Closed TBG-FR closed 7 months ago
Hi! Thanks for opening your first issue here! :smile:
Hi, thanks! I guess currently this is not supported yet (since this has not been proposed before IIRC), but it may not be hard (e.g. maybe it is something in, or maybe something in the module parsing logic).
So the first thing is, could you please paste the debug logs (RUST_LOG=debug flutter_rust_bridge_codegen generate
) - then it would be easier to see which line has this error.
Thanks for clarifying that, and for pointing out the right code !
Here are the debug logs (I just removed the code output that makes it huge)
[2024-03-22T16:37:00.868Z DEBUG /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/] cli=Cli { verbose: false, command: Generate(GenerateCommandArgs { watch: false, primary: GenerateCommandArgsPrimary { config_file: Some("flutter_rust_bridge.yaml"), rust_input: None, dart_output: None, c_output: None, duplicated_c_output: None, rust_root: None, rust_output: None, dart_entrypoint_class_name: None, dart_format_line_length: None, no_dart_enums_style: false, no_add_mod_to_lib: false, llvm_path: None, llvm_compiler_opts: None, dart_root: None, no_build_runner: false, extra_headers: None, no_web: false, no_deps_check: false, default_external_library_loader_web_prefix: None, no_dart3: false, full_dep: false, local: false, dump: None, dump_all: false } }) }
[2024-03-22T16:37:00.868Z DEBUG /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/] compute_codegen_config: mode=config_file
[2024-03-22T16:37:00.869Z DEBUG /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/] Found config file flutter_rust_bridge.yaml
[2024-03-22T16:37:00.869Z DEBUG /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/] config=Config { base_dir: Some(""), rust_input: "../src/**/*.rs", dart_output: "lib/src/rust", c_output: None, duplicated_c_output: None, rust_root: None, rust_output: None, dart_entrypoint_class_name: None, dart_format_line_length: None, dart_enums_style: None, add_mod_to_lib: None, llvm_path: None, llvm_compiler_opts: None, dart_root: None, build_runner: None, extra_headers: None, web: None, deps_check: None, dart3: None, full_dep: None, local: None, default_external_library_loader_web_prefix: None, dump: None, dump_all: None } meta_config=MetaConfig { watch: false }
[2024-03-22T16:37:00.869Z DEBUG /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/] InternalConfig.parse base_dir="/app/flutter"
[2024-03-22T16:37:02.326Z DEBUG /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/] internal_config=InternalConfig { controller: ControllerInternalConfig { watch: false, watching_paths: ["/app/src"], exclude_paths: ["/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/"], max_count: None }, preparer: PreparerInternalConfig { dart_root: "/app/flutter", deps_check: true, needs_ffigen: false }, parser: ParserInternalConfig { rust_input_path_pack: RustInputPathPack { rust_input_paths: ["/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/client/", "/app/src/client/", "/app/src/client/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/hbbs_http/", "/app/src/hbbs_http/", "/app/src/hbbs_http/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/platform/", "/app/src/platform/", "/app/src/platform/", "/app/src/platform/", "/app/src/platform/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/plugin/native_handlers/", "/app/src/plugin/native_handlers/", "/app/src/plugin/native_handlers/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/privacy_mode/", "/app/src/privacy_mode/", "/app/src/privacy_mode/", "/app/src/privacy_mode/", "/app/src/privacy_mode/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/ui/", "/app/src/ui/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/"] }, rust_crate_dir: "/app", force_codec_mode_pack: Some(CodecModePack { dart2rust: Pde, rust2dart: Pde }), default_rust_opaque_codec: Moi }, generator: GeneratorInternalConfig { api_dart: GeneratorApiDartInternalConfig { dart_enums_style: true, dart3: true, dart_decl_base_output_path: "/app/flutter/lib/src/rust", dart_entrypoint_class_name: "RustLib" }, wire: GeneratorWireInternalConfig { dart: GeneratorWireDartInternalConfig { has_ffigen: false, web_enabled: true, llvm_path: ["/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm", "/usr/local/opt/llvm", "/usr/lib/llvm-9", "/usr/lib/llvm-10", "/usr/lib/llvm-11", "/usr/lib/llvm-12", "/usr/lib/llvm-13", "/usr/lib/llvm-14", "/usr/lib/", "/usr/lib64/", "C:/Program Files/llvm", "C:/msys64/mingw64"], llvm_compiler_opts: "", dart_root: "/app/flutter", extra_headers: "", dart_impl_output_path: TargetOrCommonMap { common: "/app/flutter/lib/src/rust/frb_generated.dart", io: "/app/flutter/lib/src/rust/", web: "/app/flutter/lib/src/rust/frb_generated.web.dart" }, dart_output_class_name_pack: DartOutputClassNamePack { entrypoint_class_name: "RustLib", api_class_name: "RustLibApi", api_impl_class_name: "RustLibApiImpl", api_impl_platform_class_name: "RustLibApiImplPlatform", wire_class_name: "RustLibWire", wasm_module_name: "RustLibWasmModule" }, default_external_library_loader: GeneratorWireDartDefaultExternalLibraryLoaderInternalConfig { stem: "librustdesk", io_directory: "../target/release/", web_prefix: "pkg/" }, c_symbol_prefix: "frbgen_flutter_hbb_" }, rust: GeneratorWireRustInternalConfig { rust_input_path_pack: RustInputPathPack { rust_input_paths: ["/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/client/", "/app/src/client/", "/app/src/client/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/hbbs_http/", "/app/src/hbbs_http/", "/app/src/hbbs_http/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/lang/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/platform/", "/app/src/platform/", "/app/src/platform/", "/app/src/platform/", "/app/src/platform/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/plugin/native_handlers/", "/app/src/plugin/native_handlers/", "/app/src/plugin/native_handlers/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/plugin/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/privacy_mode/", "/app/src/privacy_mode/", "/app/src/privacy_mode/", "/app/src/privacy_mode/", "/app/src/privacy_mode/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/server/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/ui/", "/app/src/ui/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/", "/app/src/"] }, rust_crate_dir: "/app", web_enabled: true, rust_output_path: TargetOrCommonMap { common: "/app/src/", io: "/app/src/", web: "/app/src/" }, c_symbol_prefix: "frbgen_flutter_hbb_", has_ffigen: false, default_stream_sink_codec: Sse, default_rust_opaque_codec: Moi }, c: GeneratorWireCInternalConfig { enable: false, rust_crate_dir: "/app", rust_output_path: TargetOrCommonMap { common: "/app/src/", io: "/app/src/", web: "/app/src/" }, c_output_path: None, c_symbol_prefix: "frbgen_flutter_hbb_" } } }, polisher: PolisherInternalConfig { duplicated_c_output_path: [], dart_format_line_length: 80, add_mod_to_lib: true, build_runner: true, web_enabled: true, dart_root: "/app/flutter", rust_crate_dir: "/app", rust_output_path: TargetOrCommonMap { common: "/app/src/", io: "/app/src/", web: "/app/src/" }, c_output_path: None, enable_auto_upgrade: true }, dumper: DumperInternalConfig { dump_contents: [], dump_directory: "/app/target/frb_dump" } }
[2024-03-22T16:37:02.327Z DEBUG /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/] Guessing toolchain the runner is run into
[2024-03-22T16:37:02.331Z DEBUG /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/] execute command: bin=sh args="-c \"flutter\" \"--version\"" current_dir=None cmd="sh" "-c" "\"flutter\" \"--version\""
[2024-03-22T16:37:02.567Z DEBUG /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/] command="sh" "-c" "\"flutter\" \"--version\"" stdout=Flutter 3.19.0 β’ channel [user-branch] β’ unknown source
Framework β’ revision bae5e49bc2 (5 weeks ago) β’ 2024-02-13 17:46:18 -0800
Engine β’ revision 04817c99c9
Tools β’ Dart 3.3.0 β’ DevTools 2.31.1
[2024-03-22T16:37:02.568Z DEBUG /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/] read_rust_file rust_file_path="/app/src/" module=Some("auth_2fa")
[2024-03-22T16:37:02.569Z DEBUG /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/] CachedCargoExpand execute manifest_dir= rust_crate_dir="/app"
[2024-03-22T16:37:02.569Z DEBUG /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/] Running cargo expand in '"/app"'
[2024-03-22T16:37:02.569Z DEBUG /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/] execute command: bin=cargo args="expand --lib --theme=none --ugly" current_dir=Some("/app") cmd=cd "/app" && RUSTFLAGS="--cfg frb_expand" "cargo" "expand" "--lib" "--theme=none" "--ugly"
[2024-03-22T16:37:05.374Z DEBUG /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/] command=cd "/app" && RUSTFLAGS="--cfg frb_expand" "cargo" "expand" "--lib" "--theme=none" "--ugly" stdout=#![feature(prelude_import)]
use std::prelude::rust_2021::*;
extern crate std;
stderr= Updating git repository ``
warning: unused import: `self::vp9e_temporal_layering_mode as VP9E_TEMPORAL_LAYERING_MODE`
--> /app/target/debug/build/scrap-4e0f3f00e845be69/out/
823 | pub use self::vp9e_temporal_layering_mode as VP9E_TEMPORAL_LAYERING_MODE;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default
Checking rustdesk v1.2.4 (/app)
warning: unused imports: `BufReader`, `fs::File`
--> src/platform/
20 | fs::File,
| ^^^^^^^^
21 | io::{BufRead, BufReader, Write},
| ^^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default
warning: unused import: `anyhow`
--> src/
33 | anyhow::{anyhow, Context},
| ^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `HARD_SETTINGS`
--> src/
7 | self, Config, LocalConfig, PeerConfig, CONNECT_TIMEOUT, HARD_SETTINGS, RENDEZVOUS_PORT,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
--> src/
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 2.60s
[2024-03-22T16:37:05.451Z DEBUG /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/] read_rust_file rust_file_path="/app/src/" module=Some("cli")
[2024-03-22T16:37:05.451Z DEBUG /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/] CachedCargoExpand execute manifest_dir= rust_crate_dir="/app"
[2.9s] Parse
βββ [2.9s] Run cargo expand Error: Module not found: cli
You are welcome! It is weird it does not output full stack trace... What if adding RUST_BACKTRACE=1
Anyway I guess it is because
Without stack trace, I guess our should be modified to understand the conditional compilation.
Feel free to PR for this! Alternatively, I will work on it in the next batch (hopefully within a week, ping me if I do not)
I found it quite weird too... RUST_LOG=debug
helped me to fix my setup earlier but now it's not giving my any more clues
Here's the result with RUST_BACKTRACE=1
[3.0s] Parse
βββ [3.0s] Run cargo expand
Error: Module not found: cli
Stack backtrace:
0: lib_flutter_rust_bridge_codegen::library::commands::cargo_expand::CachedCargoExpand::execute
1: lib_flutter_rust_bridge_codegen::library::codegen::parser::reader::CachedRustReader::read_rust_file
2: <core::iter::adapters::map::Map<I,F> as core::iter::traits::iterator::Iterator>::try_fold
3: <alloc::vec::Vec<T> as alloc::vec::spec_from_iter::SpecFromIter<T,I>>::from_iter
4: core::iter::adapters::try_process
5: lib_flutter_rust_bridge_codegen::library::codegen::parser::parse
6: lib_flutter_rust_bridge_codegen::library::codegen::generate::{{closure}}
7: lib_flutter_rust_bridge_codegen::library::codegen::generate
8: flutter_rust_bridge_codegen::main
9: std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace
10: std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}}
11: core::ops::function::impls::<impl core::ops::function::FnOnce<A> for &F>::call_once
at /rustc/82e1608dfa6e0b5569232559e3d385fea5a93112/library/core/src/ops/
at /rustc/82e1608dfa6e0b5569232559e3d385fea5a93112/library/std/src/
at /rustc/82e1608dfa6e0b5569232559e3d385fea5a93112/library/std/src/
at /rustc/82e1608dfa6e0b5569232559e3d385fea5a93112/library/std/src/
at /rustc/82e1608dfa6e0b5569232559e3d385fea5a93112/library/std/src/
at /rustc/82e1608dfa6e0b5569232559e3d385fea5a93112/library/std/src/
at /rustc/82e1608dfa6e0b5569232559e3d385fea5a93112/library/std/src/
at /rustc/82e1608dfa6e0b5569232559e3d385fea5a93112/library/std/src/
at /rustc/82e1608dfa6e0b5569232559e3d385fea5a93112/library/std/src/
12: std::rt::lang_start
13: <unknown>
14: __libc_start_main
15: _start
Thanks for pointing out the right code section, again ! I'd love to contribute/PR for this, but I'm afraid my lack of Rust knowledge will not help... I'll check the code and see if I feel I can do it, and will tell you !
Thanks a lot anyway π
You are welcome! I checked it a little bit, and one easiest way to workaround it may be that, at, instead of immediately fail, we just log and return an empty string. After the change, just submit PR and see whether CI is happy about that. I guess this is a good-first-issue if you want to play with Rust a little bit - no super hard Rust things.
Sorry I have been taken by other tasks in the meantime π Thanks for adding that feature π
It's OK, you are welcome!
This thread has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. If you are still experiencing a similar issue, please open a new issue.
Describe the bug
Hello there ! First of all, congratulations for making such an amazing tool, and a very clear and useful documentation π
I am trying to update a project using it, and I am facing an issue : inside the Rust code, some modules are imported/selected conditionnally, based on the
or somefeature
. So when I runflutter_rust_bridge_codegen generate
, it fails (Error when running code generator: Module not found: xxxx
) because it expects to find all modules, and some of them are not published because theirpub mod xxxx
instruction is right after a#[cfg(all(feature = "flutter", feature = "plugin_framework"))]
instructionHow can I provide a
and/or somefeature
to the generator to fix this ? Thanks in advance !PS : I am a complete newbie in Rust π€‘ So feel free to tell me if my understanding is wrong !
Steps to reproduce
Here's the repo of the project
git clone
, where I upgradedflutter_rust_bridge
from v1 to v2Inside
directory, I ranflutter_rust_bridge_codegen integrate
I then renamed
and modified bothCargo.toml
I ran
flutter_rust_bridge_codegen generate --config-file flutter_rust_bridge.yaml
to generated dart files and got error about missing modules, though these modules exist (file path displayed in DEBUG is correct) and if I uncomment#cfg
instructions, it works (until giving me an error for another module which as a#cfg
instruction, and so on)Logs
Before commenting the line
#[cfg(feature = "cli")]
beforepub mod cli;
After commenting the line
#[cfg(feature = "cli")]
beforepub mod cli;
Expected behavior
Avoid all
Error when running code generator: Module not found
without having to comment every#cfg
line in the rust codeGenerated binding code
No response
Linux (Debian WSL)
Version of
Flutter info
Version of
Additional context
No response