Window Buttons: [1 3 5 7 9  TTTTT  0 8 6 4 2]
#   1 - Open the WindowOps menu.
#   2 - Close on single click, Destory on double click.
#   4 - Maximize (right/middle button will only maximize vertical/horizontal)
#   6 - Iconify (minimize)
Mouse 1 1 A Menu MenuWindowOps Delete
Mouse 1 2 A Close
Mouse 1 4 A Maximize 100 100
Mouse 2 4 A Maximize 0 100
Mouse 3 4 A Maximize 100 0
Mouse 1 6 A Iconify

#   TitleBar: Click to Raise, Move, Double Click to Maximize
#             Mouse Wheel Up/Down to WindowShade On/Off
#   Borders: Click to raise, Move to Resize
#   Root Window: Left Click - Main Menu
#                Right Click - WindowOps Menu
#                Middle Click - Window List Menu
#   Right click TitleBar/Borders for WindowOps Menu
Mouse 1 T    A RaiseMoveX Move Maximize
Mouse 1 FS   A RaiseMove Resize
Mouse 4 T    A WindowShade True
Mouse 5 T    A WindowShade False
Mouse 1 R    A Menu MenuFvwmRoot
Mouse 2 R    A WindowList
Mouse 3 R    A Menu MenuWindowOpsLong
Mouse 1 I    A RaiseMoveX Move "Iconify off"
Mouse 3 T    A Menu MenuWindowOps
Mouse 3 I    A Menu MenuIconOps

Mouse 2 T    A Stick (Screen 2)

# 6: Window Decor
# Buttons Locations: [1 3 5 7 9  TTTTT  0 8 6 4 2]
#   1 - WindowOps Menu
#   2 - Close
#   4 - Maximize
#   6 - Minimize
TitleStyle Centered Height 18 -- Flat
ButtonStyle All ActiveUp Vector 5 15x15@4 15x85@3 85x85@3 85x15@3 \
                15x15@3 -- Flat
ButtonStyle All ToggledActiveUp Vector 5 15x15@4 15x85@3 85x85@3 \
                85x15@3 15x15@3 -- Flat
ButtonStyle All ActiveDown Vector 5 20x20@4 20x80@3 80x80@3 80x20@3 \
                20x20@3 -- Flat
ButtonStyle All ToggledActiveDown Vector 5 20x20@4 20x80@3 80x80@3 \
                80x20@3 20x20@3 -- Flat
ButtonStyle All ToggledInactive Vector 5 47x47@3 57x53@3 53x53@3 \
                53x47@3 47x47@3 -- Flat
ButtonStyle All Inactive Vector 5 47x47@3 57x53@3 53x53@3 53x47@3 \
                47x47@3 -- Flat
AddButtonStyle 1 Active Vector 5 45x45@3 55x45@3 55x55@3 45x55@3 45x45@3
AddButtonStyle 2 Active Vector 4 35x35@3 65x65@3 65x35@4 35x65@3
AddButtonStyle 4 Active Vector 8 30x70@3 30x30@3 70x30@3 70x70@3 30x70@3 \
                 30x50@4 50x50@3 50x70@3
AddButtonStyle 4 ToggledActiveUp Vector 8 30x70@3 30x30@3 70x30@3 70x70@3 \
                 30x70@3 50x30@4 50x50@3 70x50@3
AddButtonStyle 6 Active Vector 5 35x60@3 65x60@3 65x50@3 35x50@3 35x60@3
ButtonStyle All - Clear
ButtonStyle 1 - MwmDecorMenu
ButtonStyle 4 - MwmDecorMax
ButtonStyle 6 - MwmDecorMin

# 7: Modules

# FvwmIdent
# FvwmIdent is a module that can be used to get the various info about
# a window. One use is getting the class/resource/name of a window.
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmIdent:*
*FvwmIdent: Colorset 10
*FvwmIdent: Font "xft:Sans:size=10:antialias=True"

# FvwmBanner
# This displays the Fvwm Logo for 5 seconds. This is displayed
# when fvwm starts.
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmBanner:*
*FvwmBanner: NoDecor
*FvwmBanner: Timeout 5

# FvwmScript
# FvwmScript is a module that allows one to write custom desktop
# widgets and various other tools. This config uses two FvwmScripts.
#   - DateTime - uses the output of "date" to display the date/time
#     on the RightPanel.
#   - Quit - This is a popup that asks for quit confirmation before
#     quitting fvwm.
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmScript:*
*FvwmScript: DefaultColorset 10 

# FvwmButtons - RightPanel
# FvwmButtons is a powerful module that can be used to build custom
# panels and docks. This config uses FvwmButtons to build the RightPanel.
# The panel contains buttons to switch desks, FvwmPager, a system tray,
# FvwmIconMan (list of running windows), and a clock.
# Note - To use the system tray you must have "stalonetray" installed.
DestroyModuleConfig RightPanel:*
*RightPanel: Geometry 120x$[vp.height]+0+0
*RightPanel: Colorset 10
*RightPanel: Columns 120
*RightPanel: Frame 0
*RightPanel: Font "xft:Sans:Bold:size=10:antialias=True"
*RightPanel: (120x45, Icon "fvwm-logo-small.png", Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (120x5, Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (10x20, Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (25x20, Id desk0, Title "0", Action (Mouse 1) GotoDesk 0 0, Colorset 11, ActiveColorset 12, Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (25x20, Id desk1, Title "1", Action (Mouse 1) GotoDesk 0 1, ActiveColorset 12, Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (25x20, Id desk2, Title "2", Action (Mouse 1) GotoDesk 0 2, ActiveColorset 12, Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (25x20, Id desk3, Title "3", Action (Mouse 1) GotoDesk 0 3, ActiveColorset 12, Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (10x20, Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (5x80, Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (110x80, Swallow FvwmPager 'Module FvwmPager *', Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (5x80, Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (120x5, Frame 0)
Test (x stalonetray) *RightPanel: (120x20, Swallow(NoClose,UseOld) \
    stalonetray 'Exec exec stalonetray --config \
    "$[FVWM_DATADIR]/default-config/.stalonetrayrc"', Frame 0)
Test (x stalonetray) PipeRead 'echo "*RightPanel: (120x$(($[vp.height]-225)), \
    Top, Swallow FvwmIconMan \'Module FvwmIconMan\', Frame 0)"'
Test (!x stalonetray) PipeRead 'echo "*RightPanel: (120x$(($[vp.height]-205)),\
    Top, Swallow FvwmIconMan \'Module FvwmIconMan\', Frame 0)"'
*RightPanel: (120x45, Swallow DateTime 'Module FvwmScript FvwmScript-DateTime',\
    Frame 0)
*RightPanel: (120x5, Frame 0)

# FvwmPager
# This module displays the location of the windows on the various Pages
# and Desks. This is setup to show only the Pages on the current Desk.
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPager:*
*FvwmPager: Colorset * 10
*FvwmPager: HilightColorset * 13
*FvwmPager: BalloonColorset * 10
*FvwmPager: WindowColorsets 10 11
*FvwmPager: Font None
*FvwmPager: Balloons All
*FvwmPager: BalloonFont "xft:Sans:Bold:size=8:antialias=True"
*FvwmPager: BallonYOffset +2
*FvwmPager: Window3dBorders
*FvwmPager: MiniIcons

# FvwmIconMan
# FvwmIconMan is a powerful tool to list and manage windows. This
# is used as the window list in the panel or taskbar.
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmIconMan:*
*FvwmIconMan: UseWinList true
*FvwmIconMan: ButtonGeometry 120x20
*FvwmIconMan: ManagerGeometry 1x1
*FvwmIconMan: Background #003c3c
*FvwmIconMan: Foreground #ffffff
*FvwmIconMan: FocusColorset 11
*FvwmIconMan: IconColorset 14
*FvwmIconMan: FocusAndSelectColorset 12
*FvwmIconMan: SelectColorset 12
*FvwmIconMan: IconAndSelectColorset 12
*FvwmIconMan: DrawIcons always
*FvwmIconMan: ReliefThickness 0
*FvwmIconMan: Format "%t"
*FvwmIconMan: Font "xft:Sans:Bold:size=8:antialias=True"
*FvwmIconMan: Action Mouse 0 A ret
*FvwmIconMan: Action Mouse 1 A sendcommand IconManClick
*FvwmIconMan: Action Mouse 3 A sendcommand "Menu MenuIconOps"
*FvwmIconMan: Resolution global
*FvwmIconMan: Tips needed
*FvwmIconMan: Sort id

# FvwmEvent
# FvwmEvent is a module that can run an action or function
# on specific events. This instance changes which desk number
# is highlighted when the desk is changed.
DestroyModuleConfig EventNewDesk:*
*EventNewDesk: PassID
*EventNewDesk: new_desk ChangeDesk

# FvwmForm
# FvwmForm is a module that can be used to build a GUI
# form. Used with fvwm-menu-desktop-config.fpl.
# This sets the default colorsets.
*FvwmFormDefault: Colorset 10
*FvwmFormDefault: ItemColorset 13
ThomasAdam commented 4 years ago


With MoveWin defined in your config, if I do:

Pick MoveWin

in FvwmConsole and select a window to move to Screen 2, then that window becomes sticky.

If I switch between per-monitor and global via FvwmConsole, those windows that were sticky remain so, and those windows don't lose their state.

What am I missing?

MasterP-theGu commented 4 years ago

Before I make a video, let me try words.

1st idea: In per-monitor Configuration, the window on Screen 2 is not actually sticky (just confirmed with FvwmIdent, which I could have done earlier). The effect of stickiness is achieved by pager movement on Screen 1 not being followed by any kind of movent on Screen 2. So, I move around pages and desks on my HDMI-1, but remain static on Desk 0 Page 0 on HDMI-2. My mistake to not have seen that earlier.

2nd idea: Switching between per-monitor and global reveals independent views of the Screen 2. When I switch from global to per-monitor, every window on Screen 2 remains visible. When I now change Desktop or Page using the pager, I only change that for Screen 2, so that all windows on Screen 2 remain visible (as Screen 2 still is, say, Desk 0 Page 0, where I started). If I then switch back from per-monitor to global, the view on Screen 2 is now switched to the same Desk / Page as Screen 1, and if that is different from the initial place, my windows "disappear". Of course, they don't disappear, it's the view that changes.

Conclusion This has nothing to do whatsoever with Stickiness, it has something to do with how the pager moves differently in the two configuration modes - and how I (mis)understood the concept.

I hope I haven't done too much damage to your time when I filed the issue (which isn't a bug, after all), and I can only offer to help write the documentation of per-monitor/ global behaviour with the laymen like me in mind.

I think, and if only as an initial help for people like me, a double-pager or a second pager for the second screen in case per-monitor configuration is used, might be helpful in the default config. I would have seen the different movements / views.

ThomasAdam commented 4 years ago

@MasterP-theGu -- if this issue can be closed, please do so. If we need something visual for the behaviour you've identified, I'll consider it. But it could be documented as well.

MasterP-theGu commented 4 years ago

@ThomasAdam I close this. Documentation will be fine. I'll help if I can.