fzwo / FRMBreakFast

An Xcode Plug-In that improves breakpoint display
MIT License
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drawing breakpoint annotations is broken over text editor #1

Closed fzwo closed 8 years ago

fzwo commented 8 years ago

If you set your font to a huge size, breakpoint annotations will grow accordingly, and their point will be outside the sidebar view. It then renders normally, that is, without our special treatment.


mgmart commented 8 years ago

You will see this also if you're switching off the 'code folding ribbon'

fzwo commented 8 years ago

Thanks for letting me know! I'm starting to think I'll have to revisit drawing. DBGBreakpointAnnotation looks like an interesting starting point, with its _icon iVar, _iconForRect: and drawSidebarMarkerIconInRect:textView: methods.