g0v / taipei

Things to know about Taipei for our overseas friends!
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Accommodation in Taipei #3

Open serapath opened 7 years ago

serapath commented 7 years ago

Hey, very useful information, thx for sharing.

@ninabreznik and me are from Berlin and connected to the Open Knowledge Foundation and just arrived 2 days ago for attending g0v meetups and hackathons.

We are very inspired by g0v and some talks given by audrey tang and also follow the dat-data.com team for quite some time, which is where i first recognized @clkao. We would love to learn more about g0v zero and contribute. We plan to stay at least 6 weeks, maybe more and are currently looking for very affordable accommodation.

If someone could point us into the right direction about where to stay - ideally around people that share the mindset, maybe some couchsurfing profiles or similar, that would be very appreciated :-)

serapath commented 7 years ago

We live on a very minimal budget in general and hope to be able to find a place to stay for less than 400 EUR per months - which is what we pay in germany for 50 m². After asking and searching for a bit, we had the most success asking here:

Using a translation plugin for the chrome browser

And we explore some other options, like having like minded people that help us and we try to return the favor by helping out where we can

So if this is a meaningful addition to the readme, i can create a pull request too

ninabreznik commented 7 years ago

I would also add www.digiquarters.com where we are currently staying :)

clkao commented 7 years ago

Thanks! As the document was originally intended for short visits, but I can see this being super useful. It might be worthwhile to put into a separate "Extended Stay" file though, as this should now also include general instructions like dumping trash and going to clinics/hospitals.

In general, I think we should avoid putting specific rental offering, and limit to listing services. otherwise this will soon be filled with rental ads.

ninabreznik commented 7 years ago

True. Didn't even think of that, but makes total sense. Hope to see you on Thursday on g0v zero meetup 👍