fyne-io / fyne

Cross platform GUI toolkit in Go inspired by Material Design
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Can't parse varable at build time #4355

Open PhanSon95 opened 1 year ago

PhanSon95 commented 1 year ago


Describe the bug

Hello guys I build my golang app with env at build time. Everything run ok But when I use fyne , I can't build as my previous code This is my golang command build my code. I parse build version and commit hash and time at build time

 go build -ldflags "-s -w" -ldflags="-X 'myapp/build.Environment=staging' -X 'myapp/build.Commit=$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA' -X 'myapp/build.Time=$(date)'" .

But I can' t see any similar command in fyne This is my fyne version

 fyne cli version: v2.4.1

I want to build 2 env staging and production at build time Please help me fix it

How to reproduce

Run command to build go env

 go build -ldflags "-s -w" -ldflags="-X 'myapp/build.Environment=staging' -X 'myapp/build.Commit=$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA' -X 'myapp/build.Time=$(date)'" .


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Example code

File build.go (in package build)

package build

var Environment string = "staging"
var Time string
var Commit string

file main.go

package main


func main(){
    fmt.Println"[Binary info] environment           :\t", build.Environment)
        fmt.Println("[Binary info] build at Time     :\t", build.Time)
    fmt.Println("[Binary info] build commit hash :\t", build.Commit, "\n")


Fyne version


Go compiler version

go version go1.21.3 linux/amd64

Operating system and version


Additional Information

No response

andydotxyz commented 1 year ago

Please use the build metadata to determine if it is a development or production release. "Fyne package -release" sets release mode to true.


Or you can compile in environment assets through FyneApp.toml.


Passing parameters as you describe does not work on all platforms so we have the approach above which works everywhere.

Bluebugs commented 1 year ago

For embedding build info, I would recommend to look at the standard library which you have access to with go 1.21.3: https://pkg.go.dev/debug/buildinfo .