fzyzcjy / flutter_rust_bridge

Flutter/Dart <-> Rust binding generator, feature-rich, but seamless and simple.
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Supporting methods #543

Closed lattice0 closed 1 year ago

lattice0 commented 1 year ago

ULTRA draft, just a request for how to go in this. Also I don't promise it will be done, I just want to see how hard would it be.

@fzyzcjy please look at frb_codegen/src/parser/mod.rs

here I parse methods. What do you think of transforming a method to a function which receives a reference of the Self type?

For example

pub struct StructWithMethod{
    something: String

impl StructWithMethod {
    pub fn do_something(&self, _u: u32) {

would turn into

pub fn struct_with_method_do_something(self_object: &StructWithMethod, _u: u32) {

if done like this, then I'd do something like this

if let Item::Impl(ref item_impl) = item {
            for item in &item_impl.items {
                if let ImplItem::Method(item_method) = item {
                    if let Visibility::Public(_) = &item_method.vis {
                        let item_fn = modify_method_to_function(item_method);

where modify_method_to_function would just create a function out of the method.

Close #539 Close #67

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

What do you think of transforming a method to a function which receives a reference of the Self type?

Sure. By doing that, we can reuse most of the existing code.

lattice0 commented 1 year ago

Is it okay to change

fn extract_fns_from_file(file: &File) -> Vec<&ItemFn> {


fn extract_fns_from_file(file: &File) -> Vec<ItemFn> {

Cause we're going to have to create some ItemFn inside this function

lattice0 commented 1 year ago

Please don't mind approving workflows for now. Sorry, gonna publish my sketches on another branch

lattice0 commented 1 year ago

The only way I found to transform a method implementation into a function in a way that we know later that it should be a method, is by marking the function name as ending with is_a_method: https://github.com/fzyzcjy/flutter_rust_bridge/blob/e7cbec7dd980ab638d337a71cdd58d6532f604bc/frb_codegen/src/parser/mod.rs#L236

What do you think of this approach? I prefer to ask first then proceed with the code. Currently it generated the rust part correctly. The other option would be to reengineer a lot of stuff, and the goal is to reuse the code, transforming a method into a function, and later transforming this to a method call.


pub struct StructWithMethod{
    pub something: String

impl StructWithMethod {
    pub fn do_something(&self, _u: u32, _x: String) {

turned into

pub extern "C" fn wire_StructWithMethod_do_something_is_a_method(
    port_: i64,
    StructWithMethod_is_a_method: *mut wire_StructWithMethod,
    _u: u32,
    _x: *mut wire_uint_8_list,
) {
        WrapInfo {
            debug_name: "StructWithMethod_do_something_is_a_method",
            port: Some(port_),
            mode: FfiCallMode::Normal,
        move || {
            let api_StructWithMethod_is_a_method = StructWithMethod_is_a_method.wire2api();
            let api__u = _u.wire2api();
            let api__x = _x.wire2api();
            move |task_callback| {

of course there's the dart part as well and mutability or not, etc, and testing for different types, args, etc

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

Is it okay to change fn extract_fns_from_file(file: &File) -> Vec<&ItemFn> { to fn extract_fns_from_file(file: &File) -> Vec {

Sure. If you care about performance, maybe Cow<ItemFn> is better. But since codegen is not very slow currently you may just use ItemFn

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

Please don't mind approving workflows for now. Sorry, gonna publish my sketches on another branch

542 is merged and now I do not need to approve :)

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

is by marking the function name as ending with is_a_method:

Generally looks ok to me.

Nit: What about ending with __method. Because (1) it is shorter (2) use double underscore to avoid conflict with normal functions, just like how Python and c++ uses double underscore

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

of course there's the dart part as well and mutability or not, etc, and testing for different types, args, etc

Yes, we should test for these details - great to see you have good testing in mind

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

Btw, the main high-level idea is: Just transform a method into a function (and vise versa), and let the original flutter_rust_bridge to the heavy lifting.

So yes, should not have to rewrite too much code otherwise it is the wrong direction :)

lattice0 commented 1 year ago

The problem I had was that I transformed the &self into struct_with_method: &StructWithMethod, but then still there's no way to know that this is a method, so marking the name with struct_with_method__method solves this.

There's still the problem of not knowing if it's a mutable self or not. I could do __method_mutable versus __method for non mutable, or create a https://github.com/lattice0/flutter_rust_bridge/blob/e7cbec7dd980ab638d337a71cdd58d6532f604bc/frb_codegen/src/ir/ty.rs#L14 but StructMut. What do you think?

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

Wait a minute - can it really be mutable? In other words, if the data is mutated, will we really get data mutated as well on the Dart side? I guess not currently.

That would be an interesting feature and feel free to separately PR for it :)

lattice0 commented 1 year ago

You're right. I was thinking about opaque types but even for them it might be unsafe to do so from various isolates, so I should support only non mutable?

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

I should support only non mutable?

Currently, I guess yes.

lattice0 commented 1 year ago

I just remembered that https://github.com/mozilla/uniffi-rs only supports &self also, so yes this is the correct way. When you want to modify something you have to use interior mutability probably with a mutex

lattice0 commented 1 year ago

There's no way to generate methods for a struct without a Vec<IrFunc> inside TypeDartGenerator at https://github.com/lattice0/flutter_rust_bridge/blob/89e5ac0f91664c642cf935f3feb4c4968479f2d8/frb_codegen/src/generator/dart/mod.rs#L110

can I make an option to set this vec like this

pub trait TypeDartGeneratorTrait {
    fn api2wire_body(&self) -> Option<String>;

    fn api_fill_to_wire_body(&self) -> Option<String> {

    fn wire2api_body(&self) -> String {

    fn structs(&self) -> String {

    fn set_vec_ir_func(&self, ir_func: Vec<IrFunc>)  {

or maybe

pub trait TypeDartGeneratorTrait {
    fn api2wire_body(&self) -> Option<String>;

    fn api_fill_to_wire_body(&self) -> Option<String> {

    fn wire2api_body(&self) -> String {

    fn structs(&self, ir_funcs: Vec<IrFunc>) -> String { //possibly even ir_funcs: &[IrFunc]
fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

The set_vec_ir_func sounds not like a good idea because it introduces mutability.

fn structs(&self, ir_funcs: Vec<IrFunc>) -> String { //possibly even ir_funcs: &[IrFunc] seems ok

But, maybe ir_funcs are already in ir_file? Thus, since https://github.com/lattice0/flutter_rust_bridge/blob/89e5ac0f91664c642cf935f3feb4c4968479f2d8/frb_codegen/src/generator/dart/mod.rs#L110 provides ir_file, we can already get ir_funcs from them

lattice0 commented 1 year ago
pub struct StructWithMethod {
    pub something: String,
pub fn return_struct() -> StructWithMethod {

turns roughly into

class StructWithMethod {
  final String something;

    required this.something,

class SomethingImpl extends FlutterRustBridgeBase<SomethingWire>
    implements Something {
  factory SomethingImpl(ffi.DynamicLibrary dylib) =>

  SomethingImpl.raw(SomethingWire inner) : super(inner);

  Future<StructWithMethod> returnStruct({dynamic hint}) =>
        callFfi: (port_) => inner.wire_return_struct(port_),
        parseSuccessData: _wire2api_struct_with_method,
        constMeta: kReturnStructConstMeta,
        argValues: [],
        hint: hint,

as you see, class StructWithMethod has no way of calling ffi stuff like executeNormal. What do you think of class StructWithMethod extending FlutterRustBridgeBase<StructWithMethod> when the struct has a method?

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

What do you think of class StructWithMethod extending FlutterRustBridgeBase when the struct has a method?

What about this:

class StructWithMethod {
  final FlutterRustBridgeBase<SomethingWire> bridge;
  final String something;

    required this.bridge,
    required this.something,

  Future<Something> someMethod(Something b) => bridge.someMethod(a: this, b: b);
lattice0 commented 1 year ago

Ok. I guess StructWithMethod was never meant to be manually created in the dart side, right? It should be returned by return_struct

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

I guess StructWithMethod was never meant to be manually created in the dart side, right? It should be returned by return_struct

Maybe we should allow it to be created directly in Dart side.

An extreme example is struct without fields, which acts like "namespace" for apis.

lattice0 commented 1 year ago

Ok I got

pub struct StructWithMethod {
    pub something: String,

impl StructWithMethod {
    pub fn do_something(&self, _u: u32, _x: String) {

to compile into

class StructWithMethod {
  final SomethingImpl bridge;
  final String something;

    required this.bridge,
    required this.something,
  Future<void> doSomething({required int u, required String x, dynamic hint}) =>
        structWithMethod: this,
        u: u,
        x: x,

class SomethingImpl extends FlutterRustBridgeBase<SomethingWire>
    implements Something {
  factory SomethingImpl(ffi.DynamicLibrary dylib) =>

  SomethingImpl.raw(SomethingWire inner) : super(inner);

  Future<void> doSomethingMethod(
          {required StructWithMethod structWithMethod,
          required int u,
          required String x,
          dynamic hint}) =>
        callFfi: (port_) => inner.wire_do_something__method(
        parseSuccessData: _wire2api_unit,
        constMeta: kDoSomethingMethodConstMeta,
        argValues: [structWithMethod, u, x],
        hint: hint,

it only fails here:

StructWithMethod _wire2api_struct_with_method(dynamic raw) {
  final arr = raw as List<dynamic>;
  if (arr.length != 1)
    throw Exception('unexpected arr length: expect 1 but see ${arr.length}');
  return StructWithMethod(
    /// because it's missing the bridge here
    something: _wire2api_String(arr[0]),

now I don't know if I should pass the bridge. I'm confused now

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

now I don't know if I should pass the bridge. I'm confused now

pass this :)

StructWithMethod(bridge: this, ......)

lattice0 commented 1 year ago


StructWithMethod _wire2api_struct_with_method(dynamic raw) {
  final arr = raw as List<dynamic>;
  if (arr.length != 1)
    throw Exception('unexpected arr length: expect 1 but see ${arr.length}');
  return StructWithMethod(
    something: _wire2api_String(arr[0]),

is a function, there's no this for a bridge class. It's not inside anything.

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

You are right. Then what about

_wire2api_struct_with_method(FlutterRustBridgeBase<SomethingWire> bridge, ...)


modify parseSuccessData such that pass the bridge into it

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

Btw I was wrong:

class StructWithMethod {
  final SomethingImpl bridge;

should be

class StructWithMethod {
  final FlutterRustBridgeBase<SomethingWire> bridge;

b/c we should not hardcode implementation class there

lattice0 commented 1 year ago

I tried with

class StructWithMethod {
  final FlutterRustBridgeBase<SomethingWire> bridge;

but FlutterRustBridgeBase has no methods.

The thing that actually has methods is the implementation/extension of FlutterRustBridge

class SomethingImpl extends FlutterRustBridgeBase<SomethingWire>
    implements Something {
  factory SomethingImpl(ffi.DynamicLibrary dylib) =>

  SomethingImpl.raw(SomethingWire inner) : super(inner);

  Future<void> doSomethingMethod(
          {required StructWithMethod structWithMethod,
          required int u,
          required String x,
          dynamic hint}) =>
        callFfi: (port_) => inner.wire_do_something__method(
        parseSuccessData: _wire2api_unit,
        constMeta: kDoSomethingMethodConstMeta,
        argValues: [structWithMethod, u, x],
        hint: hint,
fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

You are right. So we should use Something not SomethingImpl, since the former is like an abstract interface

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

Btw I am not sure why CI does not run (except for codacy). Maybe need to resolve conflict?

Anyway no worries about CI - only need to pass before merging

lattice0 commented 1 year ago

I removed all the trash I added to make it easier for you to review. Everything built on my side, both the rust and dart generated files, no errors. Now I still have to write the dart tests but they should pass

lattice0 commented 1 year ago
  test('ConcatenateWith test', () async {
    final ConcatenateWith concatenateWith = ConcatenateWith(a: "hello ", bridge: api);
    final String concatenated = await concatenateWith.concatenate(b: "world");
    expect(concatenated, equals("hello world"));

works! But functions that are truly static (no &self) are a bit problematic, cause they will always need the bridge. I didn't change them to be static on the dart side yet though.

Here's an example

impl ConcatenateWith {
    pub fn new(a: String) -> ConcatenateWith {
        ConcatenateWith { a }
    pub fn concatenate(&self, b: String) -> String {
        format!("{}{}", self.a, b)
    pub fn concatenate_static(a: String, b: String) -> String {
        format!("{}{}", a, b)

turns into

class ConcatenateWith {
  final FlutterRustBridgeExampleSingleBlockTest bridge;
  final String a;

    required this.bridge,
    required this.a,
  Future<ConcatenateWith> newConcatenateWith(
          {required String a, dynamic hint}) =>
        a: a,
  Future<String> concatenate({required String b, dynamic hint}) =>
        concatenateWith: this,
        b: b,
  Future<String> concatenateStatic(
          {required String a, required String b, dynamic hint}) =>
        a: a,
        b: b,

Do you think they should be static on the flutter side? If so, they have to receive bridge.

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

Do you think they should be static on the flutter side? If so, they have to receive bridge.

Not sure why I did not receive notification about this question...

Yes, I guess they should be static. Otherwise, suppose ConcatenateWith struct has 100 fields, then it means, in order to run the static method we have to provide a struct with 100 fields even if it is unneeded!

Feel free to ping me if I do not reply for a long time

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

Oh I did not realized this is ready for review. I will review it soon.

Btw maybe need to resolve conflicts o/w ci will not run

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

Btw we need to add a bit of documentation later, probably be siblings of this chapter http://cjycode.com/flutter_rust_bridge/feature/zero_copy.html

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

Ping me when you have finished everything (e.g. code change, or comments), and I will look at all comments and reply all :)

lattice0 commented 1 year ago

@fzyzcjy done!

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

Again ping me when done! :)

lattice0 commented 1 year ago

@fzyzcjy done. On some I couldn't comment, but now MethodNamingUtil is not used directly anymore, everything goes through FunctionName, except for struct_has_method.

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

I am reviewing it.

Btw some comments are folded by github and need to click load more button. e.g. item_method_to_function-problem https://github.com/fzyzcjy/flutter_rust_bridge/pull/543#discussion_r919507081, https://github.com/fzyzcjy/flutter_rust_bridge/pull/543#discussion_r918420499 , etc

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

Good job! Now there is almost no new review issues (only some old ones that may have been overlooked because of github's notification mechanism) and it is very close to merging.

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

Ping me when things are done :)

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

Great job!

fzyzcjy commented 1 year ago

@all-contributors please add @lattice0 for code, doc

allcontributors[bot] commented 1 year ago


I've put up a pull request to add @lattice0! :tada: