fwextensions / QuicKey

Jump between recent tabs in Chrome via keyboard shortcuts or a most recently used (MRU) menu.
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Quickey menu closes if a tab is loading #22

Open garyking opened 5 years ago

garyking commented 5 years ago

If I'm loading a tab, then I open the Quickey menu, then the Quickey menu will close. And sometimes it will immediately jump to the last focus tab, also.

I encounter this issue frequently, when I open a new tab (that I want to read later), then want to switch focus to another tab.

To reproduce:

  1. Open a new tab. Load a URL (just enter one in the address bar and hit Enter).
  2. Open the Quickey menu immediately, while the URL is still loading. When the page begins loading, then the Quickey menu will close. And sometimes, focus will shift to the last focused tab.

This essentially means that Quickey can't be used while a page is loading.

fwextensions commented 5 years ago

Is this on macOS? I'm not able to repro it on Windows. I've created a test page that focuses an input after 3 seconds, and the QuicKey menu stays open. It's possible that focus on loading pages is handled differently on other OSes, and there probably wouldn't be a way to work around it.

fwextensions commented 4 years ago

Do you have any example pages where this commonly happens?

garyking commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately it's been difficult to reproduce this issue. I haven't noticed it happening recently. The issue was possibly related to some webpages. I did not record which webpages those were. If the issue comes up again, then I will mention it.