fwang91 / IMDb-Face

A new large-scale noise-controlled face recognition dataset.
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Bounding boxes are incorrect. #16

Closed owoshch closed 4 years ago

owoshch commented 4 years ago

Lots of bounding boxes are incorrect. I'm aware of issues https://github.com/fwang91/IMDb-Face/issues/11 and https://github.com/fwang91/IMDb-Face/issues/6. However, I want some clarification.

It seems that bounding boxes are correct only for the some images which resolution hadn’t changed. For example, image with id 1 is OK: name Terence_Bernie_Hines index nm0385722 image 2.jpg rect 143 246 608 719 height width 999 799

Original image with shape (999, 799) matches the shape listed in .csv file: image

Cropped bounding box is valid: image

How to handle images which resolution had changed dramatically?

For example, for id 1310606: name Audrey_Hepburn index nm0000030 image 2.jpg rect 650 266 724 378 height width 999 1535

Original image with shape (336, 222) doesn’t match the listed size (999, 1535) at all.

Orignal image with shape (336, 222): image

Resized image with shape (999, 1535): image

Cropped bounding box is invalid: image

Do you have any recommendations how to handle this problem?

owoshch commented 4 years ago

Found mistake in my code, closing issue for now.