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OpenGL Mathematics (GLM)
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Proposal: Computational geometry? #409

Closed JesseTG closed 8 years ago

JesseTG commented 8 years ago

I'm taking a computational geometry course this semester, and I'm gonna practice it by implementing a bunch of algorithms (triangulation, convex hull, etc.) as GLM functionality and sending a PR. I get to flex my algorithms muscles, and you (and all GLM users, including myself) get the fruits of my labor. Win-win.

My real question; how do you want users to actually interact with it? Do you want me to just take in a Container (where Container is a templated data structure; e.g. std::vector or std::set, etc.) and spit out another one? Do you want me to screw around with input/output iterators as is common in the <algorithm> header?

Groovounet commented 8 years ago

Even if this sounds great, I think it's beyond the scope of GLM. Actually, I thought myself that it could be a great library to make but obviously my time is too limited and already well consumed.

So personally I would encourage you to create such library and if you use GLM, it's still a win win for the GLM community. ;)

JesseTG commented 8 years ago

I'm not talking about anything nearly as complicated as, say, CGAL or Boost.Geometry. Just a few simple functions that are often used in graphics anyway (e.g. convex hulls). That's what your whole GTC/GTX/etc. convention is for, isn't it?

Groovounet commented 8 years ago

Oh yes, that could definitely go into GTX extensions.

JesseTG commented 8 years ago

Excellent. I'll send a PR in a few days when I have something to show.

(Also, some CG libraries let you use your own custom types with a bit of template magic. I might also submit PRs that do that template magic for you as another GTX.)

regnirpsj commented 8 years ago

@JesseTG, how about providing both interface versions, i.e.

template <typename InputIt, typename OutputIt>
OutputIt algotithm(InputIt first, InputIt last)
  // ...

template <typename Container, typename OutputIt>
OutputIt algotithm(Container& c)
  return algorithm(c.begin(), c.end());

this supports ranges not encompassing a whole container as well as (probably) allowing

algotrithm({vec4(), vec4(), ...});
JesseTG commented 8 years ago

Should there be an OutputIt in the input as well, in case you want to put the result in another container? Or do people not actually do that?

Also, should I create a whole new vector or similar, or use an existing one?

regnirpsj commented 8 years ago

well, that depends; the pseudo code above is just that: pseudo code. usually there are different kinds of algorithms [see http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm] providing different contracts (e.g., modifiying, non-modifying, partitioning, sorting). the STL prefers to use iterator ranges for algorithm interfaces because then nothing needs to be assumed about the container (other than iterator properties). however, sometimes working on a container instead of an iterator range is more convenient; the above pseudo code only shows that the implementation effort can be made minimal with the container version essentially only being a wrapper around the iterator version.

actually, [http://www.amazon.com/Generic-Programming-STL-Extending-Standard/dp/0201309564] provides a much more in-depth discussion.

JesseTG commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I know about all of that. Algorithm X won't modify the input, while Algorithm Y will go through the input in multiple passes, etc. and I need to ensure that any iterators I use won't break those rules.

I'm asking about what iterator contracts best describe actual GLM use cases.

regnirpsj commented 8 years ago

probably only these:

so the convex_hull i/f may look like this:

template <typename ForwardIt, typename OutputIt>
OutputIt convex_hull(ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last, OutputIt destination);

where [first, last) is the input range, destination the start of the output range and the return value indicates the past-of-end element in the output range after convex_hull has finished.

also, i retract asking for a container i/f; that can be added later.

JesseTG commented 8 years ago

I'm still gonna add a container interface anyway. But yes, this too.

plasmacel commented 8 years ago

There is a bunch of way to do convex hulls. Each of them are different in the aspect of construction, dimensionality, performance and precision. If you pick a convex hull method and distribute it with glm, then pick the most advantageous for general usage. However if someone needs to use a convex hull algorithm then that person probably also needs some other geometric functionality. CGAL and similar libraries are complete overkill, a good glm-like computational geometry library would be great, but it's a much higher level of functionality beyond the scope of glm and worths a separate project. So I don't think it's a good direction.

JesseTG commented 8 years ago

You know, on further consideration, I think it might just be a better idea to add a compatibility layer with Boost's math libraries (with a bit of template magic you can use any vector type, including GLM's) as an extension. I'll write up a PR for that at some point soon.