fxbois / web-mode

web template editing mode for emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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what's web-mode-content-type ? #1166

Closed snowman closed 3 years ago

snowman commented 3 years ago

What's the difference between web-mode-engine, the documentation is unclear.

What features does it provide when i open file /tmp/a.api if i set below:

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.api\\'" . web-mode))

(setq web-mode-content-types-alist
  '(("json" . "/tmp/.*\\.api\\'")))
snowman commented 3 years ago

seems like web-mode-engine is deal with html/xml(Markup Language syntax like) but enhanced with template syntax like php/blade, and web-mode-content-types is used for something other than html.

web-mode-engines is a variable defined in ‘web-mode.el’.
Its value is shown below.

Engine name aliases

(("angular" "angularjs")
 ("blade" "laravel")
 ("closure" "soy")
 ("ctemplate" "mustache" "handlebars" "hapax" "ngtemplate" "ember" "kite" "meteor" "blaze" "ractive" "velvet")
 ("django" "dtl" "twig" "swig" "jinja" "jinja2" "erlydtl" "liquid" "clabango" "selmer" "nunjucks")
 ("dust" "dustjs")
 ("elixir" "phoenix")
 ("erb" "eruby" "erubis")
 ("expressionengine" "ee")
 ("go" "gtl" "hugo")
 ("jsp" "grails")
 ("mason" "poet")
 ("lsp" "lisp")
 ("razor" "play" "play2")
 ("svelte" "svelte")
 ("underscore" "underscore.js")
 ("velocity" "vtl" "cheetah" "ssp")
 ("vue" "vuejs" "vue.js")

web-mode-engines-alist is a variable defined in ‘web-mode.el’.
Its value is nil

A list of filename patterns and corresponding web-mode engine. For example,
(setq web-mode-engines-alist
      ’(("php"    . "\\.phtml\\’")
        ("blade"  . "\\.blade\\.")))

web-mode-content-types is a variable defined in ‘web-mode.el’.
Its value is
(("css" . "\\.\\(s?css\\|css\\.erb\\)\\'")
 ("javascript" . "\\.\\(js\\|js\\.erb\\)\\'")
 ("typescript" . "\\.\\(ts\\|ts\\.erb\\)\\'")
 ("json" . "\\.\\(api\\|json\\|jsonld\\)\\'")
 ("jsx" . "\\.[jt]sx\\'")
 ("xml" . "\\.xml\\'")
 ("html" . "."))

content types
