fzyzcjy / flutter_rust_bridge

Flutter/Dart <-> Rust binding generator, feature-rich, but seamless and simple.
MIT License
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Getting "android context not initialized" error after upgrade to v2.0.0-dev.33 #1946

Closed tmpfs closed 2 weeks ago

tmpfs commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

After upgrading to v2 I get this error reported in my crashlog from automated execution against several devices in the Play Store, here is an example crash report:

  "kind": "Application",
  "message": "android context was not initialized",
  "app": {
    "version": "1.0.0-beta",
    "buildNumber": "102",
    "isReleaseBuild": true,
    "isTestBuild": false
  "device": {
    "board": "cutf",
    "bootloader": "unknown",
    "brand": "OnePlus",
    "device": "OnePlus8Pro",
    "hardware": "sunfish",
    "host": "ubuntu-10",
    "isLowRamDevice": false,
    "isPhysicalDevice": true,
    "manufacturer": "OnePlus",
    "model": "OnePlus8Pro",
    "platform": "android",
    "product": "IN2023",
    "supported32BitAbis": [
    "supported64BitAbis": [
    "supportedAbis": [
    "tags": "release-keys",
    "type": "user",
    "version": {
      "baseOS": "",
      "codename": "REL",
      "incremental": "2006701342",
      "previewSdkInt": 0,
      "release": "11",
      "sdkInt": 30,
      "securityPatch": "2021-07-16"
  "stack": "#0      SimpleDecoder.decode (package:flutter_rust_bridge/src/codec/base.dart:35)\n#1      SseCodec._decode (package:flutter_rust_bridge/src/codec/sse.dart:42)\n#2      SseCodec.decodeWireSyncType (package:flutter_rust_bridge/src/codec/sse.dart:37)\n#3      BaseHandler.executeSync (package:flutter_rust_bridge/src/main_components/handler.dart:34)\n#4      RustLibApiImpl.applicationNew (package:saveoursecrets/ffi/frb_generated.dart:734)\n#5      new Application (package:saveoursecrets/ffi/api/application.dart:55)\n#6      new AppModel (package:saveoursecrets/model/app.dart:250)\n#7      prepareAppProvider (package:saveoursecrets/main.dart:42)\n<asynchronous suspension>\n#8      main (package:saveoursecrets/main.dart:10)\n<asynchronous suspension>\n",
  "logs": []

This is the device info:

  "board": "cutf",
  "bootloader": "unknown",
  "brand": "OnePlus",
  "device": "OnePlus8Pro",
  "hardware": "sunfish",
  "host": "ubuntu-10",
  "isLowRamDevice": false,
  "isPhysicalDevice": true,
  "manufacturer": "OnePlus",
  "model": "OnePlus8Pro",
  "platform": "android",
  "product": "IN2023",
  "supported32BitAbis": [
  "supported64BitAbis": [
  "supportedAbis": [
  "tags": "release-keys",
  "type": "user",
  "version": {
    "baseOS": "",
    "codename": "REL",
    "incremental": "2006701342",
    "previewSdkInt": 0,
    "release": "11",
    "sdkInt": 30,
    "securityPatch": "2021-07-16"

Steps to reproduce

Not sure how to reproduce this as it worked fine when I tested on my local device.



Expected behavior

I expected the app to run as it did with v1.82.6.

Generated binding code

No response


No response

Version of flutter_rust_bridge_codegen


Flutter info

No response

Version of clang++

No response

Additional context

I have looked at the information in https://github.com/fzyzcjy/flutter_rust_bridge/issues/1323 and the linked PR but not sure I need to follow these steps as a vanilla app generated with v2 flutter_rust_bridge_codegen does not seem to include that code.

Any pointers much appreciated :pray:

fzyzcjy commented 2 weeks ago

Hmm, so firstly, do you use any special things in Rust? e.g. something like android context.

In addition, try to print as many logs as possible for that automated testing, which can be quite helpful.

Also, do they provide some extra info such as full video recordings?

tmpfs commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @fzyzcjy ,

I don't load any dynamic libraries any more after the upgrade (with v1 i loaded the bindings .so), just use normal Flutter packages/libraries and nothing particularly fancy.

I just manged to reproduce this on a local device:

I/flutter ( 2345): ══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY FLUTTER FRAMEWORK ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
I/flutter ( 2345): The following PanicException was thrown:
I/flutter ( 2345): PanicException(android context was not initialized)
I/flutter ( 2345):
I/flutter ( 2345): When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
I/flutter ( 2345): #0      SimpleDecoder.decode (package:flutter_rust_bridge/src/codec/base.dart:35:9)
I/flutter ( 2345): #1      SseCodec._decode (package:flutter_rust_bridge/src/codec/sse.dart:42:55)
I/flutter ( 2345): #2      SseCodec.decodeWireSyncType (package:flutter_rust_bridge/src/codec/sse.dart:37:7)
I/flutter ( 2345): #3      BaseHandler.executeSync (package:flutter_rust_bridge/src/main_components/handler.dart:34:25)
I/flutter ( 2345): #4      RustLibApiImpl.applicationNew (package:saveoursecrets/ffi/frb_generated.dart:734:20)
I/flutter ( 2345): #5      new Application (package:saveoursecrets/ffi/api/application.dart:55:28)
I/flutter ( 2345): #6      new AppModel (package:saveoursecrets/model/app.dart:250:27)
I/flutter ( 2345): #7      prepareAppProvider (package:saveoursecrets/main.dart:42:17)
I/flutter ( 2345): <asynchronous suspension>
I/flutter ( 2345): #8      main (package:saveoursecrets/main.dart:10:15)
I/flutter ( 2345): <asynchronous suspension>
I/flutter ( 2345): ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════

Video recording won't help as this is when the application first boots. The stack trace is from trying to create an Application instance on the Rust side when I prepare/boot the app.

Perhaps there is some Android specific configuration lingering from the v1 build process that is causing this, will keep looking into it.

BTW, huge thanks to you and all the other contributors for FRB v2, it is sooooo much better having the build process just be another Flutter package and the generated bindings are much easier to read and reason about. Awesome work!

fzyzcjy commented 2 weeks ago

I just manged to reproduce this on a local device


Btw you can setup stacktrace logging, such that we can know which exact line of Rust code causes it.

I don't load any dynamic libraries any more after the upgrade

I mean, do you use some JNI function or something that indirectly needs android?

Perhaps there is some Android specific configuration lingering from the v1 build process that is causing this, will keep looking into it.

If this may be the problem, one way is to create a brand new project by flutter_rust_bridge_codegen create, and copy-paste your old code to it.

tmpfs commented 2 weeks ago

Huh, so this was a little convoluted to figure out but I got it working.

TL;DR needed to avoid using the app_dirs2 crate functionality on Android (which makes a JNI call) whilst main was executing.

During the upgrade I refactored from a global static Logger to an Application that wrapped a Logger - the logger by default would call out to app_dirs2 to determine the application directory to store log files.

I then instantiated the Application as an instance variable on the model final app = Application() (which would call out over FFI and create the Logger - making the JNI call before the android context was available). The model (and thus Application) instantiated in main were executing before the android context is available as the MainActivity hadn't finished launching at that point.

To work around this issue I deferred instantiating the Application to later and avoided calling app_dirs2 methods whilst the application was booting.

Apologies for the noise @fzyzcjy and thanks again for all your work on the excellent v2 of FRB 👏

fzyzcjy commented 2 weeks ago

It's OK and happy to see it is solved!

github-actions[bot] commented 2 days ago

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