g-sherman / plugin_build_tool

Python command line tool for compiling and deploying QGIS plugins
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Add the possibility not to build the help at all #18

Open jecaro opened 4 years ago

jecaro commented 4 years ago

As I intent to ship my plugin with a PDF file for documentation, I don't really need sphinx online help.

However I didn't find a way to desactivate the build of sphinx html pages. The only way I found is to empty the file help\make.bat

But it feels kind of hacky and I think it'd be better if there was an option to desactivate building the help.

I'd be happy to implement it if you get me started.

peetw commented 3 years ago

We also didn't need to build help files, so we just removed the following section from our pb_tool.cfg file:

# Uncomment the following to include help in the deployment
# [help]
# # the built help directory that should be deployed with the plugin
# dir: help/build/html
# # the name of the directory to target in the deployed plugin
# target: help

You can also remove the help directory. Running pb_tool deploy still works just fine, but does output the following messages (they don't seem to be warnings so it's all good):

No help directory exists in the current directory
No help files configured---skipping...
jecaro commented 3 years ago

That's good to know. I didn't know about that. Thanks for the tip.