fxmontigny / ng2-ace-editor

Ace editor integration with typescript for angular 4 - 5
MIT License
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application unable to find mode-html.js #133

Open manuchadha1979 opened 4 years ago

manuchadha1979 commented 4 years ago

I have a Play application. The UI of the application is in Angular. I have created a folder ui which is the top level Angular directory.

`ui-dev-build` := {
    implicit val UIroot = baseDirectory.value / "ui"
      if (runDevBuild != Success) throw new Exception("Oops! UI Build crashed.")

def runDevBuild(implicit dir: File): Int = ifUiInstalled(runScript("npm run build"))

"build": "ng build --output-path ../public/ui",

When the Angular application is build, I transfer the output to the public folder of the Play framework. From there, Play transfers the contacts of the public folder to target folder for deployment. This works fine.

I want to use ng-ace2-editor in my application - https://github.com/fxmontigny/ng2-ace-editor. I have added it in package.json - "ng2-ace-editor": "0.3.9" and I can see that ng2-ace-editor directory is present in node_modules.

When I run the application, I get error

GET http://localhost:9000/mode-html.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
exports.loadScript  @   index.js:3802
exports.loadModule  @   index.js:4174
setMode @   index.js:10152

I can't understand how to make my application find mode-html.js. The file is present at location "./node_modules/ace-builds/src-min/mode-html.js. I have added this path in "script":[] of package.json but I still get the error.

RawatPraveen commented 3 years ago

Have you ever found a solution for this?

IhorBilobran commented 2 years ago

You probably need to add node_modules/ace-builds/src-min/ace.js path to the script as it mentioned in the description