fxnn / gowatch

Configurable logfile analysis for your server.
MIT License
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Use MapItems for summary configuration #19

Open fxnn opened 9 years ago

fxnn commented 9 years ago

The following summarizer is malfunctioning:

- summarizer: count
  title: Hosts of Discarded and Junk Mails
  where: {
    allof: {
      tags: {contains: 'mail.log'},
      SYSLOGPROG: {contains: 'dovecot'}
  config: {
    '%{msgid_host}': 'deliver\(%{USER:user}\): sieve: msgid=<%{DATA:msgid_nonhost}@%{IPORHOST:msgid_host}>: marked message to be discarded if not explicitly delivered',
    '%{msgid_host}': "deliver\\(%{USER:user}\\): sieve: msgid=<%{DATA:msgid_nonhost}@%{IPORHOST:msgid_host}>: stored mail into mailbox 'Junk'"

The reason for this is the duplicate key in the config section. Currently, only one of both entries gets processed.

To resolve the problem, we must use YAML maps instead.