fwcd / kotlin-language-server

Kotlin code completion, diagnostics and more for any editor/IDE using the Language Server Protocol
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How to display more of the documentation for system libraries? #374

Open CaptainDaVinci opened 2 years ago

CaptainDaVinci commented 2 years ago

Hi I'm new to LSPs so not sure where exactly to ask this question.

I'm trying to get kotlin LSP to show more of the documentation like how Intellij does, any pointers on how can I go about doing that?


Currently using it in neovim with it's native LSP + kotling-language-server but I don't see the complete doc like shown above. image

Current config:

    ◍ kotlin_language_server 
      version     1.3.1                                          
      installed   21 Jul 2022 18:45                              
      install dir ~/.local/share/nvim/lsp_servers/kotlin         
      homepage    https://github.com/fwcd/kotlin-language-server 

      ↓ Server configuration schema (press enter to collapse)
        This is a read-only representation of the settings this server accepts. Note that some settings might not apply to neovim.
        For information on how to customize these settings, see :help lspconfig-setup

        → kotlin.compiler.jvm.target                     default: "default"
        → kotlin.completion.snippets.enabled             default: true
        → kotlin.debounceTime                            default: 250
        → kotlin.debugAdapter.enabled                    default: true
        → kotlin.debugAdapter.path                       default: ""
        → kotlin.externalSources.autoConvertToKotlin     default: false
        → kotlin.externalSources.useKlsScheme            default: true
        → kotlin.indexing.enabled                        default: true
        → kotlin.java.home                               default: ""
        → kotlin.languageServer.debugAttach.autoSuspend  default: false
        → kotlin.languageServer.debugAttach.enabled      default: false
        → kotlin.languageServer.debugAttach.port         default: 5005
        → kotlin.languageServer.enabled                  default: true
        → kotlin.languageServer.path                     default: ""
        → kotlin.languageServer.port                     default: 0
        → kotlin.languageServer.transport                default: "stdio"
        → kotlin.linting.debounceTime                    default: 250
        → kotlin.snippetsEnabled                         default: true
        ↓ kotlin.trace.server                            default: "off"
themkat commented 2 years ago

That would indeed be pretty sweet! 🙂 #309 is about exactly that, and I know @daplf has been looking into it, so maybe they have more details to share. Never gotten it working myself, and have not had time to look into it either 🙁

daplf commented 2 years ago

Hey, this is currently not supported. There is an open pull request that might fix https://github.com/fwcd/kotlin-language-server/issues/309 but it still won't solve your issue in particular, because we have another problem with the Kotlin standard library, highlighted in https://github.com/fwcd/kotlin-language-server/issues/308. I imagine both would need to be fixed, in order to get javadoc for the kotlin standard library symbols.