g0nzo83 / EVE-X-Preview

EVE-X-Preview is a tool for EVE Online. It helps with Multiboxing, shows thumbnails, manage EVE clients and setup Hotkeys
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Auto populate client names in hotkey settings #3

Open tylort69 opened 6 months ago

tylort69 commented 6 months ago

it would be nice if the client list auto populated with the names of any client that has ever been opened while that profile was active. Also there is a slight typo, "Charactername" I think should be "Character Name" image

g0nzo83 commented 6 months ago

the typo will be corrected with the next release.

I think automatically adding all character names to the list will quickly make the list confusing depending on how many characters you have. Some would also like the list to be displayed in the order in which you entered the names. Adding the names automatically would add all the names in disorder and you would have to sort them yourself if you wanted to. Also, the names that you don't really want to have in this profile would then be displayed.

tylort69 commented 6 months ago

Could have a check box "populate with currently open clients" and for sorting I think maybe another check box for alphabetical is fine

g0nzo83 commented 6 months ago

I am not sure. I think its more a quality of life change for some users and disturbing for others. I think it's not too much work to enter the names that you really want to have in the profile in order you like. If you want, you can also enter all available names and transfer them to new profiles. So you would only have to enter the names once if you really want to. I am not yet so convinced by this proposal

tylort69 commented 6 months ago

for 2 -5 clients its not a big deal to enter them manually but I have 25 accounts and 3 characters per account is 75 characters, that is way too many and way too tedious for manual entry. I think having it as an "opt in" feature makes the most sense so that it is there for the users that want it and doesn't affect the users that don't. I'll reiterate my thoughts so its clear what I'm asking.

I would like a check box or a button that says "Add currently open clients to active profile". once activated it would (IF openClients[i] is not in activeProfile.clients; activeProfile.clients.add(openClients[i]))

g0nzo83 commented 6 months ago

I will do more research on how exactly I will implement this