Some people use window compositors (like compton) and put "hi Normal guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE" into their .vimrc to achieve transparency (this is not just for aesthetics, it lets you read what's behind the terminal – which can be quite useful).
Here's what it looks like with the default colorscheme:
Here's how the current vim-monochrome behaves:
This can be quite trivially fixed by extending the guibg/ctermbg if condition in the hi function like so:
I don't see what's the point of setting guibg/ctermbg to default_bg which is black, when "set background=dark" is already there in the top of the file.
If I'm not missing anything here then give me a go-ahead and I'll send in a patch.
Some people use window compositors (like compton) and put "hi Normal guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE" into their .vimrc to achieve transparency (this is not just for aesthetics, it lets you read what's behind the terminal – which can be quite useful).
Here's what it looks like with the default colorscheme:
Here's how the current vim-monochrome behaves:
This can be quite trivially fixed by extending the guibg/ctermbg if condition in the hi function like so:
Here's the patched vim-monochrome:
I don't see what's the point of setting guibg/ctermbg to default_bg which is black, when "set background=dark" is already there in the top of the file.
If I'm not missing anything here then give me a go-ahead and I'll send in a patch.