Open HUPINLI opened 2 years ago
Are you running the from_fastq or from_cellranger pipeline? Can you check you have the updated version of Picard tools version 2.18.29-0 or greater?
Best, Michael
Thank you for your reply.I am running the from_fastq,and my picard tools version is 2.26.10.
thanks, Pinli Hu
Hello, And there is the log file,please check it: snakemakeLog.txt
thanks, Pinli Hu
It looks like there are two types of errors that can occur simultaneously or separately as I change the parameters(-j [# cores]).
thanks, Pinli Hu
It seems like you're getting the error at the gtfToGenePred step. Can you make sure you are running the latest version of this tool? Link here
If that doesn't work, try the fix shared in this post
Best, Michael
Actually, I've already solved those problems,thank you very much for your help.However,when I ran R script which is contained in rule getDiffMarkers,the following error occurred.I wander why.Could you please help me?'
thanks, Pinli Hu
Hi Pinli,
That error may be related to the seurat version that you are using. Try changing markersUTAR$avg_logFC
to markersUTAR$avg_log2FC
in analyzeExpressionMat.R
It is also possible that there is simply no differentially expressed uTARs in your dataset. If you are familiar with R, you can run the code in analyzeExpressionMat.R
up to allMarkers <- FindAllMarkers(sample_combined, only.pos = T, min.pct = 0.25, logfc.threshold = 0.25)
and see the result in allMarkers
. You may need to adjust the min.pct
and logfc.threshold
values to pick up differentially expressed UTARs.
Best, Micahel
Hi Micahel,
I have solved the problem by following your advice(changing markersUTAR$avg_logFC to markersUTAR$avg_log2FC), thank you~
thanks, Pinli Hu
The following error occurred when I used the test data to run ''snakemake -R --until getMats -j [# cores]''. May I ask what might be the problem @fw262