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Support backward search when separating terms with space #38

Closed martin-tarjanyi closed 4 years ago

martin-tarjanyi commented 4 years ago

When I separate words with a space in the search bar I expect the tool to find them anywhere in the URL/title.

This works fine: image

This yields no results: image

I think it would make sense to not handle the space character as a literal space, rather it could be just a separator for terms which I would like to see anywhere in the URL/title. Also, it would be nice if the ordering of the words wouldn't matter.

fwextensions commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the slow response! My GitHub notifications weren't alerting correctly.

I'll close this as a duplicate of #11, and we can continue the conversation there. That's been open for a year as I haven't thought of a good way to handle the scoring of multiple terms against each string (though I also haven't spent a ton of time exploring it). Average the scores together, maybe? I understand the utility, though at least in my usage, I haven't really missed it (though I also don't use the "insert spaces" option, as I find it more convenient as a shortcut to move down the list).