fzi-forschungszentrum-informatik / gpu-voxels

GPU-Voxels is a CUDA based library which allows high resolution volumetric collision detection between animated 3D models and live pointclouds from 3D sensors of all kinds.
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Robot Model Import Problems | Denavit-Hartenberg #80

Closed AlejoDiaz49 closed 6 years ago

AlejoDiaz49 commented 6 years ago


I create a really simple program that import a JACO2 and move it. The first problem I have is that if the robot is displayed in the coordinate (0,0,0) some parts of the robot are not shown, so like in some of the examples I add 3 prismatic links to add movement in X,Y and Z. The robot is displayed and it moves but in every iteration this error appears

Gpu_voxels_helpers(Error) MetaPointCloud::getCloudNumber: The name z_translation is unknown Gpu_voxels_helpers(Error) MetaPointCloud::getCloudNumber: The name y_translation is unknown Gpu_voxels_helpers(Error) MetaPointCloud::getCloudNumber: The name x_translation is unknown

Also I am having some problems with the coordinate systems of the links. I adjust them in the models using CloudCompare and some of them are placed perfectly in the visualizer but there other that aren't. You can see here how the "Base" link is not in Z=0, it has like an offset that also the next link "Shoulder" has. Did someone has any problem like this one? How do you solve it?


Finally, How do you define the max and min values that the joint can reach, I tried to write them in radians in robot::JointValueMap min_joint_values and robot::JointValueMap max_joint_values, but it's not working

Here I let the code

#include <signal.h>
#include <gpu_voxels/GpuVoxels.h>

using namespace gpu_voxels;
gpu_voxels::GpuVoxelsSharedPtr gvl;

// We define exit handlers to quit the program:
void ctrlchandler(int)
void killhandler(int)

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    signal(SIGINT, ctrlchandler);
    signal(SIGTERM, killhandler);

    // First we initialize gpu voxels
    icl_core::logging::initialize(argc, argv);
    gvl = GpuVoxels::getInstance();
    gvl->initialize(200, 200, 150, 0.01);

    // We add different maps with objects, to collide them
    gvl->addMap(MT_BITVECTOR_VOXELMAP, "Robot");

    //3D models of the robot
    int Links = 9;
    std::vector<std::string> linknames(Links);
    std::vector<std::string> paths_to_pointclouds(Links-3);

    linknames[0] = "z_translation";
    linknames[1] = "y_translation";
    linknames[2] = "x_translation";

    linknames[3] = paths_to_pointclouds[0] = "kinova/JACOSpherical/BaseC.binvox";
    linknames[4] = paths_to_pointclouds[1] = "kinova/JACOSpherical/ShoulderC.binvox";
    linknames[5] = paths_to_pointclouds[2] = "kinova/JACOSpherical/Arm.binvox";
    linknames[6] = paths_to_pointclouds[3] = "kinova/JACOSpherical/Forearm.binvox";
    linknames[7] = paths_to_pointclouds[4] = "kinova/JACOSpherical/UpperWristS10.binvox";
    linknames[8] = paths_to_pointclouds[5] = "kinova/JACOSpherical/LowerWristS1.binvox";

    std::vector<robot::DHParameters> dh_params(Links);

    const double PI = 3.1416;
    const double D1 = 0.2755;
    const double D2 = 0.4100;
    const double D3 = 0.2073;
    const double D4 = 0.1038;
    const double D5 = 0.1038;
    const double D6 = 0.1600;
    const double e2 = 0.0098;

    dh_params[0] = robot::DHParameters(      0.0,    0.0,  0.0,  -PI/2,   0.0,  robot::PRISMATIC);
    dh_params[1] = robot::DHParameters(      0.0,  -PI/2,  0.0,  -PI/2,   0.0,  robot::PRISMATIC);
    dh_params[2] = robot::DHParameters(      0.0,   PI/2,  0.0,   PI/2,   0.0,  robot::PRISMATIC);

    dh_params[3] = robot::DHParameters(       D1,    0.0,  0.0,   PI/2,   0.0,  robot::REVOLUTE);
    dh_params[4] = robot::DHParameters(      0.0,   PI/2,   D2,     PI,   0.0,  robot::REVOLUTE);
    dh_params[5] = robot::DHParameters(      -e2,  -PI/2,  0.0,   PI/2,   0.0,  robot::REVOLUTE);
    dh_params[6] = robot::DHParameters( -(D3+D4),    0.0,  0.0,   PI/2,   0.0,  robot::REVOLUTE);
    dh_params[7] = robot::DHParameters(      0.0,    0.0,  0.0,   PI/2,   0.0,  robot::REVOLUTE);

    gvl->addRobot("Robot", linknames, dh_params, paths_to_pointclouds, true);

    std::size_t counter = 0;
    const float ratio_delta = 0.07;

    robot::JointValueMap min_joint_values;
    min_joint_values["z_translation"] = 0.0; // moves along the Z axis
    min_joint_values["y_translation"] = 0.5; // moves along the Y Axis
    min_joint_values["x_translation"] = 0.5; // moves along the X Axis

    min_joint_values["kinova/JACOSpherical/BaseC.binvox"] = 0.0;
    min_joint_values["kinova/JACOSpherical/ShoulderC.binvox"] = 0.0;
    min_joint_values["kinova/JACOSpherical/Arm.binvox"] = 0.0;
    min_joint_values["kinova/JACOSpherical/Forearm.binvox"] = 0.0;
    min_joint_values["kinova/JACOSpherical/UpperWristS10.binvox"] = 0.0;
    min_joint_values["kinova/JACOSpherical/LowerWristS1.binvox"] = 0.0;

    robot::JointValueMap max_joint_values;
    max_joint_values["z_translation"] = 0.0; // moves along the Z axis
    max_joint_values["y_translation"] = 0.5; // moves along the Y axis
    max_joint_values["x_translation"] = 0.5; // moves along the X Axis

    max_joint_values["kinova/JACOSpherical/BaseC.binvox"] = 1;
    max_joint_values["kinova/JACOSpherical/ShoulderC.binvox"] = 1;
    max_joint_values["kinova/JACOSpherical/Arm.binvox"] = 1;
    max_joint_values["kinova/JACOSpherical/Forearm.binvox"] = 1;
    max_joint_values["kinova/JACOSpherical/UpperWristS10.binvox"] = 1;
    max_joint_values["kinova/JACOSpherical/LowerWristS1.binvox"] = 1;

    robot::JointValueMap RobotJointValues;

        LOGGING_INFO(Gpu_voxels, "Updating robot pose..." << endl);
        RobotJointValues = gpu_voxels::interpolateLinear(min_joint_values, max_joint_values, ratio_delta * counter++);
        gvl->setRobotConfiguration("Robot", RobotJointValues);
        gvl->insertRobotIntoMap("Robot", "Map", eBVM_OCCUPIED);

cjue commented 6 years ago

Hi Alejandro,

thanks for your report!

AlejoDiaz49 commented 6 years ago

Hi Christian,

Also, I forgot to tell you that in the CMakeLists.txt of the _example_how_tolink I had to add CUDA dependencies to make my programs compile. I dont know if you forgot it in the file.

Thanks in advanced

Squelsh commented 6 years ago

Hi Alejandro,

DH parameters are always a pain until you get them right ;) Therefore I prefer URDF.

I can not tell you with 100% certainty as I can not test it currently, but the URDF parsing (urdfdom library) is not longer a ROS package but went into the misc branch of the regular Ubuntu repositories in ~2014. Same for the other dependencies: FIND_PACKAGE(urdfdom) FIND_PACKAGE(orocos_kdl) FIND_PACKAGE(kdl_parser)

All other relevant code is directly in GPU-Voxels. ==> You should be able to use URDFs without ROS.

Squelsh commented 6 years ago

About the limits: The DH model does not care about limits. And limits you define in your code will be extrapolated by the interpolateLinear function, as soon as ratio_delta * counter is larger than 1.0.

AlejoDiaz49 commented 6 years ago

Hi Andreas

I installed from repository orocos_kdl and urdfdom (urdfdom_headers and console_bridge were needed) and everything is OK but when I am installing kdl_parser it requieres or want to install a lot of ROS modules.

Also when I compile this repository the message that said what is missing to be able to use URDF and it says ROS, so at the end it seems like I need ROS

-- [WARNING] Building GPU-Voxels without URDF support. Could not find the following packages: -- kdl_parser -- ROS

I mean If it's not possible I suppose I will keep trying to adjust the models to DH. That was my original plan but it would be nice to use URDF directly

cjue commented 6 years ago

Hi, the comments in the central CMakeLists still suggest URDF support depends on ROS: # Dependencies for URDF loading (also requires ROS for kdl/frames.hpp)

This matches the CMakeLists of gpu_voxels_urdf_robot, which still lists all three as a requirement:

IF(urdfdom_FOUND AND orocos_kdl_FOUND AND kdl_parser_FOUND AND ROS_FOUND)

If anyone can test if ROS is indeed unneccessary in newer Ubuntu distributions, I would be happy to hear about it :)

cjue commented 6 years ago

I just had a look, and the required packages can be installed in a ROS-free Ubuntu 16.04: sudo apt install libkdl-parser0d libkdl-parser-dev liborocos-kdl1.3 liborocos-kdl-dev liburdfdom-dev liburdfdom-tools

gpu_voxels_urdf_robot needs a patch to remove the unneccesary reference to ROS. This will be part of the next release:

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 0fb9be9..d22575b 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ ELSE(ROS_FOUND)
   MESSAGE(STATUS "[WARNING] Building GPU-Voxels without ROS connections. ROS not found.")

-IF(urdfdom_FOUND AND orocos_kdl_FOUND AND kdl_parser_FOUND AND ROS_FOUND)
+IF(urdfdom_FOUND AND orocos_kdl_FOUND AND kdl_parser_FOUND)
   MESSAGE(STATUS "[OK]      Building GPU-Voxels with URDF support. urdfdom, orocos and kdl_parser and ROS-kdl were found.")
-ELSE(urdfdom_FOUND AND orocos_kdl_FOUND AND kdl_parser_FOUND AND ROS_FOUND)
+ELSE(urdfdom_FOUND AND orocos_kdl_FOUND AND kdl_parser_FOUND)
   MESSAGE(STATUS "[WARNING] Building GPU-Voxels without URDF support. Could not find the following packages:")
   IF(NOT urdfdom_FOUND)
     MESSAGE(STATUS "    urdfdom")
@@ -95,10 +95,7 @@ ELSE(urdfdom_FOUND AND orocos_kdl_FOUND AND kdl_parser_FOUND AND ROS_FOUND)
   IF(NOT kdl_parser_FOUND)
     MESSAGE(STATUS "    kdl_parser")
   ENDIF(NOT kdl_parser_FOUND)
-ENDIF(urdfdom_FOUND AND orocos_kdl_FOUND AND kdl_parser_FOUND AND ROS_FOUND)
+ENDIF(urdfdom_FOUND AND orocos_kdl_FOUND AND kdl_parser_FOUND)

 #  MESSAGE(STATUS "[OK]      Building GPU-Voxels with Kinect support. OpenNI2 was found.")
diff --git a/src/gpu_voxels/robot/urdf_robot/CMakeLists.txt b/src/gpu_voxels/robot/urdf_robot/CMakeLists.txt
index fea4fd1..14c64a2 100644
--- a/src/gpu_voxels/robot/urdf_robot/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/gpu_voxels/robot/urdf_robot/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@

 #------------- gpu_voxels_urdf_robot libaray -----------------------
-IF(urdfdom_FOUND AND orocos_kdl_FOUND AND kdl_parser_FOUND AND ROS_FOUND)
+IF(urdfdom_FOUND AND orocos_kdl_FOUND AND kdl_parser_FOUND)
   ICMAKER_SET("gpu_voxels_urdf_robot" IDE_FOLDER ${GPU_VOXELS_IDE_FOLDER})

@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ IF(urdfdom_FOUND AND orocos_kdl_FOUND AND kdl_parser_FOUND AND ROS_FOUND)
-    ROS

@@ -73,4 +72,4 @@ IF(urdfdom_FOUND AND orocos_kdl_FOUND AND kdl_parser_FOUND AND ROS_FOUND)

-ENDIF(urdfdom_FOUND AND orocos_kdl_FOUND AND kdl_parser_FOUND AND ROS_FOUND)
+ENDIF(urdfdom_FOUND AND orocos_kdl_FOUND AND kdl_parser_FOUND)