IsPrivateKeyValid -> removed Async, removed boolean output param as it is false for all failure cases.
GetSendAmount -> merged address and removed Async, removed exception object.
CalcFee -> removed inputScriptSignatureAddress.
ValidateNeblioAddress -> removed Async, removed bool property, removed exception object, merged all the IF conditions.
ValidateOneTokenNFTUtxo -> removed bool param.
In EncryptionKey.cs class
LoadPassword -> Removed Async and made the method void.
Equivalent changes in other classes where the above methods are referred. All the Unit tests passed and in terms of complexity and risk the changes are minimal.
List of refactoring changes done:
In NeblioTransactionHelper.cs class
In EncryptionKey.cs class
Equivalent changes in other classes where the above methods are referred. All the Unit tests passed and in terms of complexity and risk the changes are minimal.