fwupd / firmware-lenovo

Missing firmware for Lenovo Thinkpad hardware
122 stars 4 forks source link

Can't update UEFI and System firmware on my Thinkpad P52s #17

Open FFY00 opened 5 years ago

FFY00 commented 5 years ago

To help us pinpoint your issue, please insert the output of the following commands when ran on the system with the issue:

$ fwupdmgr --version
client version: 1.3.1
checkout info:  1.3.1
compile-time dependency versions
    gusb:   0.3.0
    efivar: 37
daemon version: 1.3.1

Note, the switch --version is only present since version 0.9.6. If you use an earlier version, please use the package manager to find out the package version. For example, dpkg -l fwupd.

$ fwupdmgr get-devices
├─P52s Thunderbolt Controller:
│     Device ID:           685059db1d7bba3ac49b1e7810636e1e64f7938b
│     Summary:             Unmatched performance for high-speed I/O
│     Current version:     18.00
│     Vendor:              Lenovo (TBT:0x0109)
│     Flags:               internal|updatable|require-ac|supported|registered
│     GUID:                eb8bf568-00a2-51e9-aa09-894358506c50
│     Device ID:           be29aadda98b637d33b6b740ff7b367f61886a31
│     Summary:             NVM Express Solid State Drive
│     Current version:     L08P
│     Vendor:              Intel Corporation (NVME:0x8086)
│     Flags:               internal|updatable|require-ac|registered|needs-reboot
│     GUIDs:               79517f86-8df8-5d6e-a18b-33f0b36a78e9
│                          68db11e5-b0cf-5bc9-a94e-17e28496e505
│                          cdc79848-b022-5a05-a77a-862f21df0c29
├─System Firmware:
│     Device ID:           facae3f8c9e996531c93d00358a7d5b40d3260f6
│     Current version:     0.1.18
│     Minimum Version:     0.0.1
│     Vendor:              LENOVO
│     Update State:        needs-reboot
│     Flags:               internal|updatable|require-ac|supported|registered|needs-reboot
│     GUID:                52dd29cd-24b9-4d60-8a45-e72670901924
├─UEFI Device Firmware:
│     Device ID:           7bd9d67d86feb8000c1a8b147d33ff4198bafefc
│     Current version:     184.55.3510
│     Minimum Version:     0.0.1
│     Update State:        needs-reboot
│     Flags:               internal|updatable|require-ac|supported|registered|needs-reboot
│     GUID:                72e9217b-717e-4908-b428-fe4df390177b
└─UEFI Device Firmware:
      Device ID:           66021d7392bed66cc5f15d3e6802f755ce0f63ad
      Current version:     0.1.5
      Minimum Version:     0.1.5
      Flags:               internal|updatable|require-ac|registered|needs-reboot
      GUID:                61b58b80-a21a-4185-8913-4bddfc68d6c9
$ efibootmgr -v
BootNext: 0004
BootCurrent: 0002
Timeout: 0 seconds
BootOrder: 0002,0001,0003,0000,0017,0018,0019,001A,001B,001C,001D,001E,001F,0004
Boot0000* Windows Boot Manager  HD(1,MBR,0x789dcd9,0xa4,0x20000)/File(\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi)WINDOWS.........x...B.C.D.O.B.J.E.C.T.=.{.9.d.e.a.8.6.2.c.-.5.c.d.d.-.4.e.7.0.-.a.c.c.1.-.f.3.2.b.3.4.4.d.}................. ...
Boot0001* arch  HD(1,GPT,e23a0fbe-ce3b-446b-a247-7574edf6ed1a,0x800,0x82000)/File(\EFI\arch\grubx64.efi)
Boot0002* arch_grub HD(1,GPT,08e87788-5fe8-42e5-9dff-e78739c65823,0x800,0x113000)/File(\EFI\arch_grub\grubx64.efi)
Boot0003* rEFInd Boot Manager   HD(1,GPT,e23a0fbe-ce3b-446b-a247-7574edf6ed1a,0x800,0x82000)/File(\EFI\refind\refind_x64.efi)
Boot0004* Linux-Firmware-Updater    HD(1,GPT,08e87788-5fe8-42e5-9dff-e78739c65823,0x800,0x113000)/File(\EFI\arch\fwupdx64.efi)
Boot0010  Setup FvFile(721c8b66-426c-4e86-8e99-3457c46ab0b9)
Boot0011  Boot Menu FvFile(126a762d-5758-4fca-8531-201a7f57f850)
Boot0012  Diagnostic Splash Screen  FvFile(a7d8d9a6-6ab0-4aeb-ad9d-163e59a7a380)
Boot0013  Lenovo Diagnostics    FvFile(3f7e615b-0d45-4f80-88dc-26b234958560)
Boot0014  Startup Interrupt Menu    FvFile(f46ee6f4-4785-43a3-923d-7f786c3c8479)
Boot0015  Rescue and Recovery   FvFile(665d3f60-ad3e-4cad-8e26-db46eee9f1b5)
Boot0016  MEBx Hot Key  FvFile(ac6fd56a-3d41-4efd-a1b9-870293811a28)
Boot0017* USB CD    VenMsg(bc7838d2-0f82-4d60-8316-c068ee79d25b,86701296aa5a7848b66cd49dd3ba6a55)
Boot0018* USB FDD   VenMsg(bc7838d2-0f82-4d60-8316-c068ee79d25b,6ff015a28830b543a8b8641009461e49)
Boot0019* NVMe0 VenMsg(bc7838d2-0f82-4d60-8316-c068ee79d25b,001c199932d94c4eae9aa0b6e98eb8a400)
Boot001A* NVMe1 VenMsg(bc7838d2-0f82-4d60-8316-c068ee79d25b,001c199932d94c4eae9aa0b6e98eb8a401)
Boot001B* ATA HDD0  VenMsg(bc7838d2-0f82-4d60-8316-c068ee79d25b,91af625956449f41a7b91f4f892ab0f600)
Boot001C* USB HDD   VenMsg(bc7838d2-0f82-4d60-8316-c068ee79d25b,33e821aaaf33bc4789bd419f88c50803)
Boot001D* PCI LAN   VenMsg(bc7838d2-0f82-4d60-8316-c068ee79d25b,78a84aaf2b2afc4ea79cf5cc8f3d3803)
Boot001E  Other CD  VenMsg(bc7838d2-0f82-4d60-8316-c068ee79d25b,aea2090adfde214e8b3a5e471856a35406)
Boot001F  Other HDD VenMsg(bc7838d2-0f82-4d60-8316-c068ee79d25b,91af625956449f41a7b91f4f892ab0f606)
Boot0020* IDER BOOT CDROM   PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x16,0x2)/Ata(0,1,0)
Boot0021* IDER BOOT Floppy  PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x16,0x2)/Ata(0,0,0)
Boot0022* ATA HDD   VenMsg(bc7838d2-0f82-4d60-8316-c068ee79d25b,91af625956449f41a7b91f4f892ab0f6)
Boot0023* ATAPI CD  VenMsg(bc7838d2-0f82-4d60-8316-c068ee79d25b,aea2090adfde214e8b3a5e471856a354)
$ efivar -l | grep fw
$ tree /boot
├── efi
│   └── EFI
│       ├── arch
│       │   ├── fw
│       │   │   ├── fwupd-52dd29cd-24b9-4d60-8a45-e72670901924.cap
│       │   │   └── fwupd-72e9217b-717e-4908-b428-fe4df390177b.cap
│       │   └── fwupdx64.efi
│       └── arch_grub
│           └── grubx64.efi
├── grub
│   ├── fonts
│   │   └── unicode.pf2
│   ├── grub.cfg
│   ├── grubenv
│   ├── locale
│   │   ├── ast.mo
│   │   ├── ca.mo
│   │   ├── da.mo
│   │   ├── de_CH.mo
│   │   ├── de@hebrew.mo
│   │   ├── de.mo
│   │   ├── en@arabic.mo
│   │   ├── en@hebrew.mo
│   │   ├── en@piglatin.mo
│   │   ├── en@quot.mo
│   │   ├── eo.mo
│   │   ├── es.mo
│   │   ├── fi.mo
│   │   ├── fr.mo
│   │   ├── gl.mo
│   │   ├── hr.mo
│   │   ├── hu.mo
│   │   ├── id.mo
│   │   ├── it.mo
│   │   ├── ja.mo
│   │   ├── ko.mo
│   │   ├── lt.mo
│   │   ├── nb.mo
│   │   ├── nl.mo
│   │   ├── pa.mo
│   │   ├── pl.mo
│   │   ├── pt_BR.mo
│   │   ├── ru.mo
│   │   ├── sl.mo
│   │   ├── sr.mo
│   │   ├── sv.mo
│   │   ├── tr.mo
│   │   ├── uk.mo
│   │   ├── vi.mo
│   │   ├── zh_CN.mo
│   │   └── zh_TW.mo
│   ├── themes -> /usr/share/grub/themes/
│   ├── unicode.pf2
│   └── x86_64-efi
│       ├── acpi.mod
│       ├── adler32.mod
│       ├── affs.mod
│       ├── afs.mod
│       ├── ahci.mod
│       ├── all_video.mod
│       ├── aout.mod
│       ├── appleldr.mod
│       ├── archelp.mod
│       ├── ata.mod
│       ├── at_keyboard.mod
│       ├── backtrace.mod
│       ├── bfs.mod
│       ├── bitmap.mod
│       ├── bitmap_scale.mod
│       ├── blocklist.mod
│       ├── boot.mod
│       ├── boottime.mod
│       ├── bsd.mod
│       ├── bswap_test.mod
│       ├── btrfs.mod
│       ├── bufio.mod
│       ├── cacheinfo.mod
│       ├── cat.mod
│       ├── cbfs.mod
│       ├── cbls.mod
│       ├── cbmemc.mod
│       ├── cbtable.mod
│       ├── cbtime.mod
│       ├── chain.mod
│       ├── cmdline_cat_test.mod
│       ├── cmp.mod
│       ├── cmp_test.mod
│       ├── command.lst
│       ├── configfile.mod
│       ├── core.efi
│       ├── cpio_be.mod
│       ├── cpio.mod
│       ├── cpuid.mod
│       ├── crc64.mod
│       ├── cryptodisk.mod
│       ├── crypto.lst
│       ├── crypto.mod
│       ├── cs5536.mod
│       ├── ctz_test.mod
│       ├── datehook.mod
│       ├── date.mod
│       ├── datetime.mod
│       ├── diskfilter.mod
│       ├── disk.mod
│       ├── div.mod
│       ├── div_test.mod
│       ├── dm_nv.mod
│       ├── echo.mod
│       ├── efifwsetup.mod
│       ├── efi_gop.mod
│       ├── efinet.mod
│       ├── efi_uga.mod
│       ├── ehci.mod
│       ├── elf.mod
│       ├── eval.mod
│       ├── exfat.mod
│       ├── exfctest.mod
│       ├── ext2.mod
│       ├── extcmd.mod
│       ├── fat.mod
│       ├── file.mod
│       ├── fixvideo.mod
│       ├── font.mod
│       ├── fshelp.mod
│       ├── fs.lst
│       ├── functional_test.mod
│       ├── gcry_arcfour.mod
│       ├── gcry_blowfish.mod
│       ├── gcry_camellia.mod
│       ├── gcry_cast5.mod
│       ├── gcry_crc.mod
│       ├── gcry_des.mod
│       ├── gcry_dsa.mod
│       ├── gcry_idea.mod
│       ├── gcry_md4.mod
│       ├── gcry_md5.mod
│       ├── gcry_rfc2268.mod
│       ├── gcry_rijndael.mod
│       ├── gcry_rmd160.mod
│       ├── gcry_rsa.mod
│       ├── gcry_seed.mod
│       ├── gcry_serpent.mod
│       ├── gcry_sha1.mod
│       ├── gcry_sha256.mod
│       ├── gcry_sha512.mod
│       ├── gcry_tiger.mod
│       ├── gcry_twofish.mod
│       ├── gcry_whirlpool.mod
│       ├── geli.mod
│       ├── gettext.mod
│       ├── gfxmenu.mod
│       ├── gfxterm_background.mod
│       ├── gfxterm_menu.mod
│       ├── gfxterm.mod
│       ├── gptsync.mod
│       ├── grub.efi
│       ├── gzio.mod
│       ├── halt.mod
│       ├── hashsum.mod
│       ├── hdparm.mod
│       ├── hello.mod
│       ├── help.mod
│       ├── hexdump.mod
│       ├── hfs.mod
│       ├── hfspluscomp.mod
│       ├── hfsplus.mod
│       ├── http.mod
│       ├── iorw.mod
│       ├── iso9660.mod
│       ├── jfs.mod
│       ├── jpeg.mod
│       ├── keylayouts.mod
│       ├── keystatus.mod
│       ├── ldm.mod
│       ├── legacycfg.mod
│       ├── legacy_password_test.mod
│       ├── linux16.mod
│       ├── linux.mod
│       ├── loadbios.mod
│       ├── loadenv.mod
│       ├── loopback.mod
│       ├── lsacpi.mod
│       ├── lsefimmap.mod
│       ├── lsefi.mod
│       ├── lsefisystab.mod
│       ├── lsmmap.mod
│       ├── ls.mod
│       ├── lspci.mod
│       ├── lssal.mod
│       ├── luks.mod
│       ├── lvm.mod
│       ├── lzopio.mod
│       ├── macbless.mod
│       ├── macho.mod
│       ├── mdraid09_be.mod
│       ├── mdraid09.mod
│       ├── mdraid1x.mod
│       ├── memdisk.mod
│       ├── memrw.mod
│       ├── minicmd.mod
│       ├── minix2_be.mod
│       ├── minix2.mod
│       ├── minix3_be.mod
│       ├── minix3.mod
│       ├── minix_be.mod
│       ├── minix.mod
│       ├── mmap.mod
│       ├── moddep.lst
│       ├── modinfo.sh
│       ├── morse.mod
│       ├── mpi.mod
│       ├── msdospart.mod
│       ├── mul_test.mod
│       ├── multiboot2.mod
│       ├── multiboot.mod
│       ├── nativedisk.mod
│       ├── net.mod
│       ├── newc.mod
│       ├── nilfs2.mod
│       ├── normal.mod
│       ├── ntfscomp.mod
│       ├── ntfs.mod
│       ├── odc.mod
│       ├── offsetio.mod
│       ├── ohci.mod
│       ├── part_acorn.mod
│       ├── part_amiga.mod
│       ├── part_apple.mod
│       ├── part_bsd.mod
│       ├── part_dfly.mod
│       ├── part_dvh.mod
│       ├── part_gpt.mod
│       ├── partmap.lst
│       ├── part_msdos.mod
│       ├── part_plan.mod
│       ├── part_sun.mod
│       ├── part_sunpc.mod
│       ├── parttool.lst
│       ├── parttool.mod
│       ├── password.mod
│       ├── password_pbkdf2.mod
│       ├── pata.mod
│       ├── pbkdf2.mod
│       ├── pbkdf2_test.mod
│       ├── pcidump.mod
│       ├── play.mod
│       ├── png.mod
│       ├── priority_queue.mod
│       ├── probe.mod
│       ├── procfs.mod
│       ├── progress.mod
│       ├── raid5rec.mod
│       ├── raid6rec.mod
│       ├── random.mod
│       ├── read.mod
│       ├── reboot.mod
│       ├── regexp.mod
│       ├── reiserfs.mod
│       ├── relocator.mod
│       ├── romfs.mod
│       ├── scsi.mod
│       ├── search_fs_file.mod
│       ├── search_fs_uuid.mod
│       ├── search_label.mod
│       ├── search.mod
│       ├── serial.mod
│       ├── setjmp.mod
│       ├── setjmp_test.mod
│       ├── setpci.mod
│       ├── sfs.mod
│       ├── shift_test.mod
│       ├── signature_test.mod
│       ├── sleep.mod
│       ├── sleep_test.mod
│       ├── spkmodem.mod
│       ├── squash4.mod
│       ├── syslinuxcfg.mod
│       ├── tar.mod
│       ├── terminal.lst
│       ├── terminal.mod
│       ├── terminfo.mod
│       ├── test_blockarg.mod
│       ├── testload.mod
│       ├── test.mod
│       ├── testspeed.mod
│       ├── tftp.mod
│       ├── tga.mod
│       ├── time.mod
│       ├── trig.mod
│       ├── tr.mod
│       ├── true.mod
│       ├── udf.mod
│       ├── ufs1_be.mod
│       ├── ufs1.mod
│       ├── ufs2.mod
│       ├── uhci.mod
│       ├── usb_keyboard.mod
│       ├── usb.mod
│       ├── usbms.mod
│       ├── usbserial_common.mod
│       ├── usbserial_ftdi.mod
│       ├── usbserial_pl2303.mod
│       ├── usbserial_usbdebug.mod
│       ├── usbtest.mod
│       ├── verify.mod
│       ├── video_bochs.mod
│       ├── video_cirrus.mod
│       ├── video_colors.mod
│       ├── video_fb.mod
│       ├── videoinfo.mod
│       ├── video.lst
│       ├── video.mod
│       ├── videotest_checksum.mod
│       ├── videotest.mod
│       ├── xfs.mod
│       ├── xnu.mod
│       ├── xnu_uuid.mod
│       ├── xnu_uuid_test.mod
│       ├── xzio.mod
│       ├── zfscrypt.mod
│       ├── zfsinfo.mod
│       └── zfs.mod
├── initramfs-linux-fallback.img
├── initramfs-linux.img
└── vmlinuz-linux

10 directories, 315 files

Please answer the following questions:

fwupdmgr shows that I have updates for the UEFI and System firmwares. I am able to run the update process, but the firmware does not get applied on the next boot. After rebooting the computer to finalize the update fwupdmgr shows the same updates, and if if I run fwupdmgr update, fwupd tries to update the firmware again.

$ fwupdmgr get-updates
No upgrades for P52s Thunderbolt Controller, current is 18.00: 18.00=same
├─System Firmware:
│ │   Device ID:           facae3f8c9e996531c93d00358a7d5b40d3260f6
│ │   Current version:     0.1.18
│ │   Minimum Version:     0.0.1
│ │   Vendor:              LENOVO
│ │   Update State:        success
│ │   Flags:               internal|updatable|require-ac|supported|registered|needs-reboot
│ │   GUID:                52dd29cd-24b9-4d60-8a45-e72670901924
│ │
│ ├─ThinkPad T580/P52s Device Update:
│ │     Version:           0.1.21
│ │     Remote ID:         lvfs
│ │     Summary:           Lenovo ThinkPad T580/P52s System Firmware
│ │     License:           proprietary
│ │     Size:              9.4 MB
│ │     Vendor:            Lenovo Ltd.
│ │     Flags:             is-upgrade
│ │     Description:       Lenovo ThinkPad T580/P52s System Firmware
│ │
│ │   computer will be restarted automatically after updating BIOS completely. Do NOT turn off your computer or remove the AC adaptor while update is in progress. This update also adds the following features:
│ │
│ │    Enhancement to address security vulnerability CVE-2018-12126,  anticipated to be published 05/14/2019.
│ │    Enhancement to address security vulnerability CVE-2018-12127,  anticipated to be published 05/14/2019.
│ │    Enhancement to address security vulnerability CVE-2018-12130,  anticipated to be published 05/14/2019.
│ │    Updated the CPU microcode.
│ │    Updated the Diagnostics module to version 04.08.000.
│ │    Fixed an issue where system might automatically wake up right after shutdown.
│ │    Fixed an issue where Thunderbolt 3 Dock Gen2/Thunderbolt 3 Workstation Dock LAN device might not be recognized as boot device when system in legacy boot mode.
│ │
│ ├─ThinkPad T580/P52s Device Update:
│ │     Version:           0.1.20
│ │     Remote ID:         lvfs
│ │     Summary:           Lenovo ThinkPad T580/P52s System Firmware
│ │     License:           proprietary
│ │     Size:              9.4 MB
│ │     Vendor:            Lenovo Ltd.
│ │     Flags:             is-upgrade
│ │     Description:       Lenovo ThinkPad T580/P52s System Firmware Version 1.18 The computer will be restarted automatically after updating BIOS completely . Do NOT turn off your computer or remove the AC adaptor while update is in progress.
│ │
│ │    update also adds the following features:
│ │
│ │    Update includes a security fix. * Fixed an issue where microphone of specific speakerphone might stop.
│ │
│ └─ThinkPad T580/P52s Device Update:
│       Version:           0.1.19
│       Remote ID:         lvfs
│       Summary:           Lenovo ThinkPad T580/P52s System Firmware
│       License:           proprietary
│       Size:              9.4 MB
│       Vendor:            Lenovo Ltd.
│       Flags:             is-upgrade
│       Description:       Lenovo ThinkPad T580/P52s System Firmware.
│     computer will be restarted automatically after updating BIOS completely. Do NOT turn off your computer or remove the AC adaptor while update is in progress. This update also adds the following features:
│      Update includes a security fix.
│      Updated the Diagnostics module to version 04.06.000.
└─UEFI Device Firmware:
  │   Device ID:           7bd9d67d86feb8000c1a8b147d33ff4198bafefc
  │   Current version:     184.55.3510
  │   Minimum Version:     0.0.1
  │   Update State:        success
  │   Flags:               internal|updatable|require-ac|supported|registered|needs-reboot
  │   GUID:                72e9217b-717e-4908-b428-fe4df390177b
  ├─ThinkPad T580/ThinkPad P52s Consumer ME Update:
  │     Version:           184.65.3590
  │     Remote ID:         lvfs
  │     Summary:           Lenovo ThinkPad T580/P52s Consumer ME Firmware
  │     License:           proprietary
  │     Size:              2.2 MB
  │     Vendor:            Lenovo Ltd.
  │     Flags:             is-upgrade
  │     Description:       • 8 Quarterly Security Release
  │   ion (LVFS: 184.65.3590)
  │   lem Fixes
  │    Intel CSME PSIRT-TA-201901-002 Q1 2019 QSR:
  │    Mitigated the following security vulnerabilities:  CVE-2019-0086, CVE-2019-0090, CVE-2019-0092,CVE-2019-0093, CVE-2019-0094, CVE-2019-0096, CVE-2019-0097, CVE-2019-0098, CVE-2019-0153, CVE-2019-0170.
  └─ThinkPad T580/ThinkPad P52s Consumer ME Update:
        Version:           184.60.3561
        Remote ID:         lvfs
        Summary:           Lenovo ThinkPad T580/P52s Consumer ME Firmware
        License:           proprietary
        Size:              2.2 MB
        Vendor:            Lenovo Ltd.
        Flags:             is-upgrade
        Description:       • 8 Quarterly Security Release

      ion (LVFS: 184.60.3561)

      lem Fixes

       Intel CSME PSIRT-TA-201810-004 Q4 2018 QSR:
       Mitigated the following security vulnerabilities:  CVE-2018-12188, CVE-2018-12189, CVE-2018-12190, CVE-2018-12191, CVE-2018-12192, CVE-2018-12199, CVE-2018-12187, CVE-2018-12196 and CVE-2018-12185.
       Disabling "User CAPS STATE" in BIOS will issue a global reset.
       A mismatch between the FW and the SMBIOS table when displaying the Processor upgrade info value.
       Intel(R) ME does not work properly after performing FW Update.
       PKI Provisioning fails.
       Wrong device ID is displayed in FParts.txt file.
       Firmware reset occurs when loading web storage, when using MeshCommander.
       Wrong Intel(R) LMS version is displayed when executing "Meinfowin64.exe"
       When starting user consent flow, MEBX Consent is not displayed.
       Wrong values displayed In Intel(R) MEInfo:"FPF HW Source value" and "ME FPF Fusing Patch Status"
       Intel(R) FPT, FPT Operation fails when executing "Fpt.efi -i".
$ fwupdmgr update -v
No upgrades for P52s Thunderbolt Controller, current is 18.00: 18.00=same
Downloading 0.1.21 for System Firmware...
(fwupdmgr:3954): FuCommon-DEBUG: 12:54:05.160: creating path /home/anubis/.cache/fwupd
(fwupdmgr:3954): FuMain-DEBUG: 12:54:05.269: skpping download as file already exists
(fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.274: Emitting ::status-changed() [decompressing]
Decompressing…           [-                                      ](fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.309: Emitting ::status-changed() [idle]
Decompressing…           [***************************************]
(fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.309: Emitting ::status-changed() [waiting-for-auth]
Authenticating…          [ -                                     ](fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.312: Emitting ::status-changed() [idle]
Authenticating…          [***************************************]
(fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.320: Emitting ::status-changed() [scheduling]
Updating System Firmware…[ -                                     ]
Scheduling…              [ -                                     ](fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.321: Emitting ::device-changed(facae3f8c9e996531c93d00358a7d5b40d3260f6)
Scheduling…              [    \                                  ](fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.455: Emitting ::status-changed() [idle]
Scheduling…              [***************************************]
(fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.455: Emitting ::changed()
(fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.457: Emitting ::status-changed() [unknown]
(fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.457: Emitting ::device-changed(facae3f8c9e996531c93d00358a7d5b40d3260f6)
Downloading 184.65.3590 for UEFI Device Firmware...
(fwupdmgr:3954): FuCommon-DEBUG: 12:54:05.460: creating path /home/anubis/.cache/fwupd
(fwupdmgr:3954): FuMain-DEBUG: 12:54:05.467: skpping download as file already exists
(fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.471: Emitting ::status-changed() [decompressing]
Decompressing…           [    \                                  ](fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.481: Emitting ::status-changed() [idle]
Decompressing…           [***************************************]
(fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.481: Emitting ::status-changed() [waiting-for-auth]
Authenticating…          [    \                                  ](fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.487: Emitting ::status-changed() [idle]
Authenticating…          [***************************************]
(fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.492: Emitting ::status-changed() [scheduling]
Updating UEFI Device Firmware… \                                 ]
Scheduling…              [     \                                 ](fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.493: Emitting ::device-changed(7bd9d67d86feb8000c1a8b147d33ff4198bafefc)
Scheduling…              [      \                                ](fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.572: Emitting ::status-changed() [idle]
Scheduling…              [***************************************]
(fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.572: Emitting ::changed()
(fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.574: Emitting ::status-changed() [unknown]
(fwupdmgr:3954): Fwupd-DEBUG: 12:54:05.574: Emitting ::device-changed(7bd9d67d86feb8000c1a8b147d33ff4198bafefc)

An update requires a reboot to complete. Restart now? [Y|n]:
hughsie commented 5 years ago

Can you try doing sudo /usr/libexec/fwupd/fwupdate -d, then retrying with fwupdmgr, and then when it fails on next reboot then do sudo /usr/libexec/fwupd/fwupdate -L -- thanks.

FFY00 commented 5 years ago
$ sudo /usr/libexec/fwupd/fwupdate -L
failed: Error opening file /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/FWUPDATE_DEBUG_LOG-0abba7dc-e516-4167-bbf5-4d9d1c739416: No such file or directory
asheshambasta commented 5 years ago

Hello, I've got a P52s and I'm looking to update my fw. Have you made any progress on this @FFY00?

asheshambasta commented 5 years ago

FYI, I just upgraded my firmware without issues.