TypeError: n.forEach is not a function
at filterTypesList/< (/2020/nuxt/pages/agenda/_date.ec4e491.js:1:32522)
at filterTypesList (/2020/nuxt/pages/agenda/_date.ec4e491.js:1:32453)
at _n.prototype.get (/2020/nuxt/vendors/commons.18bd787.js:2:27197)
at _n.prototype.evaluate (/2020/nuxt/vendors/commons.18bd787.js:2:28347)
at En/< (/2020/nuxt/vendors/commons.18bd787.js:2:30286)
(10 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
TypeError: n.forEach is not a function.
when I try to load my recording that is the error I get. This is the first time installing the software. Any suggestions?
Sentry Issue: MAIN-SITE-2P