fzaninotto / screenshot-as-a-service

Website screenshot service powered by node.js and phantomjs
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Add Exception handling. #71

Closed smeinecke closed 9 years ago

smeinecke commented 9 years ago

Add Exception handling for failed requests in phantomjs.

fzaninotto commented 9 years ago


Metaboll commented 9 years ago


I Start to work with your Codeflower and Event-drops. My oppinion about this two codes are incredible.

I'm a civil engeneering, and I have a programing hobby. I start to play with codeflower for construction butget visualizations and eventdrops for technical planification use.

In the case of event-drops I want to put one more child property data ----> duration task. I change the circle shape to rectangular shape but it was imposible for me to get the data duration information and in this case put the width property scalable to duration task property.

My problem is with /sc/evenDrop.js code file.

var o=function(e){ e.each(function(){ d3.select(this).selectAll..................................... var e=d3.select(this).selectAll("rect") .data(function(e){return r(e.dates,t.xScale)});

                                //.attr("cx",function(e){return t.xScale(e)})
                                .attr("x",function(e){return t.xScale(e)})
                                .attr("width",function(e){return e.duration})

I am not capable to put e.duration information from json data inside the attr properties. Could you help me? Thanks, Fernando.

It is amazing to see economics construction site butgets in your graphics......

jayvi commented 9 years ago


I am working on a project where its need to have a url to screenshot feature and test your screenshot-as-a-service but my problem is the flash websites. My question is do you know how to fix it or is that functionality will be included soon?


fzaninotto commented 9 years ago

@Metaboll @jayvi I don't see the relation with this issue. Please open a new issue on the right repository.