g-plane / markup_fmt

Configurable HTML, Vue, Svelte, Astro, Angular, Jinja, Twig, Nunjucks and Vento formatter with dprint integration.
MIT License
91 stars 4 forks source link

[svelte] Error while parsing inline closures #6

Closed Hebilicious closed 8 months ago

Hebilicious commented 8 months ago

Using dpring v0.45, I'm unable to parse components in svelte files that have a closure with an inline definition :

          onFocusIn={() => {
            if (userNameError) userNameError = '';
            return null;

Here's the error message :

Message: [markup_fmt] failed to format code with external formatter: `let e = () => {
            if (userNameError) userNameError = '';
            return null;`:


  "lineWidth": 100,
  "indentWidth": 2,
  "typescript": {
    "useTabs": false,
    "quoteStyle": "alwaysSingle",
    "trailingCommas": "never"
  "json": {
  "markdown": {
  "toml": {
  "dockerfile": {
  "markup": {
    "useTabs": true,
    "svg.selfClosing": true,
    "component.selfClosing": true,
    "html.normal.selfClosing": true,
    "html.void.selfClosing": true,
    "svelteAttrShorthand": true,
    "svelteDirectiveShorthand": true
  "excludes": [
  "plugins": [
Hebilicious commented 8 months ago

Additionally, the following code also isn't parsed properly :

<div class={`card ${$$props.class} ${classList[variant]} ${classList[sm]}`}>
  <slot />
 Message: [markup_fmt] failed to format code with external formatter: `let e = `card ${$$props.class`:
Unexpected eof at expr.ts:1:30

  let e = `card ${$$props.class
g-plane commented 8 months ago

v0.3.2 is released. Feel free to open new issues if any problems are encountered. Also, don't forget to recommend this plugin to others if you like.

Hebilicious commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the quick fix, will try that soon. I'm really surprised that this project is not more popular!