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Why Use Fvwm #30

Closed rasatpc closed 5 months ago

rasatpc commented 5 months ago

New layout for the WhyFvwm page.

ThomasAdam commented 5 months ago


Thanks -- looking better.

You seem to have set the "color" value to "no color", rather than something like "crimson". I would suggest choosing a colour value for this. Leaving it as "no colour" doesn't render the window borders correctly.

Also, regarding the addition of the font sizes, such as: <p><font size="3"><b>Fvwm is extremely configurable.</b></font>, I'm not an expert in HTML at all, but I'm fairly certain we'd want to move such a definitions into a CSS file somewhere, rather than hard-coding them directly into the page like this.

But before you go ahead and do that, I'd first question whether that's even needed -- I would just make it <b> rather than change the font size. Even then, you don't need to do that, you can use Markdown to do that.

rasatpc commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the feedback. I purposely avoided not to have any color but the same as the background. Not to represent a window but a dialog frame.

For a small line, there is no need to use fonts with CSS. The code is an old style from 1 - 7 increase, no px.

I want to emphasize the first sentence, with a larger font size and bold. Gives the first impression, the key reasons why many got attracted to Fvwm, and the normal font text gives a short explanation.

rasatpc commented 5 months ago

I noticed this PR is tagged with Allow edits by maintainers. Be free to edit, for example, change <b><font size="3"> to "2" (normal font size) or keep <b>, or other edits. This is a nice and informative page.

After months, would be great if this wiki became the reference to fvwm forum discussions. This is what I liked in Arch Linux and a few other distro forums.

ThomasAdam commented 5 months ago

After months, would be great if this wiki became the reference to fvwm forum discussions. This is what I liked in Arch Linux and a few other distro forums.

Would you mind explaining this in more detail, please?

rasatpc commented 5 months ago

@somiaj , is there a link to Wiki/NewToFvwm/WhyFvwm/. Here is a suggestion on NewToFvwm page.

Welcome. So you’re new to FVWM and you’re wondering what it’s all about. Perhaps you want some further information about FVWM but don’t quite know where to look or why should you use fvwm?

somiaj commented 5 months ago

Take a look at the commits a little closer, they let you know exactly what was changed and was added. I added a link on the main wiki page.


somiaj commented 5 months ago

Overall the changes are good, but your html is poor, let's fix that. I left comments. If you want to use headers in the FvwmWindow, they need to nest properly, this means use <h2>...</h2>.

rasatpc commented 5 months ago

Corrections are made on my local machine.

Push changes to pr-whyfvwm , I didn't use GitHub Desktop. Followed two instructions.

  1. if updating an existing branch: git push origin -f
  2. suggest you use git commit --amend

Nothing happened. If I push with GitHub Desktop, there will be again 2 commits.

ThomasAdam commented 5 months ago

Hi @rasatpc

Push changes to pr-whyfvwm , I didn't use GitHub Desktop. Followed two instructions.

  1. if updating an existing branch: git push origin -f

OK, so if you were on the branch pr-whyfvwm, when you did that, the branch on the remote side (Github) is forcibly updated from your local copy -- or to put it another way, if there were amended commits in your repository which had previously been published to the remote-tracking branch on Github, your copy of pr-whyfvwm would replace them outright.

  1. suggest you use git commit --amend

Not sure what you're getting at here.

What's the output from running the following commands, please:

rasatpc commented 5 months ago

git status

$ cd /home/amurt/GitHub/fvwmorg.github.io/
$ git status
On branch pr-whyfvwm
Your branch and 'origin/pr-whyfvwm' have diverged,
and have 1 and 1 different commits each, respectively.
  (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
    modified:   Wiki/NewToFvwm/WhyFvwm/index.md

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
ThomasAdam commented 5 months ago

$ git status On branch pr-whyfvwm Your branch and 'origin/pr-whyfvwm' have diverged, and have 1 and 1 different commits each, respectively. (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)

$ git pull --rebase

This will bring in the changes from origin/pr-whyfvwm which you don't have locally, and rebase the commit you've created on top of that. Then you'll be able to git push. Check the result of your commit(s) before doing so though.

rasatpc commented 5 months ago

$ git pull --rebase error: cannot pull with rebase: You have unstaged changes. error: please commit or stash them.

ThomasAdam commented 5 months ago

Well, it's telling you to run:

git stash save

Then try again.

rasatpc commented 5 months ago

It replaced the corrected file with the old one. Luckily, I saved it earlier.

$ git stash save Saved working directory and index state WIP on pr-whyfvwm: df95980 Why Use Fvwm amurt@rasatpc:~/GitHub/fvwmorg.github.io

git pull --rebase warning: skipped previously applied commit df95980 hint: use --reapply-cherry-picks to include skipped commits hint: Disable this message with "git config advice.skippedCherryPicks false" Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/pr-whyfvwm.

rasatpc commented 5 months ago

The HTML correction is fixed.

ThomasAdam commented 5 months ago

Why was this PR closed, @rasatpc?

rasatpc commented 5 months ago

I made a mess. Hopefully, now I have the github instructions. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78283749/github-command-after-local-text-changes

I will make one new PR.