fzaninotto / uptime

A remote monitoring application using Node.js, MongoDB, and Twitter Bootstrap.
MIT License
3.62k stars 707 forks source link

[Error: http://localhost:8082/api/checks/needingPoll resource responded with err or code: 404] #347

Open klohma opened 8 years ago

klohma commented 8 years ago

1st time user checking usability of uptime and getting the following output when I try to start the app:

C:\node_modules\node-uptime>node app Monitor origin started info - socket.io started Express server listening on port 8082 in development mode [Error: http://localhost:8082/api/checks/needingPoll resource responded with error code: 404] Mongoose: pings.ensureIndex({ timestamp: -1 }) { safe: true, background: true } Mongoose: pings.ensureIndex({ check: 1 }) { safe: true, background: true } Mongoose: checkevents.ensureIndex({ timestamp: -1, check: 1 }) { safe: true, background: true } Mongoose: checkhourlystats.ensureIndex({ timestamp: -1, check: 1 }) { safe: true, background: true, unique: true } Mongoose: checkdailystats.ensureIndex({ timestamp: -1, check: 1 }) { safe: true, background: true, unique: true } Mongoose: checkmonthlystats.ensureIndex({ timestamp: -1, check: 1 }) { safe: true, background: true, unique: true } Mongoose: checkyearlystats.ensureIndex({ timestamp: -1, check: 1 }) { safe: true, background: true, unique: true } Mongoose: taghourlystats.ensureIndex({ timestamp: -1, name: 1 }) { safe: true, background: true, unique: true } Mongoose: tagdailystats.ensureIndex({ timestamp: -1, name: 1 }) { safe: true, background: true, unique: true } Mongoose: tagmonthlystats.ensureIndex({ timestamp: -1, name: 1 }) { safe: true, background: true, unique: true } Mongoose: tagyearlystats.ensureIndex({ timestamp: -1, name: 1 }) { safe: true, background: true, unique: true } Mongoose: tags.ensureIndex({ name: 1 }) { safe: true, background: true, unique: true } Mongoose: checks.find({ '$where': 'function () {\n if (this.isPaused) return false;\n if (!this.firstTested) return true;\n var d elay = (this.lastTested.getTime() - this.firstTested.getTime()) % this.interval;\n return (Date.now() - this.lastTested.getTime()

C:\node_modules\node-uptime\node_modules\mongoose\lib\utils.js:410 throw err; ^ Error: Can't set headers after they are sent. at ServerResponse.OutgoingMessage.setHeader (http.js:724:11) at ServerResponse.res.setHeader (C:\node_modules\node-uptime\node_modules\express\node_modules\connect\lib\patch.js:59:22) at ServerResponse.res.set.res.header (C:\node_modules\node-uptime\node_modules\express\lib\response.js:514:10) at ServerResponse.res.send (C:\node_modules\node-uptime\node_modules\express\lib\response.js:126:10) at ServerResponse.res.json (C:\node_modules\node-uptime\node_modules\express\lib\response.js:192:15) at Promise. (C:\node_modules\node-uptime\app\api\routes\check.js:36:11) at Promise. (C:\node_modules\node-uptime\node_modules\mongoose\lib\promise.js:128:8) at Promise.emit (events.js:95:17) at Promise.emit (C:\node_modules\node-uptime\node_modules\mongoose\lib\promise.js:66:38) at Promise.complete (C:\node_modules\node-uptime\node_modules\mongoose\lib\promise.js:77:20)