fzi-forschungszentrum-informatik / robot_folders

robot_folders helps you managing multiple source projects with their own workspaces mainly around the ROS ecosystem.
MIT License
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[Feature idea] Custom commands #26

Open fmauch opened 3 months ago

fmauch commented 3 months ago

We could provide an entry point where users could provide their custom commands by configuring them as simple strings. This way users can add specific functionality they need for their daily business without going all the effort of adding a new click command and having this integrated.


In the config file there could be a section for this

custom_commands: {
  - vcs_pull: cd $ROB_FOLDERS_ROOT_ENV && vcs pull colcon_ws/src


The command could be either added to toplevel, so the above would add a fzirob wcs_pull command or they could all be assembled behind a custom command resultin in fzirob custom vcs_pull.