fyne-io / fyne

Cross platform GUI toolkit in Go inspired by Material Design
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Instant crash on iOS #2270

Closed bencehari closed 3 years ago

bencehari commented 3 years ago


Hi all!

I compiled a little test app, and it's constantly crashes on iPhone. Rarely when the app opens, after some time it's closes also. Running on the macOS with "go run ." command works as it should.

The code:

package main

import (


func main() {
    a := app.New()
    w := a.NewWindow("Hello")

    var inc int = 0
    label := widget.NewLabel(fmt.Sprintf("%d", inc))

            widget.NewButton("Tap me!", func() {
                label.Text = fmt.Sprintf("%d", inc)


I created an empty Xcode project for making a valid bundle id for the app, then packaged the app with this command: fyne package -os ios -appID , then installed the app on my iPhone SE2 through Xcode/Window/Devices and Simulators.

I didn't find a good way to debug the app, so I checked in the Console.app and it's says: "Snapshot generation request for bundleID: rejected due to the app being denylisted.". I didn't find any help with that message.

Jacalz commented 3 years ago

Hmm, I don't know what could be causing the crash (don't have any iOS development environment set up), but I see that the example code most likely isn't behaving the way that you want it to. Just setting label.Text directly is not going to update the displayed text on its own. You would either have to call label.Refresh() afterwards or just call label.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%d", inc)).

bencehari commented 3 years ago

Hi Jacalz,

Thanks for the quick response! Strangely in the rare cases when the app has not closes instantly, updating the label's text in this way is working fyne :)

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

This sometimes happens when your fyne executable and fyne version are not the same. Make sure your code is using fyne v2.0.3 as well (by updating the module file or updating your GOPATH checkout - rebuilding with that version could fix the issue.

bencehari commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the answer andydotxyz!

Where can I verify that the executable and fyne version are the same? After several failed attempt I reinstalled go and fyne altogether, but result is the same.

go downloaded through "brew install go"

fyne was downloaded by "go get fyne.io/fyne/v2" and the fyne utility with "go get fyne.io/fyne/v2/cmd/fyne" and then "fyne install"

I have "fyne.io/fyne/v2 v2.0.3" in both go.mod and go.sum

I have also removed the "~/go/pkg/mod/fyne.io/fyne1.4.xyz" folder, maybe it's interfering. Didn't worked.

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

What do you get by executing fyne env?

bencehari commented 3 years ago

Fyne info

cli_version="v2.0.3" go_mod="true" go_path="false" imported="true" path="~/Projects/Go/ProjectManager" version="v2.0.3"

Go version info

version="go1.16.4 darwin/amd64"

Go environment info

CGO_ENABLED="1" GO111MODULE="" GOARCH="amd64" GOOS="darwin"

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

That does look OK, more information will be needed from the iOS log, which will report the reason for crash. You can use the macOS Console app to see what is going on in the device.

bencehari commented 3 years ago

The app's log filtered by process. It's not reporting any error.

Screenshot 2021-06-02 at 14 28 13

Filtering device's log by errors shows this, when the app quits:

Screenshot 2021-06-02 at 14 32 46

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

The error will not report as an "error" in the filter as that is a feature we don't have access to when crashing. You'll need to trawl your logs for anything related. It should be "main" process if the app crashed, but if the OS caused it to exit then it may have other identity. Try filtering based on your app ID instead.

bencehari commented 3 years ago

I place a screenshot here, because it's much more readably, than the dump, highlighted where I think things did go wrong, but I don't know what triggered it.

Screenshot 2021-06-02 at 18 05 22

If something important is not on the screenshot, here is the dump:

60 default 17:44:23.306020+0200 SpringBoard Creating process for executionContext with identity: application 60 default 17:44:23.306258+0200 SpringBoard Created <FBWorkspace: 0x280759e40; application> 60 default 17:44:23.306329+0200 SpringBoard Bootstrapping application with intent foreground-interactive 60 error 17:44:23.319502+0200 SpringBoard Snapshot generation request for bundleID: com.h4ri.projectmanager rejected due to the app being denylisted. 32 default 17:44:23.320450+0200 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting application from originator [daemon:60] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "FBApplicationProcess" ID:32-60-25417 target:application attributes:[ <RBSRunningReasonAttribute| runningReason:10000>,

, , , , , , ]> 32 default 17:44:23.320874+0200 runningboardd Assertion 32-60-25417 (target:application) will be created as active 32 default 17:44:23.321144+0200 runningboardd Executing launch request for application (FBApplicationProcess) 32 default 17:44:23.321712+0200 runningboardd Creating and launching job for: application 32 default 17:44:23.321822+0200 runningboardd _mutateContextIfNeeded called for com.h4ri.projectmanager 32 default 17:44:23.322069+0200 runningboardd Inserting mach service com.h4ri.projectmanager.gsEvents into job for application 32 default 17:44:23.322175+0200 runningboardd Finished acquiring assertion 32-60-25417 (target:application) 60 default 17:44:23.324006+0200 SpringBoard SBMainWorkspaceApplicationSceneLayoutElementViewController-sceneID:com.h4ri.projectmanager-default will begin transition to visible YES 32 default 17:44:23.338042+0200 runningboardd [application:4961] This process will be managed. 32 default 17:44:23.338215+0200 runningboardd [application:4961] HOME is 32 default 17:44:23.338381+0200 runningboardd [application:4961] TMPDIR is 32 default 17:44:23.338648+0200 runningboardd Now tracking process: [application:4961] 32 default 17:44:23.338694+0200 runningboardd Using default underlying assertion for app: [application:4961] 32 default 17:44:23.338871+0200 runningboardd Calculated state for application: running-active (role: UserInteractiveNonFocal) 32 default 17:44:23.339030+0200 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting [application:4961] from originator [application:4961] with description , ]> 32 default 17:44:23.340697+0200 runningboardd Assertion 32-32-25418 (target:[application:4961]) will be created as active 60 default 17:44:23.341325+0200 SpringBoard [application:4961] Bootstrap success! 32 default 17:44:23.341595+0200 runningboardd [application:4961] Set jetsam priority to 10 [0] flag[1] 32 default 17:44:23.341690+0200 runningboardd [application:4961] Resuming task. 32 default 17:44:23.341896+0200 runningboardd [application:4961] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveNonFocal 60 default 17:44:23.342545+0200 SpringBoard [Main] dispatch event: > 32 default 17:44:23.342736+0200 runningboardd [application:4961] Set GPU priority to "allow" 60 default 17:44:23.343003+0200 SpringBoard Hit the server for a process handle 5a3553300001361 that resolved to: [application:4961] 60 default 17:44:23.343131+0200 SpringBoard [application:4961] Setting process task state to: Running 60 default 17:44:23.343202+0200 SpringBoard [application:4961] Setting process visibility to: Foreground 60 default 17:44:23.343250+0200 SpringBoard [application:4961] Registering event dispatcher at connect 60 default 17:44:23.343404+0200 SpringBoard [application:4961] Initial launch assertion state: ForegroundActive. 60 default 17:44:23.343466+0200 SpringBoard [application:4961] Not creating workspace endpoint injector. 60 default 17:44:23.345184+0200 SpringBoard Adding: :4961(v33B1)> 34 default 17:44:23.345364+0200 mediaserverd <<<< FigCaptureDisplayLayoutMonitor >>>> -[FigCaptureDisplayLayoutMonitor _updateCurrentLayout:]: { bounds = {{0, 0}, {667, 375}}; interfaceOrientation = "landscapeLeft (4)"; referenceBounds = {{0, 0}, {375, 667}}; backlightLevel = 100; elements = { ; } timestamp = 2021. June 2. 17:44:23 CEST;} 32 default 17:44:23.346136+0200 runningboardd [application:4961] reported to RB as running 60 default 17:44:23.347251+0200 SpringBoard [Main] dispatch event: ; fromEnvironmentMode: home-screen; toEnvironmentMode: application; fromOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait; toOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft; pendingTermination: {( )}> 60 default 17:44:23.347489+0200 SpringBoard [Main] handle response: { { ; ; }; { ; ; >; >; :4961(v33B1)> 32 default 17:44:23.347906+0200 runningboardd Calculated state for application: running-active (role: UserInteractiveNonFocal) 32 default 17:44:23.348633+0200 runningboardd Finished acquiring assertion 32-32-25418 (target:[application:4961]) 32 default 17:44:23.348670+0200 runningboardd Successfully acquired underlying assertion for [application:4961] 60 default 17:44:23.357132+0200 SpringBoard [Main] dispatch event: ; fromEnvironmentMode: home-screen; toEnvironmentMode: application; fromOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait; toOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft; pendingTermination: {( )}> 60 default 17:44:23.360411+0200 SpringBoard [com.h4ri.projectmanager] Foreground app will not request ephemeral notifications isAppClip: NO wantsEphemeral notifications: NO 60 default 17:44:23.377367+0200 SpringBoard [application:4961] Registered new scene: (fromRemnant = 0) 60 default 17:44:23.377489+0200 SpringBoard [application:4961] Workspace interruption policy did change: terminate 60 default 17:44:23.377738+0200 SpringBoard Now tracking: 60 default 17:44:23.377847+0200 SpringBoard [sceneID:com.h4ri.projectmanager-default] Setting deactivation reasons to: 'systemAnimation' for reason: scene settings update - settings are eligible for deactivation reasons. 32 default 17:44:23.379968+0200 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting [application:4961] from originator [daemon:60] with description ]> 32 default 17:44:23.380058+0200 runningboardd Assertion 32-60-25420 (target:[application:4961]) will be created as active 41 default 17:44:23.381164+0200 powerd Process runningboardd.32 Created SystemIsActive "application;(null):(null);32-60-25417:FBApplicationProcess" age:00:00:00 id:51539649369 [System: SysAct] 34 default 17:44:23.382070+0200 mediaserverd Hit the server for a process handle 5a3553300001361 that resolved to: [application:4961] 60 default 17:44:23.382560+0200 SpringBoard [sceneID:com.h4ri.projectmanager-default] Scene lifecycle state did change: Foreground 60 default 17:44:23.382656+0200 SpringBoard [sceneID:com.h4ri.projectmanager-default] Scene assertion state did change: ForegroundActive. 60 default 17:44:23.382909+0200 SpringBoard [application:4961] Launch assertion supersedes update of workspace assertion to ForegroundActive. 32 default 17:44:23.382947+0200 runningboardd Finished acquiring assertion 32-60-25420 (target:[application:4961]) 32 default 17:44:23.383034+0200 runningboardd Calculated state for application: running-active (role: UserInteractiveNonFocal) 60 default 17:44:23.383074+0200 SpringBoard [application:4961] Workspace assertion state did change: ForegroundActive (acquireAssertion = NO). 34 default 17:44:23.388439+0200 mediaserverd -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: Client com.h4ri.projectmanager with pid '4961' is now Foreground Running. Background entitlement: NO ActiveLongFormVideoSession: NO WhitelistedLongFormVideoApp NO 34 default 17:44:23.388639+0200 mediaserverd -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: Sending EndInterruption to com.h4ri.projectmanager with pid '4961' because client moved to ForegroundRunning and is not allowed to play in the background 60 default 17:44:23.394813+0200 SpringBoard Application process state changed for com.h4ri.projectmanager: 60 default 17:44:23.395524+0200 SpringBoard didSelectKeyboardFocusProcess::4961(v33B1)> token:(null) 60 default 17:44:23.395749+0200 SpringBoard Application process state changed for com.h4ri.projectmanager: 63 default 17:44:23.399436+0200 backboardd Connection added: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:43159646-40DA-46BE-9760-A07857A25DC2 pid:4961 process:main type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: + 288 attributes:{ HighFrequency = 0; bundleID = "com.h4ri.projectmanager"; pid = 4961; } state:0x0 events:0 mask:0x0 60 default 17:44:23.403300+0200 SpringBoard [application:4961] Connection established. 60 default 17:44:23.403517+0200 SpringBoard [application:4961] Connection to remote process established! 60 default 17:44:23.406399+0200 SpringBoard [sceneID:com.h4ri.projectmanager-default] Sending scene action [Logical Activate][0xea11] to process 0x1089cdf80 (watchdog: 19.95s) 60 default 17:44:23.411844+0200 SpringBoard Application process state changed for com.h4ri.projectmanager: 32 default 17:44:23.414836+0200 runningboardd Setting client for [application:4961] as ready 4961 default 17:44:23.416254+0200 main Identity resolved as application 32 default 17:44:23.422168+0200 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting [application:4961] from originator [application:4961] with description , ]> 32 default 17:44:23.422219+0200 runningboardd Assertion 32-4961-25421 (target:[application:4961]) will be created as inactive as start-time-defining assertions exist 32 default 17:44:23.423496+0200 runningboardd Finished acquiring assertion 32-4961-25421 (target:[application:4961]) 60 default 17:44:23.426039+0200 SpringBoard [com.h4ri.projectmanager] com.h4ri.projectmanager application state changed to ForegroundRunning 55 default 17:44:23.430753+0200 watchdogd Hit the server for a process handle 5a3553300001361 that resolved to: [application:4961] 4436 default 17:44:23.431039+0200 iapd Hit the server for a process handle 5a3553300001361 that resolved to: [application:4961] 115 default 17:44:23.431184+0200 symptomsd Hit the server for a process handle 5a3553300001361 that resolved to: [application:4961] 59 default 17:44:23.431834+0200 contextstored Hit the server for a process handle 5a3553300001361 that resolved to: [application:4961] 60 default 17:44:23.432357+0200 SpringBoard [com.h4ri.projectmanager] Ignore becoming foreground for application without push registration 4947 default 17:44:23.440848+0200 aggregated Hit the server for a process handle 5a3553300001361 that resolved to: [application:4961] 49 default 17:44:23.441998+0200 wifid Hit the server for a process handle 5a3553300001361 that resolved to: [application:4961] 29 default 17:44:23.442039+0200 UserEventAgent Hit the server for a process handle 5a3553300001361 that resolved to: [application:4961] 137 default 17:44:23.442368+0200 callservicesd Hit the server for a process handle 5a3553300001361 that resolved to: [application:4961] 60 default 17:44:23.447449+0200 SpringBoard change foreground process from KeyboardArbiter::4961(v33B1)> 4961 default 17:44:23.448916+0200 main [com.h4ri.projectmanager] Creating a user notification center 60 default 17:44:23.453691+0200 SpringBoard didSelectKeyboardFocusProcess::4961(v33B1)> token:com.apple.frontboard.systemappservices::sceneID%3Acom.h4ri.projectmanager-default 60 default 17:44:23.453773+0200 SpringBoard updateKeyboardFocusDeferringRules: app focus pid:4961 token:com.apple.frontboard.systemappservices::sceneID%3Acom.h4ri.projectmanager-default 184 default 17:44:23.454458+0200 replayd Hit the server for a process handle 5a3553300001361 that resolved to: [application:4961] 206 default 17:44:23.454734+0200 kbd Hit the server for a process handle 5a3553300001361 that resolved to: [application:4961] 60 default 17:44:23.455512+0200 SpringBoard [sceneID:com.h4ri.projectmanager-default] Scene action [Logical Activate][0xea11] completed with success: 1 4658 default 17:44:23.456518+0200 locationd Hit the server for a process handle 5a3553300001361 that resolved to: [application:4961] 32 default 17:44:23.459939+0200 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting [application:4961](UIScene:com.apple.frontboard.systemappservices::sceneID%3Acom.h4ri.projectmanager-default) from originator [daemon:60] with description " ID:32-60-25422 target:4961 attributes:[ , ]> 32 default 17:44:23.461867+0200 runningboardd Assertion 32-60-25422 (target:[application:4961](UIScene:com.apple.frontboard.systemappservices::sceneID%3Acom.h4ri.projectmanager-default)) will be created as active 32 default 17:44:23.464284+0200 runningboardd Calculated state for application: running-active (role: UserInteractiveNonFocal) 32 default 17:44:23.465173+0200 runningboardd Invalidating assertion 32-60-25422 (target:[application:4961](UIScene:com.apple.frontboard.systemappservices::sceneID%3Acom.h4ri.projectmanager-default)) from originator [daemon:60] 32 default 17:44:23.468926+0200 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting [application:4961](UIScene:com.apple.frontboard.systemappservices::sceneID%3Acom.h4ri.projectmanager-default) from originator [daemon:60] with description " ID:32-60-25423 target:4961 attributes:[ , ]> 32 default 17:44:23.469647+0200 runningboardd Assertion 32-60-25423 (target:[application:4961](UIScene:com.apple.frontboard.systemappservices::sceneID%3Acom.h4ri.projectmanager-default)) will be created as active 32 default 17:44:23.471143+0200 runningboardd Finished acquiring assertion 32-60-25422 (target:[application:4961](UIScene:com.apple.frontboard.systemappservices::sceneID%3Acom.h4ri.projectmanager-default)) 32 default 17:44:23.475826+0200 runningboardd Finished acquiring assertion 32-60-25423 (target:[application:4961](UIScene:com.apple.frontboard.systemappservices::sceneID%3Acom.h4ri.projectmanager-default)) 184 default 17:44:23.477004+0200 replayd -[RPApplicationStateMonitor applicationStateDidChange:] userInfo { BKSApplicationStateAppIsFrontmost = 1; BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 0; SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "com.h4ri.projectmanager"; SBApplicationStateKey = 8; SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 4961; SBMostElevatedStateForProcessID = 8; } previousState { 60 = 8; } 4658 default 17:44:23.481853+0200 locationd {"msg":"#CLIUA Marking change", "clientKey":"com.h4ri.projectmanager", "reason":"Process state from RunningBoard", "assertionLevel":5, "coming":1} 63 default 17:44:23.492727+0200 backboardd Hit the server for a process handle 5a3553300001361 that resolved to: [application:4961] 63 default 17:44:23.494848+0200 backboardd new deferring rules for pid:60: [ -> reason: "1-deferDiscrete: systemGestures", -> reason: "3-deferDiscrete: Key Window event focus deferral", -> reason: "3156-deferDiscrete: Key Window event focus deferral", -> reason: "3159-deferDiscrete: SpringBoardToApp", -> reason: "3160-deferDiscrete: SpringBoardToAppCompatibility" ] 146 default 17:44:23.498887+0200 chronod noting foreground launch for com.h4ri.projectmanager with widget extension; trigger metadata query 63 default 17:44:23.516345+0200 backboardd Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:43159646-40DA-46BE-9760-A07857A25DC2 pid:4961 process:main type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: + 288 attributes:{ HighFrequency = 0; bundleID = "com.h4ri.projectmanager"; pid = 4961; } state:0x1 events:0 mask:0x0 60 default 17:44:23.516578+0200 SpringBoard [application:4961] Workspace connection invalidated. 60 default 17:44:23.516801+0200 SpringBoard [application:4961] Now flagged as pending exit for reason: workspace client connection invalidated 32 default 17:44:23.520246+0200 runningboardd [application:4961] termination reported by launchd (0, 0, 512) 32 default 17:44:23.520421+0200 runningboardd Removing process: [application:4961] 32 default 17:44:23.520868+0200 runningboardd Removing launch job for: [application:4961] 32 default 17:44:23.521011+0200 runningboardd XPC connection invalidated: [application:4961] 32 default 17:44:23.521233+0200 runningboardd Removed job for [application:4961] 32 default 17:44:23.521563+0200 runningboardd Removing assertions for terminated process: [application:4961] 32 default 17:44:23.521756+0200 runningboardd Removed last relative-start-date-defining assertion for process application 41 default 17:44:23.535554+0200 powerd Process runningboardd.32 Released SystemIsActive "application;(null):(null);32-60-25417:FBApplicationProcess" age:00:00:00 id:51539649369 [System: SysAct] 32 default 17:44:23.536248+0200 runningboardd Calculated state for application: none (role: None) 32 default 17:44:23.537003+0200 runningboardd Calculated state for application: none (role: None) 60 default 17:44:23.537341+0200 SpringBoard [application:4961] Process exited: . 60 default 17:44:23.537416+0200 SpringBoard [application:4961] Setting process task state to: Not Running 60 default 17:44:23.537590+0200 SpringBoard [application:4961] Setting process visibility to: Unknown 60 default 17:44:23.538023+0200 SpringBoard [application:4961] Invalidating workspace. 60 default 17:44:23.538062+0200 SpringBoard Removing workspace registration for processHandle: [application:4961] 60 default 17:44:23.538455+0200 SpringBoard Removing: :4961(v33B1)> 60 default 17:44:23.541316+0200 SpringBoard Process exited: :4961(v33B1)> -> 60 default 17:44:23.541989+0200 SpringBoard Application process state changed for com.h4ri.projectmanager: (null) 34 default 17:44:23.542773+0200 mediaserverd -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: Client com.h4ri.projectmanager with pid '4961' is now Terminated. Background entitlement: NO ActiveLongFormVideoSession: NO WhitelistedLongFormVideoApp NO 60 error 17:44:23.543263+0200 SpringBoard Ignoring state for untracked process [application:4961]: 60 default 17:44:23.545597+0200 SpringBoard No longer tracking: 63 default 17:44:23.547899+0200 backboardd new resolutions for pid:4961 () 60 default 17:44:23.548437+0200 SpringBoard [SBMainDisplaySceneManager sceneManager:didDestroyScene: ] - proposing IdleTimerBehavior. 4658 default 17:44:23.560384+0200 locationd {"msg":"#CLIUA Marking change", "clientKey":"com.h4ri.projectmanager", "reason":"Process state from RunningBoard", "assertionLevel":5, "coming":0} 60 default 17:44:23.566380+0200 SpringBoard [com.h4ri.projectmanager] com.h4ri.projectmanager application state changed to Terminated 60 default 17:44:23.566422+0200 SpringBoard [com.h4ri.projectmanager] Ignore becoming background for application without push registration 184 default 17:44:23.567359+0200 replayd -[RPApplicationStateMonitor applicationStateDidChange:] userInfo { BKSApplicationStateAppIsFrontmost = 0; BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 0; SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "com.h4ri.projectmanager"; SBApplicationStateKey = 1; SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 4961; SBMostElevatedStateForProcessID = 1; } previousState { 60 = 8; } 115 default 17:44:23.573801+0200 symptomsd com.h4ri.projectmanager: Foreground: true 115 default 17:44:23.575728+0200 symptomsd com.h4ri.projectmanager: Foreground: false 32 error 17:44:23.585006+0200 runningboardd RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item 32-60-25422 (target:[application:4961](UIScene:com.apple.frontboard.systemappservices::sceneID%3Acom.h4ri.projectmanager-default)) 60 default 17:44:23.671938+0200 SpringBoard [Main] dispatch event: ; fromEnvironmentMode: home-screen; toEnvironmentMode: application; fromOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait; toOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft; pendingTermination: {( )}> 60 default 17:44:23.672395+0200 SpringBoard [Main] handle response: { ; { ; { ; >; >; >; }; }; } 60 default 17:44:23.676172+0200 SpringBoard SBMainWorkspaceApplicationSceneLayoutElementViewController-sceneID:com.h4ri.projectmanager-default did end transition to visible YES 60 default 17:44:23.676220+0200 SpringBoard SBMainWorkspaceApplicationSceneLayoutElementViewController-sceneID:com.h4ri.projectmanager-default shouldDisplayLayoutElementBecomeActive=YES because isEffectivelyForeground=NO isSuspendedUnderLock=NO sceneIfExists=(null) 60 default 17:44:23.676256+0200 SpringBoard sceneHandle= 60 default 17:44:23.682415+0200 SpringBoard Front display did change: 60 default 17:44:23.722078+0200 SpringBoard SBMainWorkspaceApplicationSceneLayoutElementViewController-sceneID:com.h4ri.projectmanager-default will begin transition to visible NO 60 default 17:44:23.725162+0200 SpringBoard SBMainWorkspaceApplicationSceneLayoutElementViewController-sceneID:com.h4ri.projectmanager-default did end transition to visible NO 60 default 17:44:24.472110+0200 SpringBoard [application:4961] Dropping launch assertion. 60 default 17:44:31.412842+0200 SpringBoard [com.h4ri.projectmanager] Reaping invalid snapshot [com.h4ri.projectmanager] invalidReason: expired. expirationDate: 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000; how long ago (seconds): 63758418271.408615 60 default 17:44:31.413674+0200 SpringBoard [com.h4ri.projectmanager] Deleting snapshot [com.h4ri.projectmanager] for reason: _contentType: GeneratedDefault(1) 60 default 17:44:31.414832+0200 SpringBoard [com.h4ri.projectmanager] We don't have any snapshots, so we're clearing our manifest data. 4101 default 17:57:24.564974+0200 CacheDeleteAppContainerCaches enumerateUserManagedAssets ENTRY, id: com.h4ri.projectmanager, filter: (null) 4101 error 17:57:24.567152+0200 CacheDeleteAppContainerCaches enumerateUserManagedAssets failed to find UserManagedAssets directory for com.h4ri.projectmanager, nonContainer: (null), container: (null) 4101 default 17:57:38.404112+0200 CacheDeleteAppContainerCaches enumerateUserManagedAssets ENTRY, id: com.h4ri.projectmanager, filter: (null) 4101 error 17:57:38.406747+0200 CacheDeleteAppContainerCaches enumerateUserManagedAssets failed to find UserManagedAssets directory for com.h4ri.projectmanager, nonContainer: (null), container: (null) 4101 default 17:59:58.927256+0200 CacheDeleteAppContainerCaches enumerateUserManagedAssets ENTRY, id: com.h4ri.projectmanager, filter: (null) 4101 error 17:59:58.929285+0200 CacheDeleteAppContainerCaches enumerateUserManagedAssets failed to find UserManagedAssets directory for com.h4ri.projectmanager, nonContainer: (null), container: (null) 4101 default 18:04:00.373065+0200 CacheDeleteAppContainerCaches enumerateUserManagedAssets ENTRY, id: com.h4ri.projectmanager, filter: (null) 4101 error 18:04:00.374732+0200 CacheDeleteAppContainerCaches enumerateUserManagedAssets failed to find UserManagedAssets directory for com.h4ri.projectmanager, nonContainer: (null), container: (null)
andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

That log seems to end around the time the application became "visible" - is there nothing else?

bencehari commented 3 years ago

I couldn't get different outcome out of it unfortunately... I'll get an Android phone. Maybe if I got the same error, Logical will tell more. I spend several hours to find a solution, but now I'm out of ideas...

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

There should certainly be more information in the log. iOS will report that the app was killed or tidied up for example, which was missing above - that's why I asked if there was more. I was also hoping that between what you posted and the cleanup logs there would be the error logged...

bencehari commented 3 years ago

Here it is an unfiltered log. In this case, the app started, and after 2-3 sec it closed (I did not do anything). Searching for suspicious lines...

It's too long for comment. https://1drv.ms/t/s!AutgNH9Cs4o3qket5cYficK3fa2V?e=0yXosR

bencehari commented 3 years ago

The errors and faults extract from the previous:

49 error 21:01:51.542957+0200 wifid WiFiManagerDispatchLQMEvent: Dispatching LQM event to symptomsd 49 error 21:01:56.559617+0200 wifid WiFiManagerDispatchLQMEvent: Dispatching LQM event to symptomsd 49 error 21:02:01.578443+0200 wifid WiFiManagerDispatchLQMEvent: Dispatching LQM event to symptomsd 60 error 21:02:01.815937+0200 SpringBoard Error acquiring assertion: <Error Domain=RBSAssertionErrorDomain Code=2 "Assertion's invalidation time is in the past" UserInfo={IgnoreOnReconnect=true, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Assertion's invalidation time is in the past}> 60 error 21:02:01.816586+0200 SpringBoard [<_UIKeyboardArbiterHandle: 0x2807623c0; PID 1892: (null) <(null)>; hosting PIDs {( )}; level 0.000000; active NO [wants NO]; suppression 0; iav 0.000000; on screen NO>] could not take process assertion 1231 error 21:02:02.016283+0200 misagent Saving new cache. 4092 error 21:02:02.034599+0200 splashboardd Error generating launch image for com.h4ri.projectmanager: <XBLaunchImageError: 0x102205440; domain: XBLaunchStoryboardErrorDomain; code: 1; reason: "No such interface found."> 60 error 21:02:02.036359+0200 SpringBoard Snapshot generation resulted in an error with code: 1 for app bundleID: , noting this until it is updated. 0 error 21:02:02.162861+0200 kernel Sandbox: main(5207) deny(2) file-test-existence /private/etc/.mdns_debug 60 error 21:02:02.188605+0200 SpringBoard Ignoring state for untracked process [application:5207]: <RBSProcessState| task:none debug:none> 60 error 21:02:02.195379+0200 SpringBoard Snapshot generation request for bundleID: com.h4ri.projectmanager rejected due to the app being denylisted. 60 error 21:02:02.376293+0200 SpringBoard No ContinuousUserLaunchEventTime 60 error 21:02:02.376599+0200 SpringBoard No UserLaunchEventTime 60 error 21:02:02.400218+0200 SpringBoard Snapshot generation request for bundleID: com.h4ri.projectmanager rejected due to the app being denylisted. 32 error 21:02:02.777278+0200 runningboardd RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item <RBProcessMonitorObserver| qos:0 qos:(null) configs:{ }> 32 error 21:02:02.810744+0200 runningboardd proc_pidpath failed for 5208 with errno 3 32 error 21:02:02.884190+0200 runningboardd [application:4038] Could not stat /private/var/tmp/SearchUIIconImageCache-5.NaadzS: No such file or directory 32 error 21:02:02.884227+0200 runningboardd cannot open file at line 44595 of [02c344acea] 32 error 21:02:02.884267+0200 runningboardd os_unix.c:44595: (2) open(/private/var/tmp/SearchUIIconImageCache-5.NaadzS) - No such file or directory 29 error 21:02:02.891743+0200 UserEventAgent Could not get process name: <Error Domain=RBSRequestErrorDomain Code=5 "Could not get proc_pidinfo for pid" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Could not get proc_pidinfo for pid}> 49 error 21:02:03.458741+0200 wifid Normal priority scan request from "locationd", is5GScan=0 119 error 21:13:14.168924+0200 apsd tcp_output [C1001.1:3] flags=[R.] seq=477581596, ack=124402789, win=4096 state=CLOSED rcv_nxt=124402789, snd_una=477581571 49 error 21:13:16.598507+0200 wifid WiFiManagerDispatchLQMEvent: Dispatching LQM event to symptomsd 83 error 21:13:18.065459+0200 bluetoothd 49 error 21:13:21.618180+0200 wifid WiFiManagerDispatchLQMEvent: Dispatching LQM event to symptomsd 0 error 21:13:24.796156+0200 kernel netagent_get_agent_domain_and_type: Type requested for invalid netagent 60 error 21:13:26.047869+0200 SpringBoard Snapshot generation request for bundleID: com.h4ri.projectmanager rejected due to the app being denylisted. 194 error 21:13:26.134567+0200 rtcreportingd RTCReportingBackend(newBackendWithName): release_timeout 194 error 21:13:26.144217+0200 rtcreportingd RTCReportingBackend(newBackendWithName): release_timeout 32 error 21:13:26.205710+0200 runningboardd proc_pidpath failed for 5228 with errno 3 32 error 21:13:26.215986+0200 runningboardd proc_pidpath failed for 5228 with errno 3 60 error 21:13:26.218775+0200 SpringBoard Ignoring state for untracked process [application:5228]: <RBSProcessState| task:none debug:none> 60 error 21:13:26.221601+0200 SpringBoard Snapshot generation request for bundleID: com.h4ri.projectmanager rejected due to the app being denylisted. 32 error 21:13:26.257179+0200 runningboardd Could not get proc_pidinfo for pid 5228 to get name 29 error 21:13:26.259486+0200 UserEventAgent Could not get process name: <Error Domain=RBSRequestErrorDomain Code=5 "Could not get proc_pidinfo for pid" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Could not get proc_pidinfo for pid}> 60 error 21:13:26.399205+0200 SpringBoard No ContinuousUserLaunchEventTime 60 error 21:13:26.399326+0200 SpringBoard No UserLaunchEventTime 60 error 21:13:26.431977+0200 SpringBoard Snapshot generation request for bundleID: com.h4ri.projectmanager rejected due to the app being denylisted. 32 error 21:13:26.826459+0200 runningboardd [application:4038] Could not stat /private/var/tmp/SearchUIIconImageCache-5.NaadzS: No such file or directory 32 error 21:13:26.826494+0200 runningboardd cannot open file at line 44595 of [02c344acea] 32 error 21:13:26.826545+0200 runningboardd os_unix.c:44595: (2) open(/private/var/tmp/SearchUIIconImageCache-5.NaadzS) - No such file or directory 49 error 21:13:26.838241+0200 wifid WiFiManagerDispatchLQMEvent: Dispatching LQM event to symptomsd 191 error 21:13:27.128066+0200 CAReportingService validateSessionInfo: bundleID is invalid. Please specify the bundleID for kRTCReportingSessionInfoClientBundleID 191 error 21:13:27.128165+0200 CAReportingService validateSessionInfo: bundleID is invalid. Please specify the bundleID for kRTCReportingSessionInfoClientBundleID 191 error 21:13:27.128336+0200 CAReportingService validateSessionInfo: bundleID is invalid. Please specify the bundleID for kRTCReportingSessionInfoClientBundleID 191 error 21:13:27.129138+0200 CAReportingService validateSessionInfo: bundleID is invalid. Please specify the bundleID for kRTCReportingSessionInfoClientBundleID 191 error 21:13:27.129240+0200 CAReportingService validateSessionInfo: bundleID is invalid. Please specify the bundleID for kRTCReportingSessionInfoClientBundleID 191 error 21:13:27.130455+0200 CAReportingService validateSessionInfo: bundleID is invalid. Please specify the bundleID for kRTCReportingSessionInfoClientBundleID 191 error 21:13:27.130636+0200 CAReportingService validateSessionInfo: bundleID is invalid. Please specify the bundleID for kRTCReportingSessionInfoClientBundleID 191 error 21:13:27.130738+0200 CAReportingService validateSessionInfo: bundleID is invalid. Please specify the bundleID for kRTCReportingSessionInfoClientBundleID 191 error 21:13:27.131427+0200 CAReportingService validateSessionInfo: bundleID is invalid. Please specify the bundleID for kRTCReportingSessionInfoClientBundleID 191 error 21:13:27.132285+0200 CAReportingService validateSessionInfo: bundleID is invalid. Please specify the bundleID for kRTCReportingSessionInfoClientBundleID 194 error 21:13:27.141000+0200 rtcreportingd Session '' was not marked as having realtime events but tries to set batching as NO. Forcing events batching for the session 194 error 21:13:27.142911+0200 rtcreportingd RTCReportingBackend(newBackendWithName): release_timeout 194 error 21:13:27.143377+0200 rtcreportingd 194 error 21:13:27.143799+0200 rtcreportingd senderNameForClientType: Invalid clientType '0' passed 194 error 21:13:27.143946+0200 rtcreportingd senderNameForClientType: Invalid clientType '0' passed 194 error 21:13:27.144265+0200 rtcreportingd 191 error 21:13:27.144370+0200 CAReportingService sendOneMessageWithSessionInfo: Failed to get remote object proxy: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=} 194 error 21:13:27.144637+0200 rtcreportingd senderNameForClientType: Invalid clientType '0' passed 194 error 21:13:27.144740+0200 rtcreportingd senderNameForClientType: Invalid clientType '0' passed 191 error 21:13:27.145100+0200 CAReportingService sendOneMessageWithSessionInfo: Failed to get remote object proxy: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=} 194 error 21:13:27.146028+0200 rtcreportingd 191 error 21:13:27.146934+0200 CAReportingService sendOneMessageWithSessionInfo: Failed to get remote object proxy: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=} 194 error 21:13:27.147648+0200 rtcreportingd Session '' was not marked as having realtime events but tries to set batching as NO. Forcing events batching for the session 194 error 21:13:27.149050+0200 rtcreportingd RTCReportingBackend(newBackendWithName): release_timeout 194 error 21:13:27.150170+0200 rtcreportingd Session '' was not marked as having realtime events but tries to set batching as NO. Forcing events batching for the session 194 error 21:13:27.151043+0200 rtcreportingd RTCReportingBackend(newBackendWithName): release_timeout 194 error 21:13:27.152396+0200 rtcreportingd Session '' was not marked as having realtime events but tries to set batching as NO. Forcing events batching for the session 194 error 21:13:27.152436+0200 rtcreportingd Session '' was not marked as having realtime events but tries to set batching as NO. Forcing events batching for the session 194 error 21:13:27.152575+0200 rtcreportingd Session '' was not marked as having realtime events but tries to set batching as NO. Forcing events batching for the session 194 error 21:13:27.153557+0200 rtcreportingd Session '' was not marked as having realtime events but tries to set batching as NO. Forcing events batching for the session 194 error 21:13:27.154002+0200 rtcreportingd RTCReportingBackend(newBackendWithName): release_timeout 194 error 21:13:27.154162+0200 rtcreportingd RTCReportingBackend(newBackendWithName): release_timeout 194 error 21:13:27.155390+0200 rtcreportingd RTCReportingBackend(newBackendWithName): release_timeout 194 error 21:13:27.155680+0200 rtcreportingd RTCReportingBackend(newBackendWithName): release_timeout 94 error 21:13:27.327744+0200 nsurlsessiond nw_endpoint_handler_set_adaptive_read_handler [C899.1 IPv4#710771df:443 ready channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] unregister notification for read_timeout failed 94 error 21:13:27.327790+0200 nsurlsessiond nw_endpoint_handler_set_adaptive_write_handler [C899.1 IPv4#710771df:443 ready channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] unregister notification for write_timeout failed 102 error 21:13:27.362216+0200 mobileassetd _MobileAssetDecryptAndVerifySignature: Could not verify signature using public key: -9809 102 error 21:13:27.362258+0200 mobileassetd _MobileAssetVerifyAssetMapSignature: Could not validate asset map signature 102 error 21:13:27.362536+0200 mobileassetd -[DownloadManager sendDownloadResult:with:extraInfo:]: Sending download result 5 (MADownloadMetaDataProcessFailed) for DownloadInfo taskDescriptor: com_apple_MobileAsset_SiriInferenceHolidays.xml . task: BackgroundDownloadTask <42648E88-19DC-4A40-8CAE-7C1C0F6BE258>.<509> taskState: completed statusCode: 200 downloadSize: 0 progress: 2299 / -1 isStalled: NO backtracks: 0 callbackCount: 1 hasExtractor: NO originalUrl: https://mesu.apple.com/assets/com_apple_MobileAsset_SiriInferenceHolidays/com_apple_MobileAsset_SiriInferenceHolidays.xml cacheServerUrl: (null) shouldRetry: YES ifModifiedDate: 2021-04-08 16:23:35 +0000 options: MADownloadOptions allowsCellular: 0 resourceTimeout: 900 canUseCacheServer: 0 discretionary: 1 sessionId: (null) additionalServerParams:(null) allowsExpensiveAccess:1 requiresPowerPluggedIn: 0 prefersInfraWiFi: 1 liveServerOnly: -1 790 error 21:13:27.363313+0200 siriinferenced Downloading catalog failed: 49 error 21:13:31.656152+0200 wifid __WiFiManagerDispatchLQMEvent: Dispatching LQM event to symptomsd 60 error 21:13:31.728734+0200 SpringBoard Error acquiring assertion: <Error Domain=RBSAssertionErrorDomain Code=2 "Assertion's invalidation time is in the past" UserInfo={IgnoreOnReconnect=true, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Assertion's invalidation time is in the past}> 60 error 21:13:31.728787+0200 SpringBoard [<_UIKeyboardArbiterHandle: 0x2807623c0; PID 1892: (null) <(null)>; hosting PIDs {( )}; level 0.000000; active NO [wants NO]; suppression 0; iav 0.000000; on screen NO>] could not take process assertion 63 error 21:13:31.826664+0200 backboardd ImageQueueCollectable client message err=0x10000003 60 error 21:13:31.835993+0200 SpringBoard Error acquiring assertion: <Error Domain=RBSAssertionErrorDomain Code=2 "Assertion's invalidation time is in the past" UserInfo={IgnoreOnReconnect=true, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Assertion's invalidation time is in the past}> 60 error 21:13:31.836193+0200 SpringBoard [<_UIKeyboardArbiterHandle: 0x2807623c0; PID 1892: (null) <(null)>; hosting PIDs {( )}; level 0.000000; active NO [wants NO]; suppression 0; iav 0.000000; on screen NO>] could not take process assertion 60 error 21:13:31.844969+0200 SpringBoard HW kbd: Failed to set keyboard focus pid:0 ((null)) scene:(null) 60 error 21:13:31.848582+0200 SpringBoard HW kbd: Failed to set keyboard focus pid:0 ((null)) scene:(null) 32 error 21:13:31.848750+0200 runningboardd RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item <RBProcessMonitorObserver| qos:0 qos:(null) configs:{ }> 32 error 21:13:31.858105+0200 runningboardd RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item <RBConnectionClient| 5229 name:application entitlements:<RBEntitlements| [

        ]> inheritanceManager:<RBClientInheritanceManager|  inheritances:[
<RBSInheritance| environment:UIScene:com.apple.frontboard.systemappservices::sceneID%3Acom.h4ri.projectmanager-default name:com.apple.frontboard.visibility origID:32-60-26317 payload>,
<RBSInheritance| environment:UIHostedWindow:6f5be9db name:com.apple.frontboard.visibility origID:32-60-26322 payload>,
<RBSInheritance| environment:(none) name:com.apple.frontboard.visibility origID:32-60-26318>

60 error 21:13:31.981571+0200 SpringBoard Ignoring state for untracked process [application:5229]: <RBSProcessState| task:none debug:none> 60 error 21:13:32.059708+0200 SpringBoard HW kbd: Failed to set keyboard focus pid:0 ((null)) scene:(null) 32 error 21:13:32.126976+0200 runningboardd [application:4038] Could not stat /private/var/tmp/SearchUIIconImageCache-5.NaadzS: No such file or directory 32 error 21:13:32.127012+0200 runningboardd cannot open file at line 44595 of [02c344acea] 32 error 21:13:32.127044+0200 runningboardd os_unix.c:44595: (2) open(/private/var/tmp/SearchUIIconImageCache-5.NaadzS) - No such file or directory 4262 error 21:13:32.132251+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.132757+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.132838+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.137548+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: homeScreen 4262 error 21:13:32.137655+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: AppLaunch 4262 error 21:13:32.137839+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: predictionContext 4262 error 21:13:32.138278+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.138488+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.138521+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.138590+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: predictionContext 4262 error 21:13:32.138923+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: AppLaunch 4262 error 21:13:32.138997+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: homeScreen 4262 error 21:13:32.139148+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: predictionContext 4262 error 21:13:32.139302+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.139580+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.139723+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: clientModel 4262 error 21:13:32.139759+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.139988+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.140089+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: clientModel 4262 error 21:13:32.140199+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.140455+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.140490+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.141184+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: homeScreen 4262 error 21:13:32.141253+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: homeScreen 4262 error 21:13:32.141323+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: predictionContext 4262 error 21:13:32.141508+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: predictionContext 4262 error 21:13:32.146533+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: clientModel 4262 error 21:13:32.146975+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.147010+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.147043+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.147150+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: homeScreen 4262 error 21:13:32.147255+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: AppLaunch 4262 error 21:13:32.147325+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: predictionContext 4262 error 21:13:32.147794+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.147829+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.148916+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.149017+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: predictionContext 4262 error 21:13:32.149303+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: AppLaunch 4262 error 21:13:32.149339+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: homeScreen 4262 error 21:13:32.149497+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: predictionContext 4262 error 21:13:32.150101+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.150136+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.150290+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: clientModel 4262 error 21:13:32.150677+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.150712+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.150825+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: clientModel 4262 error 21:13:32.151339+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.151374+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.151413+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending 4262 error 21:13:32.151547+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: homeScreen 4262 error 21:13:32.151582+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: homeScreen 4262 error 21:13:32.151653+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: predictionContext 4262 error 21:13:32.151842+0200 duetexpertd - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: predictionContext 5213 error 21:13:32.163986+0200 backupd unmount failed at /.mb: [22: Invalid argument] 5213 error 21:13:32.164249+0200 backupd unmount failed at /.mb: [22: Invalid argument] 4262 error 21:13:33.805736+0200 duetexpertd -[INCache cacheableObjectForIdentifier:] Unable to find cacheable object with identifier in cache. 4262 error 21:13:33.809202+0200 duetexpertd -[INCache cacheableObjectForIdentifier:] Unable to find cacheable object with identifier in cache. 4262 error 21:13:33.812810+0200 duetexpertd -[INCache cacheableObjectForIdentifier:] Unable to find cacheable object with identifier in cache. 4262 error 21:13:33.817316+0200 duetexpertd -[INCache cacheableObjectForIdentifier:] Unable to find cacheable object with identifier in cache. 4262 error 21:13:33.820561+0200 duetexpertd -[INCache cacheableObjectForIdentifier:] Unable to find cacheable object with identifier in cache. 4262 error 21:13:33.823554+0200 duetexpertd -[INCache cacheableObjectForIdentifier:] Unable to find cacheable object with identifier in cache. 4262 error 21:13:33.826680+0200 duetexpertd -[INCache cacheableObjectForIdentifier:] Unable to find cacheable object with identifier in cache. 4262 error 21:13:33.830230+0200 duetexpertd -[INCache cacheableObjectForIdentifier:] Unable to find cacheable object with identifier in cache. 4262 error 21:13:33.833575+0200 duetexpertd -[INCache cacheableObjectForIdentifier:] Unable to find cacheable object with identifier in cache. 4262 error 21:13:33.837007+0200 duetexpertd -[INCache cacheableObjectForIdentifier:] Unable to find cacheable object with identifier in cache. 82 error 21:13:34.049886+0200 rapportd ### Start on-demand connection discovery timed out: IDS 437D7AF4, Nm 'h4ri’s iPhone', Md 'iPhone7,2' 992 error 21:13:34.052258+0200 coreduetd _DKSyncRapportCommonStorage: Rapport request timed out 992 error 21:13:34.054919+0200 coreduetd _DKSyncRapportCommonStorage: Failed to fetch source device id from peer 29803C72-DEA3-538B-9574-6C6DC3E151A0 (iPhone7,2): RPErrorDomain:-6722 (Error Domain=RPErrorDomain Code=-6722 UserInfo={cuErrorMsg=, NSLocalizedDescription=, cuErrorDesc=}) 4262 error 21:13:34.220369+0200 duetexpertd - unable to load NSUserDefaults suite

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

Thanks, there was a whole lot more in that log. I would think that this line somehow holds the clue: SpringBoard [application<com.h4ri.projectmanager>:5229] Workspace connection invalidated.

Sadly I don't know what can cause this or why your app / phone is experiencing it. Is there anything special about your iPhone SE, or the certificate/provisioning profile setup?

bencehari commented 3 years ago

I have not tweaked with my iPhone, and it runs the lates iOS. I didn't make anything manually. I just created an Xcode project with the desired appID to let Xcode register it on my Mac, and used that appID to package the project.

As I can see, fyne package don't even have the certificate and profile params.

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

It will pick up your default certificate and provisioning IIRC. Did the XCode process you mention leave files in the directory? Those steps should not be needed and may have left something extra in the project?

bencehari commented 3 years ago

If I skip that step and try to package with a different appID (I changed the appID from com.h4ri.projectmanager to com.h4ri.pm), I got his error:

xcrun xcodebuild -configuration Release -project /var/folders/bj/fw307qd56dn6jk55sb_6nycr0000gn/T/gomobile-work-612755535/main.xcodeproj -allowProvisioningUpdates DEVELOPMENT_TEAM= failed: exit status 65 Command line invocation: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild -configuration Release -project /var/folders/bj/fw307qd56dn6jk55sb_6nycr0000gn/T/gomobile-work-612755535/main.xcodeproj -allowProvisioningUpdates DEVELOPMENT_TEAM=

User defaults from command line: IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES

Build settings from command line: DEVELOPMENT_TEAM =

2021-06-03 14:57:54.783 xcodebuild[56188:1101839] CFURLRequestSetHTTPCookieStorageAcceptPolicy_block_invoke: no longer implemented and should not be called note: Using new build system note: Planning build note: Analyzing workspace note: Constructing build description note: Build preparation complete error: No account for team "Bence Hari (Personal Team)". Add a new account in the Accounts preference pane or verify that your accounts have valid credentials. (in target 'main' from project 'main') error: No profiles for 'com.h4ri.pm' were found: Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'com.h4ri.pm'. (in target 'main' from project 'main')


Is there any way to specify the team for signing? I removed my account from Xcode, I hoped then it will use my job developer account, but it doesn't care and it uses my personal team.

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

Are you running xcrun directly, or is that the output of fyne package?

bencehari commented 3 years ago

This is the output of fyne package

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

You don't need XCode to set up the appID, you can set it up in the Apple developer portal. However you do it, the provisioning profile needs to be downloaded and using these the appID finds the certificate that it was created for. I guess that XCode has done this automatically for you, but my concern is whether it has left extra (non-go) files in the working directory.

bencehari commented 3 years ago

I created them, but I can't use them, because fyne package uses my personal account, not the developer account (this is my Mac logged in with my AppleID, and I have another account set in Xcode, which is the developer account).

That is why I needed to create the dummy Xcode project to make the appID with my personal account, which is not a developer account, so I cannot create certificates and profiles for it.

I tried to remove my account in Xcode's accounts menu and leave the developer account, but it had no impact to the process. Fyne try using my personal account.

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

Fyne does not look up your account - it just uses what is found on your system (in the provisioning profiles folder and keychains). We don't use the XCode account feature or your Apple ID in any way.

bencehari commented 3 years ago

Hmmm, I deleted every record what was related my personal team in the Keychain Access, then created the certificate and provisioning profile (which I installed to my iPhone manually), with a different appID (just to be safe), but the same result.

I don't know what am I doing wrong, I'll try again...

bencehari commented 3 years ago

No success. If I changed the provisioning profile from developer to AdHoc, I can see new errors from the app:

Screenshot 2021-06-04 at 12 32 37

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

AdHoc is not the right thing to do - that is for releasing to others in your company, to "fyne package" it should be a developer profile. I don't recognise those errors but they are not from Fyne... Is there more information about the missing file if you tap that entry?

bencehari commented 3 years ago

The main process said that, which is the app. No, this is all what it said. Then I switch back to developer and trying.

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

This may not be much comfort but I have now seen this same error when setting up development for a friends iPad. I will try to explore further what may be causing it on that device but not my own.

bence-hari commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the silence, I'm damn busy nowadays. Unfortunately I haven't figured it out yet...

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

Not a problem. There are all sorts of random reports on the web of 14.x causing issues (like with Flutter and others), but I don't know for sure if it is that or something else.

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

I think I have narrowed this down to the XCode and/or macOS version used to build - can you please confirm what they are for you @bence-hari?

bencehari commented 3 years ago

macOS Big Sur 11.4 (20F71) Xcode 12.5 (12E262)

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

Thanks. That matches my problematic machine as well. I will update everything except from OS and XCode on another machine to confirm my suspicion.

bencehari commented 3 years ago

You rock! Thank you! :)

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

Confirmed. Same settings on Catalina with XCode 12.4 build apps that run fine. Now to explore what broke in the mac upgrade :(.

bencehari commented 3 years ago

Same on the new Xcode version... Xcode 12.5.1 (12E507)

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

Can you try (from your project directory):

$ go clean
$ go clean -cache
$ go clean -modcache

And then build the iOS bundle again - see if it makes any difference. I am playing with some ideas here - and I can make the reported error go away, but I am not certain that it increases stability. Something else is causing the app to crash with latest XCode.

bencehari commented 3 years ago

Can you try (from your project directory):

$ go clean
$ go clean -cache
$ go clean -modcache

And then build the iOS bundle again - see if it makes any difference. I am playing with some ideas here - and I can make the reported error go away, but I am not certain that it increases stability. Something else is causing the app to crash with latest XCode.

Tried. Unfortunately with the same results

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

Thanks. It seems like something in the iOS app requirements may have changed. Discussing with some iOS experts I know to see if we can find the cause.

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

The mystery deepens... I upgraded to BigSur on an older computer that was building great and it continued to build. I then installed Go 1.16 (was on 1.15) and the built apps now don't run!

If possible @bence-hari could you please try building using Go 1.15 to check if you then get a running app?

bencehari commented 3 years ago

You are right. With Go 1.15 the app is running fyne.

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

That is great news, but now we need to figure out why Go 1.16 triggers these failures!

bencehari commented 3 years ago

If I can help anything, let me know!

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

Workspace interruption policy did change: terminate

I think this may be the first worrying line. This needs a higher priority resolution as Go 1.17 shows the same behaviour :(

Jacalz commented 3 years ago

Open up an issue on the Go issue tracker? It’s best to inform them about what we are seeing.

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

But I don't know for certain that it is their error yet.

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

Added https://github.com/golang/go/issues/47952 - the Apple devs are pretty sure this is a Go issue.

andydotxyz commented 3 years ago

On that ticket it has been confirmed to not be limited to Fyne, which is nice to hear :)

changkun commented 3 years ago

For better record, this was fixed in 5f636ff2489b283c3cfde29e23bd762f511c693e.