fwcd / kotlin-debug-adapter

Kotlin/JVM debugging for any editor/IDE using the Debug Adapter Protocol
MIT License
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How can I send println output to vscode terminal not debug console? #17

Open n0111000 opened 4 years ago

n0111000 commented 4 years ago


Character corruption occurs for Japanese text while launching debug. I heard I can avoid this by sending ouput to vscode terminal not debug console at following page. https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/3550 How can I switch to terminal? I cannot find such option in launch.json sample. For example in Python launch.json, I can find "console" option.

"configurations": [
        "name": "Python: Current File (Integrated Terminal)",
        "type": "python",
        "request": "launch",
        "program": "${file}",
        "console": "integratedTerminal"

Please help to popularize kotlin and vscode in non-English world!

fwcd commented 4 years ago

Sending the output to the integrated terminal is not yet possible.

I could imagine this being implemented by running the gradle command directly through the terminal and then attaching the debug server.

Still, I am unsure whether the encoding is an issue with the debug console or the debug server. UTF-8 support should be available throughout VSCode.